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                                                                             CCPL to host                        Applications

             VN         Baseball fans visit                                                                      being taken for
          TRAVELS                                                            community                           Christmas parade
             THE        Cooperstown, N.Y.                                    dialogue
           WORLD                                                                                                    The Chester Kiwanis Club is
                                                                             about unrest                        making preparations for the 2017
                                                                                                                 Chester Kiwanis Christmas Parade.
                                                                                 The Chesterfield County Public   This year’s parade theme is “Parade of
                                                                              Library is launching a series of   the Christmas Toys.”
                                                                              community engagement programs         The parade will take place Sunday,
                                                                              called Points of View. The first   Dec. 10 at 2 p.m.  It will begin at the
                                                                              program, on the topic of unrest, will   Chester YMCA and end at Harrowgate
                                                                              take place on Thursday, Sept. 21, 6:30   Road.  Entrants that wish to compete
                                                                              p.m. to 8 p.m., Meadowdale Library,   for trophies should express their
                                                                              4301 Meadowdale Blvd.              group’s idea of the theme.  Deadline
                                                                                  WRIC-TV anchor Juan Conde will   for entries is Dec. 1.  Entry fee for
                                                                              participate in the September program   participants is $40 if postmarked by
                                                                              by helping to facilitate some of the   Nov. 1.  Entries postmarked after Nov.
                                                                              discussion.                        1 require a $50 application fee.
                                                                                 Points of View is designed to give   Applications and parade
                                                                              the community a forum to explore   information can be found at www.
                                                                              current issues, listen critically and or by contacting
                                                                              express concerns. The library will also   the Chester Kiwanis Parade Chairman,
                                                                              provide resources and opportunities   Pam Dvorak at (804) 318-1564 or at
                                                                              for participants interested in learning
                                                                              more about the topics discussed.      Kiwanis is a global organization
                                                                              Meadowdale’s second program in the   of volunteers dedicated to changing
                                                                              series, scheduled for Thursday, Nov.   the world one child and one
          Jackson Drewry, Walter and Elinor Daniels, and Kaylee Field in      16, will focus on education. For more   community at a time.
          Cooperstown, N.Y., with the Village News.                           information visit library.chesterfield.
                                                                              gov or call (804) 318-8778.


          Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar                                       Kitty’s Nails

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           ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN                      Basic,Deluxe and Beauty

          Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
        oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
               King’s Korner

         7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333
                           Catering: 271-0033   |
               Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                  5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95

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