Page 9 - VillageNews19-11-17
P. 9
Living Safe FAST !
The active shooter Quick. Easy.
By Pete Hypes
y having Internet access in Africa, As stated earlier, the shooter has the Free Weight Loss Workshops
we were able to hear about the advantage. A possible way to prevent this: 3 Locations
Bhorrific shootings in Las Vegas. if you see something that does not look Chester-Brandermill-Midlothian
There are many who offer solutions, like right, then say something immediately.
tighter gun control or better screening Flying has become safer because much
of certain people in our population. I greater levels of security are exercised.
happen to believe that this problem will A day is coming when metal detectors
not end until the Lord returns and puts will have to be placed in most public Breckenridge Chiropractic |12300 Bermuda Crossroads Ln. Chester | 804-748-2763
away sin once and for all. As good as buildings. After the mall shooting in
our law enforcement is, the shooter will Kenya a number of years ago, your
always have the upper hand. We need to vehicle is searched by officers and dogs Paying Cash!
determine a way to stop the perpetrator or before it enters the parking deck. If you
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Each of us must maintain a level of event. It would be nice to see us take the
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attacks, but we should learn what we has to deal with this again, but I do not WE BUY & SELL ALL
can about our surroundings. Our schools believe that to be reality. We just have to
have changed the way they operate after be prepared for the active shooter, just UNITED STATES
the mass shooting in the Northeast. One like schools prepare for fires by doing GOLD & SILVER COINS
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active shooter situations occur where large events are more likely to occur in our Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
groups of people congregate. If you go to lives than fires. We cannot stick our heads Village Coin
one of these events, then you must have in the sane and say that this will never
some type of plan. Answer questions like: happen. I would rather have a plan that 1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
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and your family to go to avoid the bullets vigilant and watchful as you live your
and the stampede of people? lives.
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ADKINS, Mr. Greg, 52, of North Chesterfield, husband of Valerie Louise Adkins.
BONDS, Ms. Denise Gail, 61, of Matoaca. all for $ 95
CALLAHAN, Mrs. Barbara Ann, 91, of Chesterfield, widow of Edward John Callahan. 10
CLIFTON, Ms. Mary B., 68, of South Chesterfield.
CRUMP, Mr. Robert Loving, 88, of Chesterfield.
GLENN, Mr. Thomas Nelson, 61, of South Chesterfield, an Army retiree and veteran
of Operation Desert Storm, husband of Ok Sun Glenn.
GRUBBS, Mr. Leonard Wayne Sr., 55, of Chester, husband of Penny Grubbs.
HAYTH, Mrs. Jessie May, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Joseph Hayth.
JOYNER, Mr. Henry Anderson “Penny,” 85, of Matoaca, widower of Jean Marie
Perkinson Joyner.
LAYMAN, Mrs. Anne Moncrief, 74, of Chester, wife of Dr. David Arthur Layman Sr.
LOWERY, Mr. Emmett Thomas, 80, of Chester, an Air Force veteran, widower of
Dixie Daniel Lowery.
MC FARLANE, Mr. Jeffrey K., 46, of Chester, husband of Teresa McFarlane.
NELSON, Mr. David M., 64, of Chesterfield, husband of Elizabeth “Beth” Nelson.
PARHAM, Mrs. Sarah Lucille Wood, 90, of South Chesterfield, widow of John H.
Parham Sr.
RIDOUT, Mrs. Minnie Pearl, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Jesse James Ridout Sr.
REED, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, of North Chesterfield, widow of Lee Roy Reed.
ROMIG, Mr. Leon Ray, 86, of Enon, husband of Catherine G. Romig. ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN
SALE, Mr. David S., 80, of North Chesterfield, husband of Betty Sale.
SCHWARTZ, Mr. Stephen Douglas, 49, of North Chesterfield, husband of Sherrie Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
Schwartz. oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
SMALLWOOD, Ms. Diana Dee, 56, of Chesterfield, wife of Liz Davidson.
TUCKER, Mrs. Drucie Jones, 88, of Chesterfield, widow of Colon Clark Tucker Sr. King’s Korner
WATKINS, Mr. Jerry Allen, 66, of North Chesterfield.
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Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
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