Page 13 - January 17, 2018
P. 13


       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             throughout the year, and since it is taken   Wal-Mart clerk when I put 10 bottles of
       Flexing in the                                                        out “pre-tax”…you also save a bit on your   suntan lotion on her counter in the middle
                                                                             taxes.  Now there is a small kicker here…
                                                                                                                 of winter.  I will just nod and smile while
       Dogpound                                                              it is a “use or lose it” proposition, and   coyly mentioning that I am moving to the
                                                                             right now I am on the “lose it” platform.
                                                                                                                 Fiji islands.
                                                                             I have used FSA for years, and I have
                                                                             never had a problem with using up all of     THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson
                                                                             the money before year's end.  This year I   “Health is like money.  We never have a
                                                                                                                 true idea of its value until we lose it.”
                                                                             came up $1000 short..which is a good thing
       H       ello and welcome back to the   football junkies… there are 4 games being   looking at the healthy side of the equation,                                – Josh Billings
                                          kicks in pretty soon.  As a footnote for you
                                                                             but a bad thing looking at my billfold.
                                          played today and there are 5 being played
               Dogpound as we start our new
       journey together in 2018.  Our plant shut   on January  [yes 5!!].  No wonder we gain   Now, I did push to get some dental work   ONE THING
       down for the whole week of Christmas,   weight during the holidays!!  Now there is   done in December ahead of schedule…  A young man who had a few too
       so it has been nice to catch up on things   an idea the government should jump on.    and I figured that would cover it…but   many nightcaps comes up to the hotel
       around the house, and of course, watch   Make every cable company put in a sensor   insurance kicked in and paid half of my   reception desk and demands his room be
       some football.  I love college football and   that attaches to the TV and a treadmill; for   bill, leaving me still $500 short.  Using   changed.“But sir,” said the clerk, “you have
       being from Ohio I am always interested in   every three hours of sports you have to log   20-20 hindsight, I should have told them   the best room in the hotel.” “I insist on
       how the BigTen teams fare in the various   in one hour on the treadmill.  No miles…  not to submit it to the insurance company,   another room!!” said the young man as he
       bowl games; we are always ragged on that   no sports. Speaking of being healthy, I   but I figured the bill would be high enough   leaned against the counter. “Very good, sir.
       we do not have a strong conference.  As   have run into a bit of a problem with my   that it would not be an issue.  This will   I’ll change you from 502 to 555. Would you
       of this writing…Saturday 12/30 we are on   FSA…Flexible Spending Account. For   probably be the only time in my life that I   mind telling me why you don’t like 502?”
       a roll..we are 5 -0 with three more games   you that are not familiar with this program,   wanted my medical bills to be higher. So   asked the clerk. “Well, for one thing,” said
       to go..two today and one on the first.  Of   this essentially lets you put money back   I have been scrambling..pulling in some   the young man, “it’s on fire."
       course in that 5 wins….my Buckeyes   to cover various medical expenses that are   medications and other stuff…so I am now   I need to close for now…a football
       were all over USC last night…it was after   not covered by your insurance plan.  In our   down to less than $100 short of my goal.    game is about to start.  As always be good,
       midnight before the game ended…so I'm   plan, you can choose up to$2,500 and they   They do let you spend on other things   do good, play safe and remember, if you
       dragging a bit right now.  Hope the hot tea   take “X” amount out of every paycheck   other than medical and dental visits…  look after your money it will look after you.
                                                                             such as bandages, lip balm, suntan lotion   JR
                                                                             and various other small related items.  I
                                                                             am sure to raise an eyebrow from the   Answers to the crossword puzzle
                                                                                                                 on page 15

                                                                                 DANIELS, WILLIAMS,

                                                                                        TUCK & RITTER

                                                                                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                                                                          Engaged in the General
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                                                                                                     Graham C. Daniels
                                                                                                     Travis R. Williams
                                                                                                        cheryl s. tuck
                                                                                                       Todd M. Ritter
                                                                                                     PAUL L. SPAULDING

                                                                                                Located In Chester At
                                                                                                  11901 Ironbridge rd.
                                                                                                       P.O. box 3570
                                                                                             Chester, Virginia 23831–8481
                                                                                             Telephone: 804-748-9803
                                                                                     Evening Appointments Available
                                           Crossword answers on page 15                                                                                              JANUARY 17, 2018  13
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