Page 5 - January 31, 2018
P. 5
                                                                             moving towards a common goal.  We   School. The teachers, the
       Mixing Bowl                                                           will undoubtedly miss so many people  administration, and the staff all work
       Joy                                                                   brand new school.                   inclusive environment for all of our
                                                                                                                 tirelessly to provide a warm, loving,
                                                                             when Enon gets to move into their
                                                                                 Chesterfield County Public
                                                                                                                 students. I truly wish that everyone
       everyday                                                              Schools has a hidden treasure in    would be able to experience such joy
                                                                             Marguerite Christian Elementary
                                                                                                                 on a daily basis.

       By Gena Lashley
                                                                                                        Welcome to
         don’t think I can adequately put into  knees, hurt feelings, and multiple
         words the joy I experience daily   germs that spread throughout the                              SETnails®
                                                                                                           BRING IN A FRIEND,
      I working in an elementary school.   building, the children are always                             FAMILY, OR LOVE ONE TO
       Some of you are probably wondering   in need of us beyond our teaching                             A FUN AND RELAXING
                                                                                                          DAY AT SETnails SPA
       what in the world I am thinking;   capabilities. While they are learning
       Hundreds of children between the   about ancient Egypt or historic
       ages of four and 11 piled into a   Jamestown, they also need their
       building every day cannot be that   teachers to teach about patience,                            SETnails®
       joyful, yet others will know exactly   kindness, and acceptance. Students
       what I am talking about. The minute   come from all walks of life, and,
       I walk into our building I am greeted   teachers have the hardest job of all,
       warmly by adults with smiles on their   which is to be able to identify those
       faces, it’s a wonderful way to start   students who need a little extra TLC,
       the day. The real fun begins when the   and believe me, there are so, so many           HANDS                          FEET                           WAX
       buses unload and I am overcome by a   of them.
       barrage of little arms giving me hugs,   My work, and my school bring                                         GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE
       heads resting on my shoulders, and   me such delight, and I am so proud to
       exciting news pouring into my ears.   be a part of the Marguerite Christian            a Giftv for You     The perfect gift for
       It’s a little dose of sunshine on even   family. We have the strongest sense
       the dreariest of days.             of community within our building;                                       every occasion,
          I often say that if television   we have made long and lasting
       really wanted an exciting reality   relationships with our families,
       show, it should follow a day in an   community members, and have moved                                     everytime.
       elementary school, if only to hear the   seamlessly throughout the school
       funny things the kids say, and to see   year sharing a campus with Enon
       the hilarious antics of the teachers   Elementary. The teachers, staff, and
       making it through the day with their   students all work together, and it’s   SETnails  7072 Commons Plaza CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832               MONDAY-SATURDAY: 9:30AM-7PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM-5:00 PM
       sanity intact. It’s very hard to come   a pleasure to see so many people       (804)748-3009
       into our school and not feel joy. We
       are a community of adults making
       sure that the children come first,
       before anything. To work with such
       a tremendous group of individuals                                                            Alzheimer’s
       brings me hope. Daily, we are making
       sure children are fed if they are
       hungry, clothed if they are without,
       giving shoes when they have none,                                                     Specialty Center
       comforting those who are going
       through so much that they can’t even
       talk about it, but we know, and we are
       there. We are a collective group of
       nurturers. Supporting the student as a
       whole is so important to the learning
       process, and our school gets it, and
       it’s a sight to see. My heart fills with
       joy when I walk by my assistant
       principal’s office and see her having
       a dance off with a student, starting
       his day off with joy. Watching my
       principal eat lunch with groups of
       girls and mentoring them while they             Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty
       chat and connect, and seeing our ever
       impressive office manager helping          Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town center –
       a little girl with her hair before she     giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
       goes to class (making sure she feels
       confident before class starts), it’s an                          the chance to live normal lives.
       amazing place to be.
          Between untied shoes, scraped       Each day residents can walk through town and engage in activities normally done at
                                               home. Stop by the bank or post office • Go to the library • Swing by the Tavern for a
         SEND US YOUR NEWS!                  • Stop by the market and pick up a snack  • See a movie in the theater • Attend church
                                              non-alcoholic beverage • Go to the drug store and enjoy something to eat at the Café

          HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN              services in the chapel • Go to the salon/barber shop for a shampoo or a shave!
           IN CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING                         “Come take a walk through town with us”

         ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION                  5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
              PHOTO? SUBMIT IT TO                              
        NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM                                                                                              JANUARY 31, 2018  05
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