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           Historical society and parks and rec

                    partner for event and activities

            Civil War walking tour of        “Scouting Days-Senior Scout:      the requirements for a Senior Textile   “Make Your Own Zoetrope-
             Historic Point of Rocks                 Textile Artist”           Artist Badge.   Scouts will explore the    Early Animation”
                                                                               world of textile arts by choosing their
         1The Chesterfield Historical Society of   The Chesterfield Historical Society   projects in the craft that inspires them    The Chesterfield Historical
         Virginia, in partnership with the Chesterfield   of Virginia (CHSV) and the Chesterfield   the most, utilizing tools and materials   Society of Virginia and the Chesterfield
         County Department of Parks and Recreation,   County Department of Parks and   in their textile craft, making one textile   County Department of Parks and
                                                                               craft that can be utilized every day, and
         presents a walking tour of Historic Point of   Recreation will present a special   creating a gift or an item for a special   Recreation will present a special
         Rocks.                             program called Scouting Days – Senior   occasion.   They will learn the basics of   program: “Make Your Own Zoetrope-
                                            Scout: “Textile Artist” on Saturday, July
            The tour will illuminate the unique   15, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic   textile art.  A few of the projects they   Early Animation” on Saturday, July 22,
         history surrounding this historic site.   Magnolia Grange House Museum,   will be choosing from are: purses, belts,   from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic
                                                                                                                  Magnolia Grange House Museum,
         Learn about the military operation of the   10020 Iron Bridge Rd., Chesterfield.   mats and decorative textile art.  10020 Iron Bridge Rd., Chesterfield.
         Union Army under the command of Gen.    The event is meant to assist in   Cost is $10/person, does not include   The event is meant to assist in
         Benjamin Butler in May of 1864 that  further providing both historical and   badge.  Pre-registration is required.    further providing both historical and
         became known as the Bermuda Hundred  educational programming to increase   For more information, please contact   educational programming to increase
         Campaign. Learn about one of the earliest  awareness of the historical site.  LeeAnne Ball at (804) 748-1498 or click   awareness of the historical site.
         naval battles of 1862.  Visit the site of a   This workshop is geared for Senior   on   Learn the fun-filled history and the
                                                                                   The Chesterfield Historical Society
         Union hospital established here where Clara   Girl Scouts who are looking to complete   of Virginia is a private, non-profit 501(c)   various inventions of early animation,
         Barton tended to Union wounded and walk                               (3) organization established in 1981.  Its   while making your very own zoetrope
         the ground where President Lincoln visited   in the Bermuda Hundred Campaign. Wear   mission is to collect, preserve, interpret   to take home, during this unique
         in 1865.  View Federal fortifications and   comfortable shoes. This tour meets at the   and promote the county’s past for the   Heritage Craft Class.
                                                                                                                      Cost is $10/person.  Pre-
         learn why this location played a major role   maintenance facility parking lot at Dodd   education and enjoyment of present and   registration is required.  For more
                                            Park at Point of Rocks, 201 Enon Church   future generations.  To volunteer, call   information, call LeeAnne Ball at
                                            Rd., Chester on Saturday, July 15 from 2 – 4   (804) 796-7121.        (804) 748-1498 or click on www.
          4                                 p.m. Cost is $8 per person and registration                 
                                            is made in advance by visiting the CHSV
                                            website at




                       6701 Ironbridge Parkway  |  Chester, Virginia  |  804.748.7000  |

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