Page 6 - VillageNews19-11-17
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Upcoming events
Patriotic fall concert for trophies should express their group’s
Letters to at Thomas Dale High idea of the theme. Deadline for entries
is Dec. 1. Entry fee for participants is
the Editor This event was the brainchild of Dr. School $40 if postmarked by Nov.r 1. Entries
Joe Hillier and made possible by a lot of Thomas Dale High School’s postmarked after Nov. 1 require a $50
effort by members of the Chester Kiwanis performance bands are have their first application fee.
Thank you, Club, many of whom are veterans. The concert of the year Thursday, Oct. 19, information can be found by visiting
Applications and parade
support by Chesterfield County leaders,
Kiwanis, for law enforcement, and Fire and EMS at 7p.m. The music will be a tribute to, calling
American composers. The admission
our welcome demonstrated why Chesterfield is such a price is $5. Please join us for an the parade chairman, Pam Dvorak
at (804) 318-1564, or e-mailing
great place to live and work.
evening of great music.
home who attended this wonderful event, I want
On behalf of my many fellow veterans
Dear Editor: to publicly express my sincerest thanks to ,
I want to publicly express my thanks all who made this possible. Garden club to
to Dr. Joe Hillier and the Kiwanis Club 2017 Chester host Ben Hedges
of Chester for their Welcome Home LTC Dan Hill
Vietnam War Era Celebration Event held U.S. Army Retired Kiwanis Christmas The community is invited to “Rain
at the Chesterfield County fairgrounds on Grimstead, VA Parade Water Management on Private Property
October 4. It was a very public welcome and Invasive Species,” presented by Ben
home to many of us who served during Note: I now live in Mathews County, but Kiwanis is a global organization Hedges and hosted by the Woodland
that tumultuous time in our history. From lived for many years in Chester and was a of volunteers dedicated to changing the Pond Garden Club on Thursday, Oct.
the entrance to the fairgrounds with all the member of the Kiwanis Club of Chester for world one child and one community at 12 at 6:45 p.m. Ben is a member of
youngsters holding signs of welcome, to the most of those years. a time. This year’s Chester Kiwanis Pocahontas Chapter Virginia Master
warm reception by members of the Kiwanis Christmas Parade theme is “Parade of Naturalists and also a member of Friends
Club and those with various support the Christmas Toys.” of Pocahontas. Reply by e-mailing
services such as the American Legion, the Letters The parade will take place Sunday, to
VA, and others, to the moving speech by Dec. 10 at 2 p.m. It will begin at the For more information, visit www.
Mag Gen. Gardner, to the presence of our EDITOR’S NOTE: Chester YMCA and end at Harrowgate The meeting will be
The opinions of the Editor’s Inbox do not
active duty soldiers from Ft. Lee; it was an reflect the opinions of the Village News. Please Road. Entrants who wish to compete held at Woodland Pond Swim & Racquet
impressive event. limit letter length to under 350 words. (The editor Club, 10611 Woodland Pond Parkway.
The best part was being with so many reserves the right to allow longer letters or edit
warriors who did their duty so many years letter length.) A name and address is required to
ago. My respect for those who took that be considered for publication; however, Village
oath of service is unsurpassed, whether they News will not publish or distribute a letter writer’s
went to Vietnam, served in Germany or address. Let us know your opinions on current
stateside, or sailed the oceans on the other events; send your letter to info@villagepublishing.
side of the world, all should be recognized com.
for stepping forward and doing their duty. I Thank you.
was surrounded by this generation’s finest. Hops in the Park
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