Page 3 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
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Continued from page 1 permitted and the process was approved
that treating, filtering, testing and by the State Water Control Board in protective of human health and
releasing water from its current Sept. 2016. Once the water is removed the environment.
ash ponds at Chesterfield Power from the ponds, the remaining fly ash “We will have more than 40
Station, will have begun Monday. The will remain and will be covered with groundwater monitoring wells
dewatering process is expected to take thick vinyl and clay being capped in on our property at Chesterfield
approximately 18 months. The total place. Power Station,” said Richardson.
amount of water that will be drained Documentation from Dominion Dominion want its neighbors
from the ponds at Chesterfield is the indicates the new system uses a to know the results of the tests.
equivalent of about 300 Olympic-size complex process that incorporates They – and everyone else – can
swimming pools, not including any state-of-the-art science and see exactly what the company is
additional storm water collected in the engineering to ensure that the water is doing and what their tests show
ponds between now and closure. fully treated and tested before it ever by visiting their website: www.
The dewatering process is fully
touches the river. The water will be
Increased traffic expected near
Amazon during holiday season ROBERT RICHARDSON
Motorists should expect increased Monday, Nov. 20, through the holiday by Amazon, will be at the Amazon Rivers Bend Boulevard.
traffic in the area around the Amazon season. The traffic pattern will be facility each day 4-7 a.m. and 4-7 p.m. Incoming Amazon traffic will be
Fulfillment Center on Meadowville similar to past years, and motorists to direct traffic into and out of the directed, also through training and
Technology Parkway beginning should allow extra time to get through complex. electronic message boards, to take I-295
the area Amazon traffic will be allowed to Exit 16 (Meadowville Road/Rivers
during shift in and out from the north only via Bend Boulevard) to the traffic circle to
changes. Meadowville Technology Parkway Meadowville Technology Parkway.
The during shift changes. The North Enon Local traffic traveling to the Mt.
business Church Road access to Meadowville Blanco and Meadowville Landing
will begin Technology Parkway will be closed neighborhoods is encouraged to use
ramping up during shift changes. Enon Church Road from East Hundred
staff Nov. 20, Outgoing Amazon traffic will Road (Route 10) during Amazon shift-
and traffic be directed left out of the parking lot change hours.
will increase toward the traffic circle that connects County staff and police are aware
as the Meadowville Technology Parkway and of the traffic concerns and encourage
workforce Meadowville Road. Electronic message those traveling in the area to be aware
increases. boards, as well as training conducted of the traffic pattern beginning Nov. 20,
Chesterfield by Amazon, will encourage employees and allow extra time to get through the
County is to then take Interstate 295 and avoid area during shift changes.
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