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        When negotiation is best

                                                                                                       COUNTY AND RESIDENTS BREAK OFF TALKS
            WILL THERE BE TABLE TIME?      NEGOTIATIONS                                                PLANNERS MOVED TOWARD APPROVAL OF CASE
                                PROFFER REVIEW
        BARD ASKS MORE QUESTIONS             BEYOND NEGOTIONS                                           PROFFERS SUBMITTED JUNE 21,
        NOT SATISFIED WITH ANSWERS           COUNTY TY WILL WORK WITH EDA                               2007
                                                                                          PROFFER REVIEW
         EDA DOES NOT WANT TO DEVULGE                                         COMMUNITY MEETINGS            ZONED RESIDENTIAL SEPT. 2007
         WHO THE USER THE SITE.                     PLANNING COMMISSION                                     PLANNING COMMISSION OKS AUG. 2007
                                                    RECOMMENDATION TO
              CITIZENS ASK, “WHY NO                 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
           CITIZENS SLOW TO REAL-                       BOARD DECISION                                               2008 DEVELOPER ABANDONS
           IZE THE MEGA SITE IS IN                                            BARD BEGINS                            PROJECT LOSES OPTION, LEAVE
           CHESTER NOT MATOACA                                                TACTIC TO STOP                         RESIDENT/CUPD ZONING IN
                               CITIZENS  CHESTERFIELD                         DEVELOPMENT                            PALACE
        CTY EDA ANNOUNCES         MATOACA MEGA SITE                                         BRANNERS STATION
        1,675 ACRE MATOACA
        MEGA SITE                         2017                                                      2007


            It was 1991 and I had taken a   friends and work mates took me to an   in with armored bulldozers to take down   Solutions?:
        consulting job in Israel. Myself and   English pub in Tel Aviv. Early in the   a village on the border. Rachel and her      • Leave it alone?
        two compatriots from here in Virginia   evening the crowd was hushed and the   friends lay in front of the machines to stop     • Park same as leave it alone
        lived and worked together managing the   bartender announced the coalition forces   them; when the dozers moved forward      • Huge buffers and user
        construction of about 600 American-style   had taken Kuwait. We danced on the   one of them crushed her to death.         restrictions, no smoke stacks,
        houses. The Israelis were building houses   tables.                      She was a great activist, and I don’t         polluters etc.
        as fast as they could due to Russia’s   An awful event and a parent’s worst   want to diminish her name by using her   • Same for road, buffers, and
        Glasnost and the arrival of 12,000 Jews a   nightmare happened some 12-years   as a metaphor for being hard headed or                       safety precautions.
        month into the country.            later. While I was in the hospital in   not knowing when to begin negotiating      •  Make sure East West
            I worked in the small village of   2010, chatting with my doctor, Stephen   for the best outcome; there was no          Freeway R/W is delineated
        Ofakim, about 20 miles east of the Gaza   Corrie, and while watching scenes of the   negotiation for Rachel. Jimmy Carter did                        and purchased now, no more
        strip. Coats in the morning and t-shirts   Arab Spring, he told me about his niece,   that with much success in the Middle East          cloud over landowner
        in the afternoon. Each evening dinner   Rachel Aliene Corrie, who was part of   in 1979.                              property.
        was eaten with the Israelis at Kabbuitz   the protest group International Solidarity   I’m not saying if I’m for or against   Citizens should get what they want;
        Galon and the conversation because of the   Movement.                the Megasite (I refuse to call it Matoaca),   don’t wait until the ship has sailed. If you
        Gulf War raging about 530 miles away.   I felt a connection, however slim,   I’m just worn out I guess. I think it’s time   remember Branner Station – the Supervisor,
        The scuds came and went and were fun   because of knowing her uncle and   to get into serious discussion. If you don’t   Planning Commissioner and School Board
        to watch from the hillside outside our   knowing the place where she died.   want it, you need to offer a solution. As   Member – did most of the negotiating. Mike
        guesthouse – I would rather be there than   She and he friends were protesting   some say, “it’s a done deal.” Do we know   Sawyer and the Community Association
        in a bomb shelter, a lot of space out there   the lasted incursion by the Israelis into the   what that deal is? Everyone is guessing. I   negotiated a boulevard with a trail instead
        to find my head.                   Gaza as retribution for firing a mortar into  had my opinions but I’ve eased up on my   of a five lane highway from West Hundred
            On my 37th birthday my new found   the Israeli airspace. They were moving   own conspiracy theories.   Road to Chester Road.

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