Page 3 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
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        BOOK                                                                                                    Kelly to serve as

        Continued from page 1                                                                                   interim police chief
        by seeing a scriptural event from a new and
        different point of view.”                                                                                   Col. Thierry G. Dupuis announced
            Damon holds a doctorate in                                                                          that following his retirement on Sept. 1,
        marriage and family counseling and is                                                                   2017, Lt. Col. Daniel W.
                                                                                                                Kelly will serve as interim
        also the author of four additional works:                                                               chief of police.
        “Relationship Skills,” “A Measure of                                                                        Kelly’s appointment
        Success,” “A Voice Beyond Weeping” (her                                                                 will be effective Sept. 1,
        memoir),  and “Theirs is the Kingdom” (a                                                                2017, and will continue
        fictionalized account of the early church                                                               until the Chesterfield
        in Rome).                                                                                               County Board of             LT. COL.
            Damon has scheduled over 24    NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WAS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR DIGNITARIES AND THE CIT-  Supervisors appoints a   DANIEL W.  KELLY
        book signings from Oklahoma City to   IZENS OF ETTRICK TO CUT THE RIBBON ON NEWLY RENOVATED BASKETBALL AND   new chief of police.
        Petersburg, Alexandria, and Lynchburg.    CUT THE RIBBORN.
        She will have her first local book signing                                                              Friends of the library
        on September 10  at 4 p.m. with Chester   New court surfaces for
        Baptist Church during their all-church                                                                      The Friends of Chester Library will
        Bank Road at picnic shelter No. 1. Anyone  Ettrick Park                                                 have a meeting on Thursday, August
        picnic in Colonial Heights at 400  White
        who shows up will get fed and invited to   BY DANIELLE OZBAT                                            17, at 7 p.m. in the small meeting
                                                                                                                room at the library to elect a new
        Chester Baptist Church.                                               Parks and Recreation, who addressed   leader for the Friends branch.  Current
            She is happy to book speaking      A ribbon cutting ceremony was   the lively crowd at the dedication, also
        engagements in churches or women’s   held at Ettrick Park last Tuesday to   talked about the project.   members and any person interested
                                                                                                                in joining the Friends are welcome to
        groups.  She does not accept honorarium   unveil their newly renovated basketball   “This project’s been going on   attend.  Only a paid Friends member
        for these engagements, but she would   and tennis courts. The unveiling was   since spring with the refinishing of the   will be allowed to vote.
        appreciate the privilege of selling and   held in conjunction with 34th annual   court,” Innis said. “and they put new   For more information call Jan
        signing books.  For information check her   National Night Out celebration,   fencing, a new court down, new nets,   Rusbasan, 712-0970, or Mike Uzel,
        website: or call   an event that brings police and   new color coating, and of course it’s   720-0937, or
        Chester Baptist Church at 748-2939.  residents together in support of crime   also the same thing for the basketball
                                           prevention.                        courts.”
                                               Stuart Connock Jr., Director of
        Jaeckle cuts ribbon at             Planning and Construction Services    Innis said he was excited about the   How are your tax
        new Lidl grocery                   Division, said construction on the   refurbished courts and said he thinks   dollars allocated?

                                           basketball and tennis courts began less   the residents will be able to make use
            European-based grocery chain Lidl                                 of them for many years to come.
        opened two locations in Chesterfield July   than three months before.    Connock also expressed             County residents can now see
        27, one at 11701 Iron Bridge Road and   “We started in May with the   excitement about the new tennis   how their individual tax dollars are
        another at 311 Mall Drive. The grand   renovation and essentially we took   and basketball courts and his role in   working in the community using a
        openings were two of four the company   everything down, took the tennis   restoring them.              new taxpayer receipt tool.
        held in the region Thursday.       courts down to dirt and the basketball   “That’s one of the big paydays   Residents can simply answer
            Chesterfield Board of Supervisors   courts down to dirt, and rebuilt                                two questions, and the Chesterfield
        Chairman and Bermuda District Supervisor   everything in its place,” Connock said.  of working in Parks and Recreation,”   taxpayer receipt will provide a
        Dorothy Jaeckle cut the ribbon for the new   Phil Innis, Assistant Director of   Connock said. “to be able to create   breakdown of how their taxes were
        grocery store at Iron Bridge Road.                                    things like this, to see the interest of   used to support programs and
                                                                              the community, and just be able to
                                                                              come out from year to year and see   operations in several categories:
                                                                              people using it and say ‘Hey, I had a   government operations, public safety,
                                                                              part in that, I created that.’ It’s pretty   health and welfare, community
                                                                              nice.”                            development, parks, recreation and
                                                                                                                cultural, schools and facilities, and
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