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       Church, club replace leaky roof for

       food bank

          The Chesterfield Food Bank and its   Hill expressed her appreciation to the
       five different food programs fed 1,800   volunteers. “I know you know how much
       people last week. While their focus was on   we appreciate this,” she said.  “Being up
                                          on that roof you saw we had a really big
                                          problem. Thank you, and know we love
                                          you, for this new roof and your continued
                                          support of the food bank.”
                                              Grace Lutheran volunteers the fourth
                                          Friday of each month with the food bank’s
                                          food distribution program.  The church
                                          volunteered for the roof project financially
                                          and physically as a service project.  Many
                                          members of the church are also members of
       WHILE PETE BURKE SUPPORTS BOARD.   the Chester Rotary, and they asked the club
                                          to partner with the church on the project.
       feeding people, two of their partners, Grace   A total of 25 church members and 10
       Lutheran Church and the Chester Rotary   Rotarians were involved in organizing the
       Club, took the weekend to shore up their
       physical facilities by replacing the roof of
       their food supply building.                                           project, replacing the decking and shingles   kindness of the Rotary…it’s been a series of
          “Replacing the roof was so needed,”                                and providing breakfast and lunch for the   connections; before you know it you have
       said Kim Hill, food bank director. “We                                crew.                               an army. It's a real blessing the way it all
       knew we had a big problem, and it would                                   “It was an opportunity that presented   comes together.”
       not make it through another winter without                            itself,” said Pete Adler, church member and   Eight years ago, Travis and Karie
       repair. We were at a point where we were                              team leader for the project. “There is no   founded the food bank when they decided
       bringing buckets in to catch water during a                           shortage of opportunities in this world and   to give back a portion of their business
       rain storm.”                                                          that is why we are here. Some [volunteers]
          During the lunch break Saturday,   FAYE BUREN AND FORREST SLOAN    are on the roof, some passing out food, the    Read more on page 7
                                          PAUSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS.

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        6                                                                       offering Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Adult Day   S Lucy Corr is an
                                                                                 Lucy Corr is a Not-for-Profit Retirement Community
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                                                                                                                                   application on our lication on our
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                                                                                            Adult Day Center Program CoordinatorAdult Day Center Program Coordinator
                                                                                          seniors for more than 40 years.           Employer.
                                                                                                      Lucy Corr is an equal opportunity employer.       Formatted: Font: 9 ptpt
                                                                                                      Lucy Corr is an equal opportunity employer.
       06   OCTOBER 04, 2017                                                                                  
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