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            POLICE BLOTTER

         Summary               ALFAREE RD (97xx block) 09/02/2017   items stolen from business.        PYPERS POINTE DR (157xx block)
                                                                  ISLE PINES DR (152xx block)
                               5:30 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.
                                                                                                       09/03/2017 4:00 p.m. - Weapons
       of reported             BASS ST (207xx block) 08/26/2017   08/31/2017 7:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous   Violations-Illegal Discharge
                               10:00 a.m. – Electronics and
                                                                  items stolen from residence.
                                                                                                       RAVENSHBOURNE DR (206xx block)
                                                                                                       09/03/2017 8:45 p.m. -
                                                                  JARRETT CR (202xx block) 09/04/2017
                               miscellaneous items stolen from
            offenses           vehicle.                           9:30 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.  RETRIEVER RD (55xx block)
                               08/29/2017 8:00 a.m. – Consumable
                                                                  08/28/2017 5:00 p.m. – Burglary of
       AUGUST 30 to SEPTEMBER 5  BENSLEY COMMONS LN (71xx block)   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (105xx block)   08/31/2017 2:30 a.m. – Consumable
                                                                                                       goods, money, and miscellaneous
                     larceny   goods stolen from building.        business. Nothing reported stolen.   items stolen from vehicle.
                                                                  JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (168xx block)
                               BENT WOOD LN (93xx block)
                                                                                                       SANTELL DR (144xx block) 08/29/2017
                     34        08/30/2017 12:01 a.m. – Side window   09/04/2017 12:45 a.m. - Injury-   1:43 p.m. - Weapons Violations-
                               break-in. Electronics taken from
                                                                  LADUE RD (95xx block) 08/30/2017
                                                                                                       STARPINE LN (140xx block)
                               residence.                         Accidental - Heroin Overdose         Brandishing a Weapon
                   assaults    BRANCHS WOODS LN (86xx block)      8:00 p.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin   09/01/2017 6:30 p.m. – Vandalism to
                     37        08/30/2017 11:00 a.m. – Firearms   Overdose                             a residence.
                               stolen from vehicle.
                               BRITTONWOOD DR (100xx block)       LAWNWOOD DR (39xx block)             TALLEYWOOD LN (30xx block)
                                                                                                       09/01/2017 9:00 p.m. – Vandalism to
                                                                  09/04/2017 4:15 p.m. – Vandalism to
                      traffic  08/25/2017 5:00 p.m. – Money stolen   a vehicle.                        a mailbox.
                     24        from residence.                    LIGHT ST (34xx block) 09/02/2017     TIMSBERRY CR (151xx block)
                               CAPTAIN DR (128xx block) 08/30/2017
                               8:00 a.m. – Firearms stolen from   1:45 a.m. - Weapons Violations-      08/31/2017 3:00 a.m. – Vandalism to
                                                                                                       a vehicle.
                                                                  Shooting in Occupied Bldg/Vehic
              animal cases     residence.                         LITTLE RD (195xx block) 08/22/2017   TIPTON ST (29xx block) 09/02/2017
                               CATTAIL RD (96xx block) 08/29/2017   8:00 a.m. - Vehicle parts stolen from   1:59 a.m. - Weapons Violations-
                     18  12:00 p.m. – Home break-in. Nothing      residence.                           Carrying Concealed
                               reported stolen.                   LUCIA DR (162xx block) 08/29/2017    TOLBERT TR (19xx block) 09/04/2017
             miscellaneous     CHAPLIN BAY DR (15xx block)        9:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous items      2:00 a.m. – Clothing, money, and
                  15           09/02/2017 8:00 a.m. – Electronics   stolen from residence.             miscellaneous items stolen from
                               stolen from residence.
                                                                  MARINA DR (24xx block) 08/27/2017
                               CHESTERFIELD AVE (212xx block)     6:00 p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.  VERDICT CT (62xx block) 09/03/2017
                vandalisms     08/21/2017 9:00 a.m. – Miscellaneous   MASON AVE (123xx block) 08/29/2017   12:00 p.m. – Vandalism around a
                               items stolen from vehicle.         3:00 a.m. - Weapons Violations-      residence.
                     13  CLIFFSIDE DR (11xx block) 09/04/2017     Throwing Missiles                    W HUNDRED RD (24xx block)
                               3:00 p.m. - Trespassing (Including   MATOACA RD (62xx block) 08/22/2017   09/04/2017 12:00 a.m. –
                       drug  Prowler)-Residential                 12:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous property   Miscellaneous items stolen from
                   offenses    COURTHOUSE RD (95xx block)         stolen from residence.               vehicle.
                     10        06/01/2017 12:01 a.m. – Money stolen   MEADOWDALE BLVD (36xx block)     WALMSLEY BLVD (30xx block)
                               from drug court program.
                                                                  09/03/2017 1:00 p.m. – Vehicle parts
                                                                                                       09/03/2017 11:25 p.m. – Rear window
                               CRICKLEWOOD DR (60xx block)        stolen from residence.               break-in. Nothing reported stolen.
       death investigations    08/29/2017 10:20 p.m. – Robbery    MEADOWDALE BLVD (36xx block)         WHETSTONE RD (52xx block)
                     10        with a firearm at a residence. Money   09/03/2017 5:40 p.m. – Vandalism to   09/02/2017 9:00 p.m. – Vehicle parts
                               taken from victim.
                                                                                                       stolen from residence.
                                                                  a vehicle.
                               CROSSGATE RD (46xx block)          MEADWOOD CR (60xx block)             WINDINGRUN LN (85xx block)
                       fraud   08/21/2017 12:00 p.m. – Money and   08/30/2017 5:00 p.m. – Electronics   08/30/2017 3:00 p.m. – Money and
                                                                                                       miscellaneous items stolen from
                               miscellaneous items stolen from
                        9      residence.                         MISTWOOD FOREST CT (145xx block)     vehicle.
                                                                  reported stolen.
                                                                  08/01/2017 9:00 p.m. – Vandalism to
                               DALESHIRE DR (60xx block)
                                                                                                       WINTERBOURNE DR (46xx block)
                    burglary   09/01/2017 10:00 p.m. -  Jewelry   a vehicle.                           09/01/2017 4:00 p.m. – Vandalism to
                               and miscellaneous items stolen from
                                                                  OAK BLUFF TL (122xx block)
                                                                                                       a residence.
                        9      vehicle.                           08/31/2017 4:00 p.m. – Rear window   WINTERBOURNE DR (46xx block)
                               DAWNSHIRE RD (95xx block)
                               09/02/2017 9:40 p.m. - Trespassing   break-in. Jewelry and electronics   09/02/2017 8:05 p.m. – Vandalism to
                                                                  reported taken from residence.
                                                                                                       a residence.
         weapon violations     (Including Prowler)-Commercial     OLIVERS WY (121xx block) 09/01/2017   WRAYWOOD AVE (43xx block)
                        5      DERMOTTE LN (53xx block)           12:15 p.m. – Robbery with a firearm   08/29/2017 9:00 p.m. – Home break-
                               09/02/2017 12:01 a.m. – Money and
                               jewelry stolen from vehicle.       at a bank. Money taken from victims.  in. Miscellaneous items taken from
                                                                  PARKDALE RD (31xx block) 08/01/2017
                trespassing    DUPUY RD (31xx block) 08/28/2017   12:00 p.m. – Clothing, electronics,
                               12:00 p.m. – Rear window break-in.   and miscellaneous items stolen from
                        2  Electronics taken from residence.      vehicle.
                               ENON CHURCH RD (2xx block)         PEBBLESPRING DR (64xx block)
                    robbery    08/30/2017 6:19 p.m. – Money       08/28/2017 10:00 a.m. – Side door
                               and consumable goods stolen from   break-in. Nothing reported taken.
                        2  asssociation.                          PLUM ST (53xx block) 08/29/2017
                               IRON BRIDGE RD (112xx block)       2:20 a.m. - Injury-Accidental - Heroin
                               08/23/2017 4:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous   Overdose

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