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COMMUNITY                                                                                           Make someone’s day

                                                                                                                                  EXTRA fruitful
         Obituary                         Time Travelers:
                                          a free weekend
                                          of Chesterfield

                                          History                              11310 Ironbridge Road
                                              Magnolia Grange, The Chesterfield                                       Delivery or Pick-Up
                                          County Museum and the 1892 Historic     Chester, VA 23831
                                          Jail will be participating with over       804-796-7539                                 CALL TO ORDER
                                          twenty of the Richmond region's most   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!           804-748-7025
                                          renowned historic sites that will be    Weekly Specials & Full Menu.        12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
                                          offering a “passport” to "time- travel"   Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!  Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
                                                                                                                        11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
                                          during a special admission-free weekend              Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
                                          Sept. 23 24. Tourists and locals alike
                                                                                got storm damage?
             PAULA (FERRO) DUBAY          are invited to discover the history of   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
        Paula  (Ferro)  Dubay, 90, widow of   Chesterfield County.  Each site will   got storm damage?
        Eugene R. “Gene” Dubay, died  on   offer complimentary admission to            REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
        Monday, September 4, 2017, at     visitors who show a Time Travelers        We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
                                                                                             CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
        Chippenham  Medical  Center  in   Passport, available via download from   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                       ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
        Richmond.   Paula was  born March All        Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
        21, 1927 in  Bristol,  Conn. and was   participating sites are offering a prize
        a  daughter  of the  late  Dominick and   opportunity for Passport holders during   • Locally owned & operated
        Mary (Nestico) Ferro.  She resided in   the Time Travelers Weekend. The prizes   • Highest quality materials
        Bristol  prior  to  moving  to  Cortlandt,   will feature items from each of the   • Exterior remodeling services
        N.Y. where she lived for 30 years   participating sites’ gift shops; visitors   • Fast, reliable service
        until  moving to Chester  in  1989.    may register to win at all sites. A list of   • Fully licensed & insured
        She was a member of St. Augustine   all participating sites can be found on the
        Catholic  Church  in  Richmond.   Passport.                                                                   804-520-9791
                                                                                                                       Free Estimates • No Obligation
        While in Bristol, she worked for      Magnolia Grange, built in 1822 by                                      Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
                                                                                                                        Locally Owned & Operated
        the  former  Family  Service  Agency   William Winfree, is a handsome Federal-                   
        and was a parishioner of St. Joseph   style plantation house named for the
        Church.   Paula is survived by a son:   circle of magnolia trees that once graced   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
        Paul R. DuBay and his wife Corinne,   its front lawn. Noted for its distinctive
        of Chester; a daughter: Denise M.   architecture, the mansion contains
        DuBay of Terryville, Conn.; daughter-  elaborate ceiling medallions, as well
        in-law:  Carol DuBay of Chesterfield;   as sophisticated carvings on mantels,      SAVE THE DATE!
        nine  grandchildren:  Michelle,  Gene,   doorways, and window frames. The
        Chase, and Shane DuBay and Brittany,   house has been carefully restored to its            Sept 23-24
        Richard,  Kevin, Jesse, and Jason   1820s look and feel.
        Lowell;  several  great-grandchildren,   The Chesterfield Museum is a   Publick Days & Godspeed
        great-great-grandchildren; nieces, and   reproduction of the colonial courthouse
        nephews.   In addition to her parents   of 1749. Its collections tell the history   from Jamestown Settlement
        and husband, she was predeceased   of Chesterfield County from pre-historic
        by  a  son, L.  Gene  DuBay,  and  her   times through the 20th century. Exhibits
        nine siblings.    A Mass of Christian   include early Indian culture, artifacts          10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
        Burial will be celebrated on Saturday,   from the first iron and coal mines in
        September  9, 2017, at  10 a.m.  at   America, which were in Chesterfield
        St. Joseph Church, Bristol, Conn,.    County, early household and farming        Our annual celebration of the 1611 founding
        Entombment  will follow in the Holy   tools, and a country store of the late 19th           of the Citie of Henricus.
        Family Mausoleum at St. Joseph    century.                             Living history re-enactments, military drills and musket firings,
        Cemetery, Bristol, CT.  Relatives and   The Old Jail, built in 1892,         craftsmen and blacksmiths, 17th-century medicinal
        friends may call Funk Funeral Home,   includes a changing exhibit downstairs,   demonstrations, Virginia Indian activities, historical children’s
        35  Bellevue  Ave.,  Bristol,  Conn.  on   “Mobilizing for War,” on display through   games and crafts, storytelling and more.
        Friday  between  5  and  8  p.m..  In   November 2018. It is a centennial   The 400th anniversary of the death of Pocahontas and
        lieu  of  flowers,  memorial  donations   exhibit focusing on the history of the
        may  be  made  to  St. Jude Children’s   establishment of Camp Lee to train and   Rev. Alexander Whitaker will be commemorated.
        Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place,   equip troops for WWI. Upstairs, visitors   Tour 17th-century ship replica, Godspeed from
        Memphis, TN, 38105.  .  Please visit   may view cells as they were when they                Jamestown Settlement.
        Paula’s memorial  web-site  at  www.  housed their last prisoners in 1962.                  Magnolia Grange, the County          Cost: Free admission; parking is $5/vehicle
                                          Museum and Historic Jail will be open
                                          10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday and
         SEND US YOUR NEWS!               12 to 4 p.m. on Sunday.  Magnolia
                                          Grange is located at 10020 Iron Bridge                  HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK
         HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN IN     Road; the County Museum and Jail are                     251 Henricus Park Road • Chester
            CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING         located nearby at 6813 Mimms Loop in                     (804) 748-1611 •
         ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION        Chesterfield. For more information, call
        6     PHOTO? SUBMIT IT TO         Magnolia Grange at (804) 748-1498,
        NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM        or the County Museum and Historic
                                          Jail at (804) 768-7311 or visit www.
       06   SEPTEMBER 13, 2017                                                                                
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