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Ads can be placed by
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PERSONAL ITEMS - $5/week, $3 per additional week
PERSONAL ITEMS - $5/week, $3 per additional week SERVICE ADS - As little as $22/week or in person M-F, 10-5.
SERVICE ADS - As little as $22/week
COMMERCIAL ADS - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line LEGAL NOTICES - $17/column inch DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
COMMERCIAL ADS - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
Car door speaker. Brand new Help Wanted for cleaning Sudoku
in box. Lites u to the beat of positions, plus. Exp. Difficulty:
the music. Asking $100 OBO. Necessary. Valid Driver’s
721-7937 or 479-2341. Lic. and own transportation Chesterfield County Public Schools 2 8 1 6 9
to office in Chester. FT/PT, Inovative.Engaging.Relevant. Row 6 7 2
Mon.-Fri. Benefits available. 7 9
BUILDING MATERIALS Maid Services with AR, Inc. Three- 6
Call: 804-748-8471. by-three 2 4 2 1
Now Hiring
For sale. 15 bundles of Now Hiring square 9 3 7 5 Column
Carriage house shingles. HOUSEHOLD 9 8 2
Color – Sherwood Forest Food & Nutrition Services - Manager in Training 8
Green. Will cover 300 sq. 7 pc white dining room set. Very $17,746+ Annually (determined by experience) 2 4
ft. roof. Org. cost $46 per pretty. Pd. $1,000, sell $399. 4 6 5 9 7 1
bundle. Will sell for half price pc LR set, sofa, loveseat, chair, Full-Time positions with Benefits How to do Sudoku
$345. Call Frank or Gabe at ottoman. Just like new. $1,500. Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
339-4608. 804-479-5906. Kitchen Equipment Repair Technician Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
Pub Date:04/28/06 Slug:28USUDOKU16.eps
$33,905+ Annually (determined by experience) appear just once in every column, row, and
three-by-three square. See example above. For
CEMETERY PLOTS FITNESS Full-Time position with Benefits strategies, go to
Two (2) cemetery plots, Total Gym XLS. All Food Service Associates Sudoku The Christian Science Monitor
By Ben Arnoldy
Garden 2 Lot 437 3 & 4. attachments. $400. Difficulty:
Sunset Memorial Park. Contracted Pay Rate $10.00-$15.40 (determined by experience)
$5,790 Value. Both for $4,790. Call 804-381-7029. *Substitute Pay Rate $9.00 2 8 1 6 9
803-447-6650. LOST AND FOUND Row 6 7 6 2
7 9
LOST - Yellow Tweety bird & JOIN OUR TEAM! Three- 4 2 1
Bermuda Memorial Park. 2 whistle on key chain w/retail square 9 2 3 5 Column
plots, $2,500 for both. Seller keys. $30 reward. Call 691- Apply via the CCPS website at Complete job 9 8 7
pays transfer fee. Call 804- 3423. description and application procedures are available on the website. 8 2 4
720-7513. 6 5 9 7 1 Sudoku solution
FOUND - Masonic ring EOE/M/F/D
found in the parking lot in How to do Sudoku
Sunset Memorial Park burial front of the Enon library Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
plot. Prime location. $2,500. on Tuesday, July 25th. Call appear just once in every column, row, and
609-744-2216. three-by-three square. See example above. For
Judy at 943-1924 and give SHEDS LEGALS ARIES (March 21-April 19). As a rule, at hand.
strategies, go to
2 burial plots w/vaults installed description for returning. By Ben Arnoldy you're a quick study, but this week sees LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Is your life
Pub Date:04/28/06 Slug:28USUDOKU18.eps
The Christian Science Monitor
at Sunset Memorial Park. VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT you at a plateau. Getting to the other side about self-discovery or self-creation? This
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
Sec. 3A, Garden Devotion, LOST - 8-2-17 Silver key in 2 Garden Tradition sheds. One COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF will require special attention. Learning to week it's about both. You'll use what you
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
Lot 141 spaces 3 & 4. Contact handicapped space in front of instant man cave, 10 x 16; CHESTERFIELD learn is in order. The way you practice will learn about yourself as a foundation to
Bridgett at Sunset, 804-748- Chester Post Office. If found sheetrock and carpet. One 8 be more important than how long you build the next version of you. That version
2166, for details. Cost today call 804-748-3708. x 12. Both white vinal. $3,500. YOUNG CHAI KIM, spend at it. Get a teacher who will give you of you will in turn be even better equipped
over $11,000, will sell both for 586-2773 before 9 p.m. f/k/a Ying Cai Jin highly structured training and immediate to discover the deeper levels of who you
$5,500. Call 352-509-4920 or MOVING SALE Plaintiff feedback. inherently are.
v. Civil Action No. CL17-1538
804-725-6270 (cell).
SHIPPING JE HOON CHOI, TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The journey SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Usually,
Moving Sale. 9 pc Dining/ Unknown address without is always reflected by the journey people who do more consume less. The
4 adjoining Sunset Memorial China/Buffet set. Very 18 Shipping boxes, 1.5, w/ within, eventually. There's usually a time joy and effort of doing is so fulfilling that
Park lots. B-59 1, 2, 6, 7. expensive. $3,700, will sell for popcorn pkg. & shipping ORDER OF PUBLICATION lapse involved. Why is it worth mention- it diminishes the need for a lot of other
$7,800 757-766-8812 $2,600. 804-677-1253. paper included. $40. 248- The object of this suit is to obtain a ing now? The things you're thinking are "stuff." The money you put into training of
Pub Date:03/17/06 Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps
9681. divorce from the bond of matrimony going to take some kind of physical form any kind will be well worth it this week, but
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved. do research the instructor and operation
in the future. This is certain. Make adjust-
from the Defendant on the basis of a
Burial plots, Sunset Memorial MUSICAL Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
separation for more than over one year
ments accordingly. It's the kindest thing
before you plunk down your money. What
Park, 2 lots in beautiful older TOOLS pursuant to Section 20-91(A)(9) of the you can do for future-you. do the critics say?
section next to brick sidewalk. Yamaha EMX 620 powered Virginia Code. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The fight, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). If it
It appearing by affidavit previously
$2,500 each. Seller pays 6 channel mixer, 2 hot cabs Honda 3200 PSI power filed with this honorable court that flight or freeze response in the primitive works, it works. Accept it. Sure, you will
transfer fee. 894-0698. part of the human brain can be triggered be tempted to break down the process and
speakers w/stands. All patch washer E.C. $275. 586-2773 the Defendant is not a resident
cables, 2 pro mcs. $450 . before 9 p.m. of this Commonwealth and the by the most minor things at times. When analyze it in depth to figure out why it's so
4 plots plus 2 open and 2 586-2773 before 9 p.m. Defendant’s last known residence was that happens this week, just know it's effective. Leave that for some day when
close. Sunset Memorial Park, in Shiazhuang, Jilin Province, China, normal. When you don't know what to you have more time. This week, you're
Section A9. Buy the fence, Craftsman Riding LT 1000 the Defendant’s present whereabouts do, wait it out. Breathe to relax and let wise just to run happily along with what's
1,2,9, & 10. $8,000 for all plus RECREATION Lawn Tractor. 42” cut with are unknown, and diligence has been the message travel to other parts of your working for as long as it does.
$295 transfer fee. All 804- bagging attachment. New used by or on behalf of the Plaintiff to brain. No panicking! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). For you,
210-0977. Minn Kota Maxxam 24 Volt battery – aprox. 10 yrs old. ascertain I what county/city, province
70 lbs. Thrust, E.C., Foot $350. Call Frank or Gabe at and country the Defendant is without CANCER (June 22-July 22). You know passion has both good and bad conno-
effect, it is ORDERED that the
Control. $400 plus freight if 339-4608. what you need to fix. You don't need to tations, as you can recall someone who
Sunset Memorial Park, 2 not local. 5 Aluminum spoked Defendant JE HOON CHOI appear learn from the best. You just need to learn matters to you becoming frighteningly out
plots in Section 2, near the 15” G.C. $250 OBO, plus before this Court on or before Sept. 8 from someone who is better than you by of control. It's part of why you strive to be
at 8:30 a.m. and protect his interests
road and brick walkway, both freight if not local. 804-748- YARD SALE herein. a few points. Incremental improvement slow to anger and infatuation-resistant.
for $3,900. Contact Larry 3114 or 804-839-6986. counts, and one small improvement this When you give, you give all. Shouldn't
Crow, 804-674-1265. Yard Sale: Saturday, Aug. AN EXTRACT TESTE: week will be life changing. Likely your you make sure the other person is worthy
12 from 8-12. Multi-family. Wendy S. Hughes, Clerk
12603 Easy St, Chester, VA teacher is someone you'll only meet with of it first?
Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset Washington Redskins Nosuk Pak Kim, VSB #30675 three times. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Benjamin
Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will Cornhole boards. Brand New. Yard Sale/Fall Festival. COWARDIN, KIM & RIDDLE, PLC LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You don't view the Franklin said, "An investment in knowl-
sell for $5,000. 804-514-9190. $150. 804-840-6178. Vendors needed. Oct. 14. 601 Thimble Shoals Boulevard, Suite world like you used to. The joys and trials edge pays the best interest." This is the
best week to invest in your skills and
along the way gave you new eyeballs, and
Spaces available, $15 & 210 it will happen again over the course of this education. Also, any information you
Newport News, VA 23606
CLEANING SERVICES RELIGION $25. Hopewell UMC. 6200 Phone: (757 873-1188 week. However you're seeing things now, buy (short of international secrets or Wall
Courthouse Rd. 804-276-
Miss Vonnie Cleaning 9298. Fax: (757) 873 8480 know that it's not how you're going to see Street insider trade information) is likely to
Service. Christian lady cleans I believe in the book of Counsel for Plaintiff them at the end of the week. Give yourself pay off handsomely in the long run.
houses, carpets, offices, also Mormon but I am not a a plan that leaves room for a change of PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You've been
windows. 23 yrs. Exp. Ref Mormon. Call Paul R. (804) WANTED mind. looking for your niche -- the lucrative one
available. 920-8699. 276-4709. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). True, you have that will pay you for the unique expression
In need of one or two dozens if not hundreds of stellar connec- of your talent. Don't worry. You'll find it.
pinochle players. Long tions already, but try to add a few more to You're very close. You just need to ask
established Chester game. your contact list this week anyway. Ask for more questions to find out what they need
Call 240-7842. introductions to interesting and powerful and want. At the intersection of their crav-
players. You have yet to meet all of the ing and your gifts, there is a goldmine.
people who will be important to the task COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM 826
AUGUST 9, 2017 15