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       Matoaca Woman's Club celebrates

       50 years of service

          The Matoaca Woman’s Club kickoff   – in recognition
       their year in which they celebrated the   of their continued
       club’s 50th anniversary with a potluck   participation in the
       dinner before their first business meeting   organization.
       of 2017-2018 opened. Peggy Perkinson,   Norris, education
       president, presided over the opening Sept.   chairman, delivered
       19 at New Hope Baptist Church, with   school supplies that
       members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance   the members had
       and Wilma Norris giving a devotional   donated for Matoaca
       titled “Jesus Calling.”  This was followed   Elementary School.
       by prayer. Hostesses for the evening were   Grace Jones said
       Norris, Verta Blake, and Jane Murphy.  the members will be
          Perkinson announced that it was only   selling pecans this
       fitting to begin this year’s activities by   year to raise money
       honoring two of the club's charter members,   for the scholarship
       Ruth Marable and Pat Beville.  She gave a   funds.  Club members                                HOSTESSES
       brief summary of all the positions they held,   will also hold a bake sale October 21 at the    JANE
       projects they had done, and contributions   Vaughan Produce Center in Matoaca from              MURPHY.
       that these stout-hearted ladies had made to   9a.m. to 1 p.m.                                   WILMA
       the organization and community, promoting   The door prize for the evening was                  NORRIS, AND
       the club throughout the past and for the   a beautiful pair of mums with decorative             ERTA BLAKE.
       years to come.  She then proceeded to   plant stands donated by Murphy, and a                                                               PHOTOS COURTESY OF MATOACA WOMAN'S CLUB
       present gifts to each of these outstanding   prize won by Kathy Vaughan.  A group                      TWO OF THE
       members for all their achievements –   picture of all attending club members                       CLUB'S CHARTER
       which included a coffee cup and tote bag   was taken, and Perkinson closed the                       MEMBERS, PAT
       with the club’s logo, “the Indian Maiden”   meeting with prayer.                                  BEVILLE AND RUTH

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