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       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             going to your respective locker rooms…  one of those two-hour photo-ops…or  a
       The Dogpound                                                          both teams can meet at the 50 yard line   one-day event where at the end of the day
                                                                             and spell out [in formation] whatever you
                                                                                                                 when the cameras turn off,  you return to
       speaks out                                                            are protesting…better yet…wait till the   your large house and king-size bed with a
                                                                             end of the game and hold a meet-and-greet
                                                                                                                 100” TV hanging on the wall.  Nope…you
                                                                             with the fans where you can ask them to   are going to be there a while…how about
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson                                                sign your petition against whatever you are   a week or two? You can stay at the local
                                                                             protesting at the time.  Despite these being   Motel 6 or better yet, take a sofa with one of
               ello and welcome back to   habits.  I cannot wait for robot drivers! Now
               the aggravated world of the   on to my main aggravation; spoiler alert:   good ideas, I have a better solution on how   the families that you are helping.  As I said,
       HDogpound.  We all have our        I am a red-white-and blue, God-fearing   you should address your concerns.  Now, I   you are all going to go as a team, which
       days, and this is just a primer to the rest of   American veteran who is not afraid to say   know some players do good work in their   means you leave behind your Hummer,
       this article.  I am turning into the Wal-Mart   Merry Christmas. When I hear the national   community, but in this scenario everyone   your BMW, or your GMC Sierra. You are
       parking lot and there pulling out is a young   anthem, it still makes my heart beat a bit   on the team goes. I mean everyone from   going to take a bus to your destination,
       teen driver…probably barely old enough   faster, and when those planes fly overhead,   the owner, down to coaches, trainers, and   and we are not talking about a $200,000
       to drive…she has her window down and   I admit to getting a bit emotional.  Maybe I   the fourth-string quarterback, go together   air conditioned coach…no way…. we are
       she is holding her iPhone halfway out   am just an old …fuddy-duddy; well, I will   as a team to a community that needs   talking about taking a standard school bus.
       the window…why?  Maybe so she could   take the old part…but definitely not the   help, guidance, and financial assistance.    Now, all of this will allow you to better fit in
       see it better? I don’t know, but she has to   fuddy-duddy part, and I will not apologize   However, since we are in the Dogpound,   with the community that you want to help.
       make a left hand turn.  Have you ever tried   for being an American and for standing   there are a few caveats.   First, take off   Real actions speak louder than words or
       to make a turn to the left just using your   up for my…our …flag.    Now speaking...  your $10,000 watches and all of your gold   gestures…and remember, many individuals,
       right hand?  Not easy!  So I park my car,   just for me…I am personally offended   bling, put your $1,000 tennis shoes in the   through their real actions, made it possible
       still aggravated by the past incident, when   by those that kneel when they raise Old   truck of your car, leave your $5,000 suits   for us to play football on Sunday, among
       coming down the parking lane is a very    Glory.  I am sure some players have the   in the closet, and ditch your football jersey.    many other things.  Also…one last thing…
       senior white-haired lady driver. Her window  best of intentions, however, if they really   Instead, head down to the local Wal-Mart   make sure you bring your checkbooks...
       is down, and she has her left arm hanging   believe they are not disrespecting the flag,   where you can pick up a few plaid work   money still makes the wheels go round.
       half out the window holding a big gulp   then they should hold their protest during   shirts, a couple of blue jeans [yes…off   A bit wordy today, but we if do not stand for
       drink, and she too has to make a left-hand   a different part of the game.  For example,   the rack!], a good pair of work boots, and   something, then we will fall for anything.
       turn.  Ever heard of cup holders?  I know   have your protest during the pre-game   gloves.  [Note..we will allow you to keep   God bless America and everyone in the
       it is only in a parking lot…but those bad   exercises…you can all lie on the ground   your special silk underwear from France...  Dogpound.   JR
       habits easily translate into regular driving   for five minutes; or at halftime…instead of   we are not completely unreasonable!  ]
                                                                             Pack a small suitcase and kiss the family   Find the answers to the
                                                                             goodbye because this is not going to be   crossword puzzle on page 15

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