Page 9 - January 31, 2018
P. 9
Make someone’s day
Living Safe constantly dropping limbs or branches. EXTRA fruitful
The little It is necessary that we constantly keep
an eye on trees in our yard. Trees that
are showing signs of disease or dying
things may need to be removed before they
come down unexpectedly. I sometimes
wonder if my writing causes people
By Pete Hypes to change their behavior. After an
he other day, when the weather Repetition can be a cause of accident occurs is the wrong time Delivery or Pick-Up
to ask, “what could I have done to
finally broke, we went outside complacency. A job or an activity that a
T with our grandchildren. They person does over and over can become so prevent this from happening?” If CALL TO ORDER
every accident can be prevented,
wanted to ride the Big Wheels that monotonous that it is done with little or no then prevention should occur on the 804-748-7025
they had gotten for Christmas. We put thought. The problem is that everything front side of the accident. Benjamin
12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
their bike helmets on, letting them that we do requires our total and undivided Franklin was quoted as saying, “an Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
ride in the driveway and cul-de-sac on attention no matter how many times ounce of prevention is worth a pound
11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
our street. Our grandson, the oldest we have done it before. Whether it be a of cure.” Think about it… Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
grandchild, wanted to go as fast as he factory process or a routine task at home,
could. Staying with him every step of we must stay focused. It is usually the little
the way was important to him riding I left the house before daybreak the Paying Cash!
things that get us.
without getting hurt. You might say that
he could have still been hurt, but the other day. To not disturb my neighbors, I Gold, Silver, and Platinum
chances were better that he would not be did not turn on the porch light. I missed
because I was focused on him and our the bottom step. Fortunately, I was able BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
surroundings. to keep my balance and did not fall. It Village Coin is paying top dollar for your jewelry
Accidents of every kind happen does not take but a second for a good and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
regularly. Accidents involving passenger moment to become a bad moment. WE BUY & SELL ALL
vehicles, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles, Illuminating our path for walking is
or motorcycles occur practically every a small thing, but a necessary thing. UNITED STATES
day. The question is, What are we doing Another thing to remember is to watch GOLD & SILVER COINS
to prevent injury or death? Seat belts, where we are going. Ground level falls Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
helmets when necessary, and paying cause broken wrists, head injuries, and
attention to what we are doing and everything in between. Village Coin
what the people around us are doing. If overlooked little things cause us 1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
Distractions cause many, if not all, of to get injured, then it would make sense (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
the accidents that occur. It is vital to stay to pay attention to the smallest things. I 520-4949
focused on what we are doing. I drove to find myself, on windy days when I am in
Baltimore last Saturday. It is against the the woods, looking up at the condition
law to utilize a handheld phone or text of trees and limbs above me. We have SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL
while driving in Maryland. some oak trees in our back yard that are
Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar
all for $ 10 95
ANTHONY, Mrs. Marie, 90, of Chesterfield, widow of Oscar Anthony.
ANTOINE, Mr. Lawrence, 82, of North Chesterfield, husband of Brenda Magdaleen
ARTHUR, Mr. Harry Morgan, 96, of Chester, an Army veteran, widower of Dimples
S. Arthur.
BEAM, Mr. Walter R., 89, of Chester, formerly with the Air Force, widower of
Victoria Reese.
BULLIFANT, Mr. George, 80, of Chester, husband of Virginia Elizabeth Bullifant.
CASEY, Mrs. Mary C., 96, of Chesterfield, widow of Glin Casey.
COLLIER, Mrs. Patricia Nancy, 65, of North Chesterfield, wife of James E. Collier Jr.
CRUTE, Mr. Charles Edward, 82, of Chester, an Air Force veteran, husband of
Beverly S. Crute.
DARNELL, Mrs. Susan Elizabeth, 38, of Chesterfield, wife of James Darnell.
DODD, Mr. Bobby, 74, of Chesterfield, husband of Dottie Dodd.
GATHRIGHT, Mr. Travis Lloyd, 41, of Chester, husband of Rebecca Wynne Gathright.
HILL, Mr. Ewen Jackson “Jack/Sookie,” 88, of Chester, a Korean War-era Air Force
veteran, husband of Nancy Goodwyn Hill.
HUNDLEY, Mr. Gerald “Big Jerry” Howe Jr., 75, of Chester, a U.S. Navy veteran, ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN
husband of Brenda Joy Hundley.
LADNER, Mr. Richard A., 87, of North Chesterfield, husband of Dorothy M. Ladner. Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
LYTHGOE, Mr. George Lynwood Sr., 87, of North Chesterfield, partner of Betty A. oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
MARTIN, Mr. Jesse J., of Chesterfield, a Marine Corps and Army veteran, husband of King’s Korner
Connie Martin.
REID, Mrs. Winnifred “Winnie” Lee Everett, 95, of Chesterfield, widow of Charles
Alexander Reid Jr. 7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport) 743-9333
STROTHERS, Ms. Mary E., 80, of Chesterfield. Catering: 271-0033 |
TONG, Mr. Gary Wayne, 63, of Chesterfield, husband of Tracey Tong. Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95 JANUARY 31, 2018 09