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What does that mean for our Comprehensive Plan what was called
local roads? Harrowgate and Route such in 1989, and the road was shown
10 are already extremely congested there as well.
in the evenings, and they want to Project costs should run between
potentially add thousands more to it?” $50 and $75 million. “Staff anticipates
Pentecost said. “If all of these people acquiring right-of-way for the East-
are going to actually move to the area, West Freeway as early as Spring 2018,”
where are the plans for the additional Smith said.
homes and schools? Our schools are According to Smith, since the
overcrowded as it is. I really don’t Banners Station case in 2006, there
think Chester can handle the amount has been a cloud hanging over some
of people [or] cars that would be a property owners along the major road
result of such a massive complex.” alignments.
All three BARD members plan “We need to give them the benefit
on continuing their fight against the of being proactive and making good on
Matoaca Mega Site through social their homes,” Smith said.
media and getting as many citizens
involved in order to get the word out
about the proposed plan. CCPL HOSTING
“The best way to fight it is to DISCUSSION ON
get the word out, and we are defi- COMMUNITY
nitely doing a good job at that. With ACTIVISM
Facebook, it is amazing how this type
of message can spread like wildfire. CHESTERFIELD — The Chesterfield
Every day more and more people are County Public Library will host Making
being made aware of what’s going on Change Happen, a program that will
right in their back yard,” Pentecost explore community activism with local
said. “The county has already pushed grassroots organizations, on Monday,
the original Planning Commission Oct. 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Meadowdale
meeting to hear the rezoning case Library, 4301 Meadowdale Blvd, North
back from October 17 due to the pub- Chesterfield, 23234.
lic outcry, so we are doing something The program will include group
right.” discussions centered around clips from the
Though the BARD members have documentary “Alice’s Ordinary People,”
many fears about the Mega Site – loss the story of Alice Tregay, a Chicago-based
of property, traffic issues, a decrease community activist.
in property value – Ranson said what For more information and to register,
she fears the most is it being another visit or call (804)
“I guess my biggest fear is that TALKING WITH CONCERNED CITIZENS
they are going to do all of this work A Completely Different Experience in Dining
and no one’s going to come, be-
cause the Richmond Times-Dispatch the Mega Site leased, they’re going LUNCH HOURS
featured six of these sites around the to have opened all that land to more Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
state, and so I did some research, development, and so we’re gonna get DINNER HOURS
and of the six that they listed in their hurt regardless because of the [East- Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
article, four of them are unoccupied,” West Freeway] being kind of a Trojan Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
Ranson said. “Even if they never get horse to extensive development.”
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