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        Continued from page 1              the book to each one of his teachers and   strategic work group that produced our   National Title I Distinguished School
        Building                           a copy to 38 elementary schools.  Chesterfield County Social Emotional   Educator, and Teacher of the Year. He

                                              Cole and illustrator Scott Nista   Learning Standards. We made decisons   has presented workshops related to
        In the book, Tough talked about    have been friends since the first grade.   after listening to CCPS stakeholders   cultural competency and to equity in
        character traits and Social-emotional   “He is an amazing artist. When I   and it definitely makes a big difference   education as it relates to how Social-
        skills being in his view the aspect of   asked him if he’d work with me on   in implementation because there is   emotional Learning is a vehicle for
        children’s lives educators should focus   this project, he was all for it,” he said.   support from the very beginning.”  educators to use in building empathy
        on more to help students reach their   “We spent a lot of time developing   Cole said they can see the changes   and understanding for meeting the
        academic and life goals. He decided to   the characters to represent a diverse   in their students overall empathy   diverse needs of our students and
        turn the seven character traits he spoke   array of gender, race, and cultural   towards others to include learning,   families. For more information on his
        of in the book – self-control, gratitude,   backgrounds to represent the diversity   listening, and caring for others. “I   organization, A New Angle, visit www.
        curiosity, social intelligence, optimism,   that exists in our schools.”   often hear from parents who share “The Character Club:
        zest, and grit – into actual superpowers   Superintendent James Lane and   the same perspective with us in terms   It’s Time to Power Up!” can be found on
        that superhero kids would embody.   the school board have been very   of the changes they’ve seen in their
            “The idea was to just teach these   supportive of the efforts at Ecoff   children,” he said. “New students to   Cole, 40, and his wife, Heather,
        skills to students at Ecoff in creative   to institutionalize Social-emotional   Ecoff quickly acclimate to the school   have a six-month-old son, Silas. “It’s
        ways to help them identify with these   Learning and of Cole’s book. “The   culture as a result of the veteran   been busy and blessed year! Becoming
                                                     expansion of social     students showing the new ones the   a dad has provided me a whole new
                                                     emotional learning to   Ecoff way.”                        perspective on education and life,” he
                                                     six more schools this       Cole received his undergraduate   said.
                                                     year is a testament to   degree in elementary education from
                                                     their commitment to     Central Michigan University, his
                                                     the process of allowing   Master of Education in Administration/
                                                     schools to be innovative   Supervision (PreK-12), from Wayne
                                                     and original in their   State University, and his Ph.D. in
                                                     process of making their   Educational Leadership atVirginia
                                                     learning environments   Commonwealth University. “I wrote
                                                     reflective of the strengths   my dissertation on Richmond Public
                                                     of their communities,”   Schools: Post-Court Mandated School
                                                     said Cole. Curtis and   Desegregation. I’ve always had an
                                                     Marguerite Christian    interest in issues of social justice and
                                                     elementary schools are   how history has shaped our current
                                                     part of the six schools for   culture. My education has led me
                                                     the pilot project.      to where I am and has inspired me
                                                         Bermuda school      to create opportunities for students
                                                     board representative    succeed in new and innovative ways,”
        STUDENTS CAN LEAVE QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED   Carrie Coyner is very   he said.                          COLE DEDICATED HIS BOOK TO ALL OF
        BY “QUERY.”  COLE HAS GATHERED AS MANY AS    much in support of Social-  Cole has been honored as a Milken   THE SUPERHERO  TEACHERS, STAFF,
        40 QUESTIONS AT A GIVEN TIME.                emotional Learning in the   Family Foundation National Educator,   PARENTS, AND STUDENTS AT
                                                     schools.                a National School Change Educator, a   ECOFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
        traits [and] become self-motivated.   “The school division chose pilot
        It quickly took on a life of its own   schools based on principals who
        with students asking questions about   wanted to implement [a] Social-
        the back stories of these fictional   emotional Learning curriculum, so        A Completely Different Experience in Dining
        superheroes. So I decided to write a   there is no hard sell when folks are
        story connecting them all together   asking to be next,” she said. “ It’s                                        LUNCH HOURS
        as a team to help empower other    also much easier to implement new                                       Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
        students with the same inner character   strategies when it is homegrown,                                       DINNER HOURS
        strengths,” he said. It took him a year   and our elementary school teachers,                                  Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
        and a half to write and publish “The   counselors, psychologists, principals,                                  Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
        Character Club.” He has given a copy of   and other stakeholders were part of the
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