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WHAT’S UP                                                     Weekly Calendar

                    Matoaca Mill Labor

                                                                               OCT    CHESTERFIELD NEEDLEWORK FRIENDS – 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                                                              11      Chester Library Chester Small Room. Knit, crochet, socialize and share
                                                                                      your techniques with others. All skill levels are welcome.
                                                                               OCT    100 YEARS OF THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE – 7
                                                                               12     p.m. to 8 p.m. Meadowdale Library, Meadowdale Meeting Room. Did
                                                                                      you know that Chesterfield’s Courthouse turns 100 this October?  Come
                                                                                      learn the history of the historic courthouse and its significance in the
                                                                               THU    county.

                                                                               OCT    TEEN GAME TIME – 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Chester Library Chester
                                                                              14      Combined Room A & B.
                                                                                      Crack the code, stop the bomb and survive a shipwreck! Play board
                                                                                      games like “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes” and “Forbidden
                                                                               SAT    Island” with your friends. Register online at
        June 1911. “A Suggestion for Dependent Widows. Mrs. Bessie Hicks, a widow in
        the mill settlement at Matoaca, Virginia. She has no children large enough to work
        in the cotton mill, so she is starting a little store in her home.”           INTRODUCTION TO 3D PRINTING – 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Meadowdale
                                                                                      Library. Learn to use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create
                                                                                      just about anything.  Open to all ages.

                                                                                      MEADOWDALE 2017 FALL CHESS TOURNAMENT – 9 a.m. to 4
                                                                                      p.m. Meadowdale Library Meadowdale Meeting Room. The Virginia
                                                                                      Scholastic Chess Association presents a K-12 Scholastic Chess
                                                                                      Tournament with quads for adults and advanced scholastic players.
                                                                                      To preregister and for more information, please visit
                                                                                      Registration fee is $7-20.

                                                                                      MEADOWDALE MEDITATION HOUR – 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                                               OCT    Meadowdale Library Meadowdale Meeting Room
                                                                              16      Don’t let Monday get you down.  Join us for an hour of uninterrupted
                                                                                      quiet time and some peace of mind. Space, mats, and ambiance
                                                                               MON    provided. No registration required.
              June 1911. “Mrs. L. Bosher, living in the rundown cotton mill village of Matoaca, Virginia. Her
              husband has been a mill hand here for a long time but recently got work uptown, as many of   COMMUNITY MEETING PLANNED TO DISCUSS FY19 BUDGET
              their neighbors have done during the slack times, most of them going way into the city [Rich-  – 7 p.m. Bermuda District, Chester Library, 11800 Centre Street.
              mond] to the trunk and cigarette factories.” Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.
                                                                                      Meetings are open to residents to come learn more about the budget, as
                                                                                      part of the county’s Building Chesterfield’s Blueprint initiative. More
                                                                                      information is online at

                                                                               OCT    NEEDLE FELTING PUMPKINS – 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Enon
                                                                                      Library Enon Meeting Room. Needle felting is easy, trendy and
                                                                               17     fun! Artist Janice Stegall-Seibert will show you how to needle felt
                                                                                      pumpkins. Materials provided to sculpt a pumpkin out of wool for
                                                                               TUE    holiday decoration. This program requires use of a sharp needle and is
                                                                                      designed for adults.  Register online at

                                                                                      BRIDGE PLAYERS – 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church,
                                                                                      13028 Harrowgate Rd. Experience players welcome.  Details: (804)

        A little country town life wasn’t so easy in Matoaca in 1911 when the mill was up   PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Public
        and running.                                                                  Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Road,

               Village      News                                                      CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.Learn
                                                                                      to play the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free environment.
                                                                                      Join the club and meet others who enjoy the game.  All ages are
                           Publisher: Linda Fausz                                       Managing Editor:  Mark Fausz
                    Account Executive: Tyler Fausz                     Copy Editor: Steven Miles  GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
                                     Columnists:                                      everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road,
                             Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Gena Lashley                  Details: 748-4636.
            Sports Editor:  Josh Mathews  Contributing Writers: Melissa Wilfong, Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat

                             Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC
                 11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831  •  (804) 751-0421  •  OCT  COMMUNITY MEETING PLANNED TO DISCUSS FY19 BUDGET
                          For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421,   – 1:30 p.m. Matoaca District, Ettrick Community Center, 20621
           Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to  18  Woodpecker Road. 7 p.m. Matoaca High School Library, 17700
         Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.   Longhouse Lane.  See details on Monday meeting.
         All advertising included in this publication is subject to truth in advertising laws. The real estate advertising included in this publication is subject to Equal   WED
         Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
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