Page 12 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 12

HOLIDAY Surprises

       Celebrate the Season of Giving

       Five ways to help those in need during the holidays

                                                                             communities where they were collected.   clubs also offer benefit dinners or bake sales
                                                                             Learn more about how you can get involved   that can provide a positive impact for those
                                                                             at      in need in your area.

                                                                             ATTEND A BENEFIT EVENT              ADOPT A FAMILY
                                                                                 Concerts, theatrical performances,   There are many organizations that can
                                                                             walks and other exhibits are often held   help you sponsor a family in your area to
                                                                             during the holiday season with the proceeds   help provide gifts and other necessities for
                                                                             going to benefit a local charity or service   over the holiday season. Most can provide
                                                                             organization. Many community service   you with a list of items each family member
                                                                                                                 needs and wants to make shopping easier.


                                                                                  FOR THE

       (Family Features) Giving is the true spirit of   VOLUNTEER AT A SOUP KITCHEN
       the holiday season. However, in addition to   Because extended exposure to cold   FUN OF IT!
       gift-giving in the traditional sense, there are   weather can be dangerous, soup kitchens
       other meaningful ways to make a difference   and homeless shelters are often more
       in your community and give back to those   crowded during this time of year. While
       in need - including the 3.5 million people   soup kitchens and other aid facilities often
       who experience homelessness each year,   see an influx of volunteers during the
       according to the United States Census   holidays, most are still grateful for the extra
       Bureau - during one of the most critical   hands to help serve a meal or assist with   LET MOLLY’S FIND THE RIGHT BIKE FOR
       times of the year.                 other tasks around the facilities.
          By giving money, time or material                                   YOU. WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF ROAD,
       items, or partaking in other small acts of   HOST A COAT DRIVE           MTB,COMFORT/HYBRID, CRUISERS AND
       kindness, you can spread holiday cheer and   Providing clothing, specifically coats,
       help instill a sense of giving in others. To   for the less fortunate during the colder   CHILDREN’S BIKES.
       get started, here are some ideas you can put   months is another way to assist those in   ACCESSORIES AND APPAREL.
       into action this holiday season.   your community. According to the U.S.
                                          Census Bureau, a warm winter coat is           MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR.
       DONATE TO A FOOD PANTRY            considered a “budget extra” for nearly 15
          Churches and food pantries are always   percent of Americans living in poverty.        WE KNOW BIKES !!
       in need of donations, and the holiday season  National non-profit organization, One
       is a great time to help provide a meal   Warm Coat, is dedicated to providing a
       for someone who may not otherwise be   free, warm coat to any person in need.                        804.530.9022
       able to eat. Canned goods and other non-  The organization has facilitated more than               4515 W. Hundred Rd.
       perishable items like cereal, oatmeal, rice,   27,000 coat drives nationwide and has a
       peanut butter, canned tuna and spices are   goal of collecting 1 million coats this winter
       often needed. Some pantries can also use   in celebration of its 25th season of giving.
       non-edible items, such as soap and other   Through its six-step process, the non-profit           Hrs. M-10:30-6, T-F 9:30-6,
       toiletries, and simply donating money is   provides all the tools necessary to hold a              Sat-9-4:30, Sun - Closed
       always an option, as well.         coat drive and to distribute the coats in local


                                                                  OUR LOCATION
                                                 4314 West Hundred Rd Chester, VA 23831

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                                     GREAT PROMOS, GREAT SELECTION

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