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         Continued from page 1             bulls mature at age seven and weigh be-
         handshake. The Army purchased 647   tween 800 to 1,100 pounds; they stand
         acres in 1941 and built the supply de-  five to six feet tall at the shoulder. Cows
         pot.                              mature at age three, weigh about 550
            The elk live in a 25-acre fenced   pounds, and stand about four feet tall at
         preserve with grass and a thick patch of   the shoulder.
         oak trees. Though the Bellwood Elk are   Only bulls grow antlers, and they
         near people, they remain wild and are   grow their first set by at age one. Elk
         not handled unless they are being treat-  with six points on each antler are called
         ed by a veterinarian.             Royal elk; seven point elk are called
            Ages of the elk come in wide rang-  Imperial; and eight point elk are called
         es. “We estimate the present oldest elk   Monarchs.
         in the Bellwood herd to be 22 years    The herd, currently consisting of
         old,” said Parrish. “All of the elk in our   31 elk and they can be viewed from a   THIS JUNE BUG HAD FINISHED HIS JOB, NOW HE WAS RESTING?
         herd have been born on the Center.”  wooden platform located beside 8000
            The elk herd is well-known nation-  Jefferson Davis Highway. Information
         wide and numerous publications have   on the elk can be found on a marker at   THEY
         written articles on it, including the Sat-  the site.
         urday Evening Post, which ran a story   “Our herd continues to grow and   Continued from page 1            June bugs began reaching the surface
         in 1953 titled “The Elk that joined the   thrive solely on the Defense Supply   “Sometimes the larvae will come   during last week. The heaviest emergence
         Army.”                            Center Richmond,” Parrish said. “We   out of the ground early, before they are   of the little beasts was on July 7. Not June
            Arthur Godfrey, a famous radio   are maintaining the installation’s and   mature, and they will crawl on their   but July. After about two-inches of rain
         and television celebrity, adopted some   Mr. Bellwood’s cultural and historic   back and they will go to a new location   over two days the ground was soft enough
         of the elk in 1950 and moved them to   legacy in a safe and healthy environ-  and they might cross a parking lot or a   for a train to climb out of. But still why
         his farm in Leesburg.             ment, and to the enjoyment and benefit   sidewalk and look like a plague [from] out   June bugs. Likins said he doesn’t know
            Male elk are called bulls, females   of our employees and our local commu-  of the Bible,” said Likins.   exactly why they are called June bugs, but
         are cows and babies are calves. The   nity.”                                                           as far as he knows they always have been.
                                                                                                                Maybe someone should lobby the Virginia
                                                                                                                General Assembly.
                                                                                                                    The insects hide their eggs two to five
                                                                                                                inches deep in the soil during midsummer.
                                                                                                                They lay approximately 60 to 75 eggs
                                                                                                                over a two-week period. In about two and
                                                                                                                a half weeks, the eggs hatch into grubs,
                                                                                                                which are white in color, and the cycle
                                                                                                                starts all over.
                                                                                                                    There are many types of beetles
                                                                                                                in the scarab family, 300 according to
                                                                                                                Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

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             Join us for free entertainment, outings, and seminars designed for seniors and their families. Call ahead
             to sign up or learn about staying as a Respite guest. For trips, ride along with us on our mini-bus.

             Tuesday, July 11  •  3:30 pm   Survival Skills for Healthy Aging: Safe Banking for Seniors
             Wednesday, July 12  •  10 am     A Journey through Germany:                                   Assisted Living & Memory Care
                                           A Historial Presentation by Mr. Crinkley
             Friday, July 14  •  6:30 pm     Singer and Entertainer Craig Anders Performs                           804-520-0050
             Thursday, July 20  •  3:30 pm   German Sweets and Treats:                                  
                                           A sampling of German Chocolates and Cakes                        235 Dunlop Farms Boulevard
             Saturday, July 22  •  1 pm     Cooking Class: Traditional German Foods                          Colonial Heights, VA 23834

             Call 804-520-0050 to RSVP or to schedule your personal tour.                                   Coordinated Services Management, Inc. - Professional
                                                                                                            Management of Retirement Communities since 1981                                                                                                JULY 12, 2017  | 03
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