Page 11 - 09-20-2017 Full Page magazine views
P. 11
A throw of the dice
Speculation is running rampant Many of those I have spoken texted me to say: While the Governor, trucks down West Hundred Road?
through this end of Chesterfield. It’s with are on the fence. Much like an Kirk Cox and Mrs. Jaeckle are I’m told the East-West Connector
not an exaggeration. The Village election, they can’t decide if they patting themselves on the back, some will be built before the industrial
News Facebook page could be that want things to remain the same or of us are going to lose our houses facilities go in. If you are one of the
case in point. I was surprised to see move to the future. and others will be living next to a up-to-5,000 workers there and you
our posting of the Matoaca Megasite Speculation is defined as highway and a train. That’s nothing live in west of Chester are you going
story garnered 26,096 people. engaging in transactions involving to smile about, she said. But we don’t to drive home by going east on the
I think people are interested in considerable risk but offering matter, it was all decided before the new highway?
what this will bring to Chester (not the chance of large gains. Does news came out. The fix is in, so what we have
Matoaca). If you’re not talking about this describe the residents of the So here’s the rub. The deal’s to do now is decide what we as a
it now, you soon will be. community or of the county? done, at least all indicators lead to community want. A park, a better
Many locals are firmly against the Sometimes you wonder what those that. Maybe it won’t be so bad. If road, a new school (Harrowgate,) a
facility that will be located on 1,675 in government have in mind when you listen to Chesterfield Economic community center or other amenities
acres along Branders Bridge Road. It’s they make big deals that affect so Development, it’s the best thing since you might think of. You can’t stop
with good reason. They are concerned many for the good or bad. How did sliced bread. But we the citizens of a moving train. You can try but if
with traffic, and the building of the Amazon work out? Starting wages at Chesterfield need to know who is you don’t like what’s going on you
East-West Connector that would be $12 an hour and out of control traffic making the dough? should lay down in front of it. But if
built along the bottom of the property that could cost tax payers 100s of What companies will locate on you see that train moving faster than
at Beach Branch Creek east toward thousands of dollars before it’s over. the property? What guarantees do we you can keep up with demand a new
Harrowgate Elementary School. As I am writing this, one resident have that they won’t be driving big station.
Letters to
the Editor Back to managers in promoting healthy, plant-
based foods in our local schools.
School Entering “vegan options in
Concerned for Food schools” in a search engine provides
lots of useful resources.
Constituents Dear Editor:
Curlock Vinet Help And Hope For Those In Need
To the Editor: With the new school year upon Chester
I am a Pharmacist/Owner of RX3 us, parents turn their attention to
Compounding Pharmacy in Chester. school clothes, school supplies, and
Every politician seems to have their school food. Yes, school food!
own agenda. In our current political More than 31 million children Letters
climate it seems like voters are not being rely on school meals for their daily EDITOR’S NOTE:
heard. However, some representatives, nutrition, which too often consists The opinions of the Editor’s Inbox do not
like Delegate Kirk Cox, actually take of highly processed food laden with reflect the opinions of the Village News. Please Thomas Dale High School
Class of 1972
45 Reunion
the time to meet with their constituents saturated fat. Not surprisingly, one- limit letter length to under 350 words. (The editor October 21, 2017
to help solve problems and address our third of our children have become reserves the right to allow longer letters or edit 6:30 - 11:30pm
concerns with state government. overweight or obese. Their early letter length.) A name and address is required to Colonial Heights Moose Lodge
170 Moose Avenue
This spring I worked with Kirk dietary flaws become lifelong be considered for publication; however, Village RSVP by September 21, 2017 - $50 per person
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Cox’s office to solve a problem I was addictions, raising their risk of News will not publish or distribute a letter writer’s Catered by
having with my telephone provider. The diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. address. Let us know your opinions on current Dance to the Music by DJ Terry
ALLMAN’S BBQ - J.C. King, Jr.
phone lines in my pharmacy were out. To compound the problem, the events; send your letter to info@villagepublishing. Open Bar, Beverages Provided, Casual Dress
Obtain Registration Form by:
Many seniors rely on my business to get Trump administration has loosened com. Kathy Dosier Canada (804) 241-2811
their medication. Kirk and his staff spent Obama’s 2010 school lunch rules Thank you. Thomas Dale HS - Class of 1972 - 45th Reunion
time outside of normal business hours calling for whole grains, fat-free
making calls to get the issue resolved. I milk, and reduced salt content. The
appreciated the time he took to address rules had an 86% approval rating.
my issue. It’s this attention to constituent Fortunately, many U.S. school
needs that separates Kirk Cox from districts now offer vegetarian options.
everyone else. More than 120 schools, including Serving Chester for 23 years!
Kirk Cox is a rare representative the entire school districts of
who devotes an incredible amount of Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Detroit,
time personally helping constituents. We Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Chester Muff er & Brake Shop
need him to continue representing us in Oakland, Philadelphia, and San Diego 4215 W. Hundred Road, Chester
the House of Delegates. have implemented Meatless Monday.
As parents, we need to involve Full Automotive Service
Sonny Currin our own children and school cafeteria Open: Monday - Friday 8a - 5:30p SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 11