Page 19 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
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SwimRVA to host national Select Recycling
swimming championship
2020 U.S. Masters Swimming Summer National Waste Services!
Championship to be in Chesterfield
sports development manager for
SwimRVA will host the 2020 Richmond Region Tourism. “The fact
U.S. Masters Swimming Summer that we were chosen as the host
National Championship after destination speaks volumes about
successfully winning a bid for the SwimRVA, our hotel partners, and
competition. other amenities and attractions
An estimated 1,200 of the nation’s throughout the region. We look
best adult swimmers will compete forward to welcoming the swimmers
and their families in 2020, and
in the August 2020 event, which will enjoying the benefits of the economic
be held in SwimRVA’s Chesterfield impact they’ll make while here.”
County facility. This is the first time
a U.S. Masters Swimming national Any money SwimRVA earns as a
competition will be held in Virginia. result of the competition will be used
to further the nonprofit’s mission for
As part of the bid, SwimRVA the region.
installed new starting blocks, and
it will add an above-ground warm- “Everything we do as a nonprofit,
up pool during the competition. A our beating heart, is to drown-proof
20-foot screen will also be installed Richmond,” Kennedy said. “Every
outside the facility for spectators to dollar will be turned around to our
watch the competition. work teaching kids to swim.”
“I hope this event will inspire, Learn more about SwimRVA at
energize and excite people in Learn more about
the region to get involved with U.S. Masters Swimming at
swimming,” said Adam Kennedy, Learn more about Richmond Region
executive director of SwimRVA. “The Tourism at
Richmond region and Chesterfield
have become a nice spot to bring
events of this caliber.”
Dawson Hughes, U.S. Masters
Swimming’s CEO said the organization
is “excited” to hold the tournament
in the Richmond area. “We have
a highly active Masters Swimming
membership in the mid-Atlantic
region and we’re confident that We are proud to announce that
USMS members from all over the
country will enjoy visiting the area and we now offer weekly residential
swimming at the Chesterfield County trash service in your area!
facility,” he said.
County administrator Joe Casey PLEASE GIVE US A CALL TO GET SET UP!
also expressed his sentiments, “We
are thrilled that
this gem of a
swim facility
shines even
brighter. We
welcome the
many swimmers
and their
“We are honored
to host this
prestigious event
for the first time 804-299-5000
in the Richmond
Region,” said Danielle Vincenti, senior AUGUST 9, 2017 11