Page 11 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
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       HOLIDAY Surprises                                             We have found a new home at Cindy’s Hair Pros

       A family exploration of the arts in Chester

          A Taste of Art will celebrate all   1:30-3:30 p.m.  - Abstract Watercolor   Author: Tina Glasneck      Kelly U Johnson Fine Art
       forms of fine and performing arts   Exploration by Dawn Flores (VMFA).   Chesterfield Children’s Theatre  Laura2Aura Handcrafted Jewelry
       through exhibitions, demonstrations and   This program has been organized by   Christine Lucas            OH, love!
       performances, and crafts for children.    the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and   Dare to Wood Studios     The Phantom Players
       There also be                                     is supported, in part,   Guitarist: Zack Artis          The ReMade Station
       all-day hands-                                    by the Paul Mellon   H. Michael Denton Whittle Designs  Rick Dodson Photography
       on workshops                                      Endowment and the   Hogwarts Handcrafted                Stavna Ballet
                                                                                FROM LEFT: KATIE, LEILANI, CLAUDIA, MELISSA, CINDY, DAVID,
       provided by the                                   Jean Stafford Camp   InStepHens                         Thomas Dale High School
       Virginia Museum                                   Memorial Fund.         CHARLOTTE, MARY BETH, ANGIE, KELSEY, AMBER, AND LUCY
       of Fine Arts. Enjoy
       a fun-filled day for                              PERFORMANCES/
       the whole family                                  DEMOS                         Cindy’s Hair Pros
       with activities for                               10:30 a.m.
       all ages and food                                 Sing-along with Castle
       from La Milpa and                                 Rock             11864 Chester Village Dr. Chester    804-706-6470
       the Dog Wagon.                                    12:30 p.m.                Fabulous Friday Sale
          Get to know                                    Stavna Ballet
       the artists who                                   12:45 p.m.                    Nov. 24,  9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
       live and work in                                  Tina Glasneck: Book
       Chester’s vibrant                                 Reading
       arts community.                                   1:00 p.m.                    40% off! In-Stock Retail
       See live                                          Thomas Dale High
       demonstrations,                                   School Theatre                       (no discount on special orders)
       ask questions, and                                1:30 p.m.                       Refreshments and Door Prizes
       shop for unique, locally-made pieces. The   Artist: RaeJean Whaley
       event will be held Saturday, Dec. 2, 10 a.m.   2:00 p.m.                         11864 Chester Village Dr. • 706-6470
       until 3 p.m.                       Chesterfield Children’s Theatre
                                          2:15 p.m.
       WORKSHOPS (free, register when you  The Phantom Players
       10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Colored Pencils   EXHIBITORS, DEMONSTRATORS
       and Acrylics by Dawn Flores (VMFA).  & PERFORMERS
       This program has been organized by the   Art Adventures Face Painting by Amy
       Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and is   Barr
       supported, in part, by the Paul Mellon   Artist: Bethany Sharpe
       Endowment and the Jean Stafford Camp   Artist: Jean Lynn
       Memorial Fund.                     Artist: RaeJean Whaley
                                                                                  Searching for a Unique gift?

       Holiday concert                                                            We have rooms full of unique treasures

       scheduled                                                              Extended Holiday Hours: Open to 7 p.m.
                                                                              Every Thursday Nov 30 through Dec. 31
                                                                              Join us for our fun Holiday Season events!
          The 392nd Army Band headquartered   campus of Virginia State University. Both   Nov. 15        CeCe Caldwell’s Paints Window Class  6 p.m.
       at Fort Lee holiday concert with   performances of this annual concert are free   Nov. 16        Vintage Painted Book Workshop   6 p.m.
                                                                              Nov. 18        Memory Prints
       performances on Dec. 9 and 10, is   and open to the public.            Nov. 24-25  Storewide Sale (Some exclusions apply)
       entitled “Holiday Reflections” and will   Fort Lee Soldiers, families and civilian   Nov. 28        Vintage Painted Book Workshop  11 a.m.
       feature classics such as “I’ll Be Home for   employees began a century of support to   Nov. 28        CRC Christmas Store Donations Due
       Christmas,” “Carol of the Bells,” and “Sleigh   the nation in 1917 when Camp Lee was   Nov. 30        Painted Paper Clay Ornament Workshop  11 a.m.
       Ride” all performed by the world class   established to train the 80th Division for   Dec. 5          Painted Paper Clay Ornament Workshop  11 a.m.  Reserve your time slot for
       Soldier Musicians of the 392nd with special   service during WWI. Today, Fort Lee is the                                    Memory Prints
       guests The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps   Army’s Home of Sustainment and supports   Supporting and a Collection Center for  Saturday, Nov. 18
       from Washington, D.C. Concertgoers will be   the training, education and development of   Cornerstone Revitalization Center
       treated to a kaleidoscope of sounds by jazz   adaptive Army professionals in fields such   Christmas Outreach Project
       and rock bands, vocal artists, and traditional   as transportation, supply, culinary arts and
       brass and concert band music. The music   equipment repair and maintenance. Major
       will be interwoven with personal interviews   organizations on the installation include                              Mon. - Sat. 10 - 5
       of veterans and active service members as   the Defense Commissary Agency, Defense                                   Closed Sunday
       they reflect on what the music of the Holiday   Contract Management Agency, Combined
       season meant to them during their military   Arms Support Command, the Army
       service. Performances are scheduled for 3   Logistics University, U.S. Army Ordnance   (804) 706-5862  4100 W. Hundred Road  Chester (Next to Vogue Flowers)
       p.m., Dec. 9 at the Fort Lee Theater and 3   School, U.S. Army Quartermaster School
       p.m., Dec. 10 in Anderson Turner Hall on the   and U.S. Army Transportation School.                                                                                             NOVEMBER 15, 2017  3B
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