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                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed by
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                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week        SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week           or in person M-F, 10-5.
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
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                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9/column inch   DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
                   JOB OPPORTUNITES                                      LEGALS                                    SUDOKO PUZZLE
                                                      V I R G I N I A:       ELIZABETH SIZEMORE,
                                                          IN THE CIRCUIT COURT   EVELYN THOMPSON, DOROTHY                                       Difficulty:
                                                      FOR THE COUNTY OF      BOOTHE, LOUISE BARNES,
                                                      CHESTERFIELD           CLARA SEMONCO and MARY                                                         2 8 1 6      9
                                                                             JANE JONES, all of which unknown                                    Row       6     7        2
                                                      ORA LOU SIZEMORE,      persons are made parties defendant                                            7  9       6
                      NOW HIRING                      Plaintiff              herein by the general description of                               Three-     4  2          1
                   Food Service Associates                                   PARTIES UNKNOWN.                                                   by-three   2                5  Column
                                                                                 THEREFORE, it is ordered
               Contracted Pay Rate $10.00 - $15.40       v.        Civil Action No. CL17-2197  that the defendants KEVIN L.                     square   9          3   7
                  (determined by experience)          ROY F. SIZEMORE, ET AL.  SIZEMORE, PATTY BARNES,                                                     9       8   2
                  *Substitute Pay Rate $9.00          Defendants.            ROBERT SIZEMORE, KENNY                                                      8        2     4
                                                                             SIZEMORE, CHUCK SIZEMORE,                                                   6     5 9 7 1
                      JOIN OUR TEAM!                    ORDER OF PUBLICATION  NANCY MAULE, CATHERINE                                                SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
              • Training is provided, no experience necessary.  8-17-17      SOX, THOMAS THOMPSON,                                              How to do Sudoku
                                                                                                                                                         Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                                         The object of this proceeding
              • Work from September to mid-June with summers off.  is to probate a certain written   RALPH THOMPSON, JR., FRED                  Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                                                        © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                                                                             BARNES, DENNIS SEMONCO,
                                                                                                                                                 Pub Date:02/02/07  Slug:02USUDOKU16.eps
              • All student holidays off to spend with your family!  instrument (the Will) described in   DAVID SEMONCO, ANDY                   appear just once in every column, row, and
              • Permanent part-time positions available.  the Motion for Inter Partes Probate   SEMONCO, BRIDGETTE                              three-by-three square. See example above. For
              • Advancement opportunities available with benefits.  filed herein as the last will and   SEMONCO BUTLER, GREGORY                 strategies, go to
                                                      testament of Clarence Dan Sizemore   JONES,  and JAMES THOMAS   Sudoku                                           The Christian Science Monitor
                                                                                                           By Ben Arnoldy
         Apply via the CCPS website at http://mychesterfield-  (the Decedent), who died on May   JONES, and any other persons   Difficulty: Complete job description and application   4, 2017, a resident of the County of   having and interest in the probate
             procedures are available on the website.  Chesterfield, Virginia, whose address   of the Will or an interest in the   Row     2 8 1 6      9
                         EOE/M/F/D                    was 5617 North Chesterwood Drive,   Decedent’s estate, including     6     7        2
                                                      Chesterfield Virginia 23234.  any and all unknown HEIRS     7  9       6
                                                         An Affidavit has been made   AT LAW OF CLARENCE   Three-    4  2          1
       Communications Assistant   Nursery Position Vacancy –  and filed that defendants KEVIN L.   DAN SIZEMORE, including   square  2                5  Column

       - part time, website/social   Chester United Methodist   SIZEMORE and PATTY BARNES   specifically any unknown issue of   9   9          3 8   7
       media/office position to assist   Church seeks an Assistant   are nonresident individuals, that   the Decedent’s deceased siblings   8        2     4
                                                                             ELLIS BAILEY SIZEMORE,
       JDA Board. Call 909-0261  Nursery Worker (Sundays,   diligence has been used without   DONALD SIZEMORE,   6     5 9 7 1          Sudoku solution
                                                      effect to locate defendants ROBERT
                              8:00 AM – 12:30 PM) and   SIZEMORE, KENNY SIZEMORE,   WILLIAM E. SIZEMORE,   How to do Sudoku
                              additional special occasions.   CHUCK SIZEMORE, NANCY   CHARLES SIZEMORE, MAY     WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
       Help needed/yard work/  Duties include assisting with   MAULE, CATHERINE SOX,   ELIZABETH SIZEMORE,   Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                     appear just once in every column, row, and
       small repairs. One afternoon   caring for children in a group   THOMAS THOMPSON, RALPH   EVELYN THOMPSON, DOROTHY   ARIES (March 21-April 19). Sometimes ve. For
                                                                                                                            LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If you make
                                                                                                     three-by-three square. See example abo
       per week. Chester area. $15   setting during Sunday school   THOMPSON, JR., FRED BARNES,   BOOTHE, LOUISE BARNES,   the emotion you feel is not your own.   yourself too available, people won’t
                                                                                                     strategies, go to
       p/hr. Non-smoker. Call 425-  and church services and   DENNIS SEMONCO, DAVID  By Ben Arnoldy CLARA SEMONCO and MARY   When that emotion is happiness,   respect your time. If you don’t make
                                                                                                                               Pub Date:02/02/07  Slug:02USUDOKU18.eps
                                                                                                                       The Christian Science Monitor
       5147.                  assisting families with secure   SEMONCO, ANDY SEMONCO,   JANE JONES, which persons are   you don’t mind it so much. But if you   yourself  available  enough,  people  will
                                                                                                                            assume you’re too busy, and they won’t
                                                                                                     inadvertently take on another person’s
                                                                                                                  © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                              check-in procedures. Must   BRIDGETTE SEMONCO BUTLER,   generally described as PARTIES   sadness, it can be confusing and seem   call. This week you’ll experiment to find
                                                      GREGORY JONES,  and JAMES
                                                                             UNKNOWN, do appear herein on or
                                                                                                            Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                              be dependable, trustworthy,   THOMAS JONES, and that there   before October 11, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.    quite unfair. Realizing that you have this   just the right balance of social time
                                                                                                                                    SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
          CEMETERY PLOTS      and exhibit Christian loyalty   are or may be persons whose names   and show cause why the will should   ability is the first step to strengthening   and alone time. Your playful mood will
                                                                                                                            make it  fun to try out different styles
                                                                                                     your emotional immune system.
                              and dedication. Salary based   are unknown with an interest   not be admitted to probate.     and tactics.
       Sunset Memorial Park, 5   on experience. Applicant   in the probate of the Will or an   AN EXTRACT TESTE:  TAURUS (April 20-May 20). When your   SCORPIO  (Oct.  24-Nov. 21).  For  you,
                                                                                                     attention is being pulled in several
                                                      interest in the Decedent’s estate,
       plots, all together, 2w/vaults.   must be 18 years of age or   including any and all unknown   Wendy S. Hughes, Clerk  directions, it is nearly impossible to   it is a given that energy is real and
       $15,000. 803-289-7214.  older and pass a background   HEIRS AT LAW OF CLARENCE                come up with an immediate and brilliant   perceivable through the senses. But
                              screening and drug tests.   DAN SIZEMORE, including   Graham C. Daniels, Esq.  idea that will keep everyone happy.   because this way of interpreting the
       Two (2) cemetery plots,   This is a part-time position   specifically any unknown issue of   DANIELS, WILLIAMS, TUCK &   That’s why the work you do to get ready   world is not for everyone, there will
                                                                                                     for the week’s events will be crucial to
                                                                                                                            be many instances when it is better to
       Garden 2 Lot 437 3 & 4.   with no benefits.  Send   the Decedent’s  deceased siblings   RITTER  Pub Date:03/17/06  Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps   act on your feelings without mention
                                                                                                     your enjoyment of them. Keep a running
                                                                             11901 Iron Bridge Road
       Sunset  Memorial  Park.  resume to cumcsecretary@  ELLIS BAILEY SIZEMORE,    © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.   of how you came to your decision. You
                                                                                                     list of alternatives to plan A.
                                                      DONALD SIZEMORE,
                                                                             Post Office Box 3570
                                                                                                                            don’t owe the world an explanation.
       $5,790 Value. Both for $4,790.  WILLIAM E. SIZEMORE,   Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                                                             Chester, Virginia 23831-8481
                                                                                                     GEMINI  (May  21-June  21).  Resist
       803-447-6650.                                  CHARLES SIZEMORE, MAY   804/748-9803      SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll
                                                                                                     the need to come up with reasons for
                                   COMPANION                                                         everything that has happened. The   decide how much personal energy to
       Sunset Memorial Park burial                                                                   exercise is futile because some of   invest in a situation. Caring more isn’t
       plot. Prime location. $2,500.                                                                 the causes  are  very  distant  from  you,   always better. It benefits you to make a
       609-744-2216.          Live-in companion wanted to              YARD SALE                     others are spiritual in nature and still   conscious decision about this instead
                                                                                                                            of letting circumstances rope you into
                                                                                                     others are so mysterious that they are
                              perform light housekeeping                                             unknowable. Accept each moment as a   committing too much to something
       Sunset Memorial Park, 2   duties, chores, etc. Older   Yard Sale. 206 N. Main St.   Community Yard Sale –   new starting place from which to move   you’re ultimately not that interested in.
       plots in Section 2, near the   person preferred. Chester   Hopewell. Sept 15 & 16. 9-5   Saturday, 09/23/17  (8 am – 1   forward, not backward.
       road and brick walkway, both   area. Call for interview. 804-  Fri., 7-3 Sat.  pm) in the Arbor Landing and   CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you   CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). What
                                                                                                                            you thought you were seeing with
       for $3,900.  Contact Larry   695-4543.                                Bel Arbor neighborhoods off   believe it’s your job to make others feel   your own eyes was actually being
       Crow, 804-674-1265.                            Yard Sale/Fall Festival.   Ironbridge Parkway (behind   better, people around you will sense   framed by someone  else. The framing
                                  MOVING SALE         Vendors needed. Oct. 14.   Brewster’s).  Clothing, toys,   this belief, and suddenly it actually will   can change everything, including your
       Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset                 Spaces available, $15 &   household and gardening   become your job. That’s why it’s better   understanding of the truth. As soon as
                                                                                                                            you take that frame away and observe
                                                                                                     for you to believe something different.
       Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will   Living room sofa/love seat/  $25. Hopewell UMC. 6200   items, Christmas items,   Try this one on: “I’m a guide for those   anew, you will  understand  what you
       sell for $5,000.  804-514-9190.  chair/ottoman for sale.  In   Courthouse Rd. 804-276-  collectibles, memorabilia and   who are ready and willing to do the work   need to do next to be happy.
                              excellent condition for $1500  9298.           much more!              it takes to help themselves.”   AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The
                              Formal dining set with large                                           LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Remember when   week’s efforts may feel small and
       2 side-by-side burial plots at   table/7 chairs/china $2500.                                  you were in love with someone and still   repetitive, but that doesn’t mean they
       Sunset Memorial Park in the   Call 8046771253          PETS                                   unsure of whether the other person felt   are futile. As Mother Teresa said, “We
       Garden of the Word section.                                                  EVENTS           the same way? The agonizing suspense!   ourselves feel that what we are doing is
       $3,500 for both. Call 804-721-  RECREATION                                                    This  week  brings  a  far  more  bearable   just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean
       5862. Lv. Mg.                                                         Mid Cities-Civic Association   kind  of  anticipation.  The  stakes  are   would be less because of that missing
                              2007 Breckenridge  Park                        is hosting the 1  Annual   lower than true love, but there’s still   drop.” A sweet acknowledgment on
                                                                                                                            Friday will energize you.
                                                                                                     something good hanging in the balance.
                              model trailer. 44’ long w/38’                  Bellwood Community Bazaar
       Sunset Memorial Park. 4   X 12’ insulated screen room.                                        You’ll win either this time or the next.   PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Humans,
       plots, $1,500 each. 2 open,   Front & rear decks, fire pit,           and Yard Sale on October   VIRGO  (Aug.  23-Sept.  22).  It’s   as a rule, are delighted to encounter
       2 closing $1,000 each. All                                            14 , 2017 8am to 2pm –   sometimes hard to separate who people   the familiar. While it is only natural to
       together or separate. Upfront   grill, outside furniture, shed.       Whether you are crafty,   really are from the story you have   want to establish a point of reference,
                              All furnishings convey plus
       by gate. Nice location. 804-                                          vendor of direct sales or just   created of them. This week brings a rare   if you mistakenly label a situation
                                                                                                                            “familiar” when it’s not, you will miss
                                                                                                     opportunity to explore relationships at
       210-0977.              golf cart & 18’fishing boat,                   need to fall clean clutter- WE
                              motor, trailer. Lot rent paid to               HAVE A SPACE FOR YOU!   deeper levels. Your gift from the cosmos   an opportunity for change, growth and
                              331 Dec. 17. 34K 804-706-  Adopt us. Katie, 6-year-old   Reasonable rates $10/$20   is clear vision pertaining to people that   adventure. So make few assumptions
                                                                                                     is unimpeded by assumptions and
                                                                                                                            and stay keenly observant.
                              1173 or 804-304-0982.   black, female, Karin terrier   spaces. For more information   prejudices.
                                                      female and Bernie, a 12-year-  call 804/275-1416 or email
                                                      old, white,male, mixed. Call
                                                      for details. 804-433-7878.                                                               928
                                                                                                                            SEPTEMBER 13,  2017  15
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