Page 7 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 7

       Special event held in

       appreciation of veterans

          Poppies, pins, and red, white,   importance of honoring veterans.
       and blue paraphernalia were on         “Our main thing for today is to let
       display Thursday as a veterans     them know that even though they’re
       recognition ceremony was held at   in assisted living facility, that we
       Dunlop House. This is the first time   haven’t forgotten and we do thank
       the ceremony was held at the senior   them for their service,” Duncan said.
       living community. Amanda Griffith,   “It’s just something near and dear
       the community relations coordinator   to my heart, I can’t think of enough
       at Dunlop House, said the event was   ways to thank the veterans and the
       a collaboration with VFW Post 2239   active duty military for what they do,
       to honor local military personnel and   and anytime I can do anything in that
       veterans residing at the facility.  respect then I’m goning to go out and
                                                                try to do it.”
                                                                with a
                                                                poppy drive,
                                                                veterans                                                                          PHOTOS BY DANIELLE OZBAT
                                                                at Dunlop
                                                                House were
                                                                honored in
                                                                a pinning
                                                                ceremony.    VFW MEMBER DONNIE DUNCAN PINS RETIRED ARMY VETERAN
                                                                Each vet was   JOSEPH BROWN.
                                                                pinned with   and given a poem thanking them for   Vietnam veterans, who received pins
                                                                an American   his service, while spouses of veterans   commemorating the 50  anniversary of
       MEMBERS OF VFW POST 2239 AND DUNLOP HOUSE COMMUNITY RE-  flag pin     were given a rose. In special recognition   the Vietnam war.
          “I got together with Joann
       Duncan from the VFW and I said,
       ‘How can we partner to recognize
       veterans both in her VFW and the
       outside community and also within
       Dunlop House,’” Griffith said, “and         Decorating for the Holidays!
       so she and I collaborated to do the
       poppy drive and open it up to the
       general public for [local veterans] to
       stop by [and get a poppy], and then
       also to recognize the veterans that
       we have living here as residents in
       assisted living.”
          Griffith said there are roughly
       20 to 30 veterans residents at Dunlop
       House and that she wants to make
       sure veterans, especially those who                                                                                          Wholesale prices for
                                                                                                                                    churches & organizations
       are Dunlop House residents, are not                                                                                       Poinsettias
       forgotten.                                             Autumn
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       citizen, I want to make sure that we’re                Awe $39.95                           We can decorate your entire office or hame! Corporate Discounts with multiple
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       Griffith said. "I want to make sure                                                          WHOLESALE PRICES ON BULK
       that especially with our senior citizen                         Autumn                      ORDERS AND SUPPLIES FOR DIY!
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       War II, Vietnam, Korea - all these                                                Centerpiece                   $134.95
       major wars, we need to make sure that                                                     $69.95
       those folks are not forgotten.”
          Joann Duncan, a Gold Star sister
       who lost her brother in the Vietnam
       War, said the post is trying to get
       local assisted living facilities to
       participate so they can have different   HEADQUARTERS  DOWNTOWN      WEST END      ASHLAND        CHESTER    COLONIAL HEIGHTS  MIDLOTHIAN
                                                1114 N. Boulevard  1114 E. Main St.  1106 N. Parham Rd.  411 N. Washington Hwy.  4100 West Hundred Rd.  28 Dunlop Village Cr.  13618 Hull Street Rd.
       events for the residents. The head     2 blocks North of Broad St.  12th St. and Main St.  Parham Rd. and Patterson Ave.  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Dunlop Shopping Center  Harbour Point Village
                                              Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat/Sun 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6  • Closed Sat/Sun   Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  corner of W. Hundred & Chester Rd.  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3
       of the ladies auxiliary also echoed
       Griffith’s statements about the              ALL SER VICES A T ALL LOCA TIONS (804) 353-9600                                                                                             NOVEMBER 15, 2017  07
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