Page 9 - 10-06-2017 Full Page magazine views
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       Living Safe                                                           heating appliances malfunction under   type of guard around a space heater,
       Before the cold                                                       the greatest time of demand and when   then you need to guard your children
                                                                                                                 closely. Nine times out of ten, a child
                                                                             needed most. Do yourself a favor and get
                                                                             it checked out.
                                                                                                                 will be hurt due to a lack of parental
       By Pete Hypes                                                                One other thing to watch out for   or guardian supervision. It only takes
                                                                             with portable space heaters is when   a moment for a tragic event to occur.
             house fire in central Virginia had   overcome and has been seriously injured   you have small children. Children can   Do everything possible to prevent an
             a contributing cause of a space   or killed by the exposure. As I have told   be burned badly by touching a hot   avoidable accident from occurring in
       A heater. There were other things   you before, our body has a 200 times   space heater. If you cannot put some   your home.
       mentioned in this living room fire that led   greater affinity for CO than oxygen.
       to the occupants being transported due   CO exposure occurs in two ways: an                                         Phone: 804/748-3978
       to burns. There are many types of space   acute dose or a cumulative dose, over a                                     Fax: 804/748-6007
       heaters, some powered by electricity,   long period of time. Fuel burning stoves
       some fueled by propane or natural gas,   require good ventilation. If your CO             Robbins Landscaping, Inc.
       others fueled by kerosene. All come with   detector activates, cut the appliance off,
       their inherent dangers, therefore it is   open the windows, turn on ceiling fans,                  Designing, Building and
       important to understand proper operation   evacuate your home, and call 9-1-1.               Maintaining Your Outdoor Dreams!
       and required maintenance of your        They make combination detectors
       respective heater.                 that detect smoke and CO. In fact, CO                               
                                                                                got storm damage?
                                                                                got storm damage?
            Any time a space heater will be used,   detectors can be tied to a smoke alarm
       it must be kept at least three feet from all   system that is wired in series. The   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       combustibles. A combustible is anything   important thing is to monitor for CO and   REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
       that will burn given the right amount of   smoke. I do not need to tell you how
       heat. Space heaters should not be left   important it is to have a proper number of   We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
                                                                                             CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
       on when there is no one in the room,   properly operating smoke alarms in your   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                       ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       especially when there is no one home.   home. There are plenty of heat sources in   Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
            A malfunctioning space heater must be   your home without additional ones that   • Locally owned & operated
       repaired or replaced. The fact that another   mandate the presence of smoke alarms.
       heat source has been introduced into your   If you add a heat source, then you need   • Highest quality materials
       home is one thing. The last thing that you   to make sure that you add the appropriate   • Exterior remodeling services
       want to see is a fire caused by a frayed   number of detectors.          • Fast, reliable service
       cord or a malfunctioning switch.        Now is the time to check your heating   • Fully licensed & insured
            Another thing to be mindful of   appliances, whether primary or secondary                                 804-520-9791
       are the issues associated with fuel-  appliances. My primary heating system                                     Free Estimates • No Obligation
       burning heaters. Carbon monoxide is a   went out last year at Thanksgiving. It                                Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
                                                                                                                        Locally Owned & Operated
       byproduct of incomplete combustion.   was a surprise expense that came before                      
       Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless   Christmas. I got my money’s worth   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
       and odorless gas. It is detected by a   out of the unit, but it was still a pretty
       CO monitor or after a family has been   inopportune time to go out. In most cases,
                                                                                               Chesterfield Electoral Board

        RECENTLY DECEASED                                                                    Office of the General Registrar
                                                                                            Office Location - 9848 Lori Road (Court Square)  804-748-1471  804-751-0822 (fax)
                                                                                     Mailing Address - PO Box 1690  Chesterfield, VA  23832   
       BECK, Mr. Jack F., 84, of Chesterfield, a U.S. Army veteran, husband of Katholeen      OFFICIAL NOTICE
       CALLAHAN, Mrs. Barbara Ann, 91, of Chesterfield, widow of Edward John Callahan.  General and Special Elections will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 for:
       FRY, Mrs. Dorothy Rock, 83, of Chesterfield, widow of Kenneth Fry.      1) Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General;
       GODWIN, Mr. James Hunter Jr., 74, of South Chesterfield, widower of Sue Godwin.  2) Member, House of Delegates, 27 , 62 , 63 , 65 , 66 , 68 , 69 , and 70 th
       HALL, Mr. Robert Wayne, 62, of Chester.                                   Districts;
       HARVEY, Mr. Christopher A. Jr., 30, of Chesterfield.                    3) Commissioner of Revenue; and
       HUMMEL, Mrs. Sylvia M. Fobia, 90, of Chester, widow of Harold Hummel.   4) Treasurer.
       JACKSON, Miss Phyllis Andrea, 56, of North Chesterfield.
       PASCHALL, Mrs. Janet A. Quantrall, 84, of Chester, widow of Roger Paschall.           The polls will be open from 6AM to 7PM.
       RADER, Mr. James E., of Chesterfield, husband of Janet Rader.
       ROWLAND, Mrs. Betty Cox, 87, of Chesterfield, widow of Harold E. Rowland Sr.  The Registrar’s Office is located at 9848 Lori Road, 23832 (in Court Square) and is open
       SHELTON, Mrs. Mary Margaret Smith, 75, of North Chesterfield,  widow of Maynard   8:30AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday for voter registration and absentee voting.
       Gerald Shelton.                                                         Voter Registration - Final day to register to vote is Monday, October 16, 2017.
       SUTTON, Mr. Edwin V. “Ed,” of Colonial Heights, husband of Patricia Sutton.
       TAYLOR, Mrs. Carolyn Tiffany, of Chesterfield, widow of James Durrette Carneal III.  Absentee Voting – In-person absentee voting will be available at the Registrar’s Office
                                                                               from September 22, 2017, through November 4, 2017.   All mailed absentee ballots must
       TENNILLE, Mrs. Ruth Fowler, 73, of North Chesterfield, wife of Thomas Tennille.  be received in the Registrar’s Office before 7PM on Election Day, November 7, 2017.
       WILMOTH, Mrs. Odell Barden, 96, of North Chesterfield, widow of Thomas Henry
       Wilmoth.                                                                Extended Absentee Voting Hours – Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning October 3,
                                                                               2017 from 8:30AM to 7PM.
       WOOD, Mr. Robert A. Jr., 61, of Chester, widower of Delores Poole Wood.  •  Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - Final day to submit a request for an absentee ballot by
       WHITE, Mrs. Eleanor, 64, of Chesterfield, wife of Carl White.              mail.
                                                                               •  Saturday, October 28, 2017, and Saturday November 4, 2017 - the Registrar’s Office
                                                                                  will be open 9AM to 5PM for in-person absentee voting.
                                                                               •  November 4 is the FINAL day to vote absentee in-person.
                                                                               The Electoral Board will meet in the Office of the General Registrar on Wednesday,
                                                                               November 8, 2017, at 9:30AM for the canvass of the election.
                                                                               To verify your voter registration, to confirm your polling place or for ballot information go to
                                                                     ,,  or call 748-1471.                                                                                            OCTOBER 04,  2017  09
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