Page 15 - January 17, 2018
P. 15

                          CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                        PLACING A
                                                                                                                             PLACING A CING A
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed by
                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed by y
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                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             or in person M-F, 10-5., 10-5.
                                                                                                                             or in person M-F, 10-5.
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week           -  As little as $22/week           -  As little as $22/week
                           PERSONAL ITEMS                                            SERVICE ADS                             or in person M-F
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS
                           PERSONAL ITEMS
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
                                                                                                                             DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PMT 5PM
                                                                                                                             DEADLINE IS WED. A
                                                                                                    $9/column inch
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
                           COMMERCIAL ADS                                            LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9  -  $17/column inch  -  $9/column inch  DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $17/column inch
                           COMMERCIAL ADS
                                           JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                                           SUDOKU
       Help Wanted for cleaning                                                                                                                Sudoku
       crew members. Exp.                                                                                                                      Difficulty:

       appreciated. Valid Driver’s
       Lic. mandatory and own      EXPLORE A BANKING CAREER                                                                                                2 8 1 6      9
       transportation to office                                                                                                                 Row       6     7        2
       in Chester. FT, Mon.-Fri.                                                                                                                          7  9       6
       Benefits Available. Maid       CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO.                                                                                Three-     4  2          1
       Services with AR, Inc.,       WITH                                                                                                      by-three   2                5  Column
       804-748-8471.                                                                                                                           square   9          3   7
                                                                                                                                                          9       8   2
       Hevener Tire & Auto now        If you are seeking part time employment working under 29 hours per week...                                        8        2     4
       hiring Virginia State License                                                                                                                    6     5 9 7 1
       Inspector. Stop by between     If you are friendly and professional with excellent customer service skills...
       the hours of 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.   If you are proficient with computers and have cash handling experience...                                How to do Sudoku
                                                                                                                                                    SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
                                                                                                                                                         Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       Ask for Ray or Stevie. 11107                                                                                                            Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                                                        © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
       Iron Bridge Rd. Chester. 804-  If you would be proud to become part of a professional team...                                           appear just once in every column, row, and
                                                                                                                                                 Pub Date:06/02/06  Slug:02USUDOKU16.eps
       768-0778.                                                                                                                               three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                       Everything For Kids
                                                       Fall & Winter Sale  Southside Moms of Multiples  Sale!                                  strategies, go to
                                                       Cash and credit cards.  Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am.  7401 Hull Street Rd.  Manchester Middle School,  toys, and more.  Strollers, clothes, furniture,  Find us on Facebook.
                                   Then we may have the perfect position for you.
                                                                                                          By Ben Arnoldy
               AUTO                                                                                  Sudoku                                                          The Christian Science Monitor
                                         PART TIME TELLER   CHESTER MARKET                           Difficulty:
       Car door speakers. Brand                                                                                 2 8 1 6      9
       new in box. Lites up with the                                                                   Row     6     7        2
       beat of the music. Asking                                                                               7  9       6
       $125 OBO. 721-7939 or 479-                                                                    Three-    4  2          1
       2341.                                                                                         square  2                5  Column
                                                                                                             9          3   7
                                                                                                               9       8   2
                                                                                                             8        2     4
          CEMETERY PLOTS                                                                                     6     5 9 7 1              Sudoku solution
                                                                                                     How to do Sudoku
       Sunset Memorial Park. 4           Interested applicants should direct resumes and inquiries to:   Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
       plots. C113/1245. $5,000.                                                                     appear just once in every column, row, and
                                                                                                                WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
       804-561-6284.                       Citizens Bank & Trust Company    Human Resources Department  three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                 126 South Main Street    Blackstone, VA 23824       strategies, go to  a unique way of presenting the lesson.
       Dale Memorial Cemetery,                                          By Ben Arnoldy               ARIES (March 21-April 19). Leisure time is   Pub Date:06/02/06  Slug:02USUDOKU18.eps
                                                                                                                        The Christian Science Monitor
       Veterans only area. Side by                                         born out of using the rest of your time well.   LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s wise to repeat
                                                                                                                 © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
       Side lot. $8,000. 804-221-3403.                                                               Otherwise, it’s not really leisure; it’s avoid-  successful actions, although there’s a point
                                                                                                           Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                         EEO   AA   MINORITIES   FEMALES   DISABLED   VETERANS       ance. You’ll be honest with yourself about   at which doing the same things over and
       Two burial plots (stacked).                                                                   how you use your time this week, and the   over leads to stagnation. You’re in danger
                                                                                                                                   SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
       Dale Memorial Park, Sec                                                                       cosmos are rooting for you to make the nec-  of reaching that point this week. Make far-
       10, Garden of Honor Area,   ELECTRONICS              WANTED                  EVENTS           essary adjustments that will allow for your   fetched plans. Take measures to avoid mo-
       2 units  568. Current value                                                                   ultimate enjoyment of leisure.   notony. A change of environment will help
       $6,295. Asking $5,750. Call   Playstation 3. EC. Asking   Wanted – female in need of   Central Virginia   TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll make a   your work and your personal life, too.
       804-366-8823.          $200. 721-7939 or 479-2341.  a place to live rent free in   Coin and Currency Show  presentation of sorts this week. At first, this   SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your efforts to
                                                      exchange for cooking and   Saturday, January 27, 2018   will seem like no big deal, but it matters more   include others will benefit you and the world
                                                      cleaning and help with food.   9:30-5:00                              at large. You have no idea how much a kind
       4 adjoining Sunset Memorial   MISCELLANEOUS    349-8256,                                      than it seems to and is certainly worth putting
       Park lots. B-59  1, 2, 6, 7.                                          John Tyler Community College  some thought and practice into. With a little   word, an invitation or some random praise
                                                                                        Pub Date:03/17/06  Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps
                                                                                13101 Jefferson Davis Hwy
                                                                                                     extra effort, you’re sure to express yourself
       $6,900 757-254-8812.   Thomas the Train collection.                    © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.   could favorably impact the outsiders and
                                                                                  Chester, VA 23831
                              Cars, engines, buildings,   Sega Dreamcast with games   Dealers buying, selling, and trading   in a captivating way and strongly influence   misfits around you. Reach out. People look
                                                                         Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       Sunset Memorial Park burial   etc. Selling as a group. $300   especially fishing games..   US, Foreign, and Ancient Coins &             ILLUSTRATOR.eps  up to you, and your attention will matter.
                                                                                            SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF
       plot. Prime location. $2,500.   OBO. Pics available. 804-  721-7939 or 479-2341.  Currency. Free parking, admission,   GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Good sports-  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The les-
       609-744-2216.          715-4395.                                        and appraisals. Raffles all day.  manship is a value of yours that will play a   son this week centers on pacing yourself and
                                                                             Questions? Bill Scott 804-350-1140  prominent part in your week. Being stoic in   taking care of your needs. You may go into
        CLEANING SERVICES                                                                            defeat and gracious in victory is part of it. An-  the week feeling somewhat worn out. There’s
                              Redskins jersey: Robert                   LEGALS                       other part of it is choosing the right opponent   no shame in taking a rest. Sleep long hours
                              Griffith 3 . Asking $25. 721-
       Gloria’s Cleaning Services  7939 or 479-2341.                                                 and playing to win. You’re not in the game to   when you feel you need it. It’s part of what
       804-243-2654, perlaalex2@                                                                     make friends now. Winning will be important   keeps you quick and strong when it matters. Call/Text/Email is   MUSICAL                                                       to you on many levels.   CAPRICORN  (Dec.  22-Jan.  19).  It’s  im-
       accepted. Free Est.                                    Save Big $$ by Advertising             CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll witness a   portant to note that inspiration does not
                                                                                                                            always strike naturally like lightning. More
                              Have a musical instrument                                              person engaged in an intriguing activity and   likely, this week it will strike manually, like
                                                                                                     will decide on the spot that you want to do
                              to sell?  Place your ad in the      Your Legal Notice                  that. Inspiring moments like this are heaven   a match. Get moving and the ideas start to
                              Village News. $5 for 3 lines.                                          sent and don’t come along very often. Move   flow. As  the great  adventurer and author
                                                                  in the Village News                forward immediately and with conviction.   Jack London said, “You can’t wait for inspi-
                                                                                                                            ration. You have to go after it with a club.”
                                                              Ads starting at $9/col. inch           You have a chance to build important mo-  AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You have a
                                                                                                                            strong intuitive sense about how people are
                                                                                                     LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your ability to keep
                                                                                                     facts straight will distinguish you. Take a   likely to act and react in any given situation.
                                                                                                     moment to get your head together and review   This predictive talent will serve you well this
                                                                                                     what you know before you embark on your   week. It will help you avoid trouble and steer
                                                                                                     various missions this week. Getting import-  yourself toward the calm waters where you’ll
                                                        We are Certified by the Circuit Court to Publish Legal Notices  ant details right (perhaps the most important   be able to do the most good and receive the
                                                                                                     being keeping people’s names straight) will   best reward.
                                                        Ads may be received electronically.  Paid by check or credit card.    factor into your success.   PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). We live in a
                                                                                                                            social  media-driven  world  where  word  of
                                                                                                     VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). This week your
                                                        For more information or to submit your ads call Linda at 751-0421   strong curiosity could lead you to new   mouth (either in person or via social media)
                                                                or e-mail:  friends, hobbies and income sources. Of   is one of the best ways to gain customers
                                                                                                     course, this depends on how adamantly you   and/or friends. You’ll get excellent word of
                                                                                                     follow it. Avoid getting too much information   mouth this week by doing something worth
                                                                                                     from one source. Learn from many sources.   talking favorably about. On the flip side, don’t
                                                                                                     Each teacher will have a different strength and   say anything you don’t want made public.
                                                                                                                               JANUARY 17, 2018  15
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