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        Living Safe                                                            whatever cause, what must we       sprinkler systems would be more the
                                                                               do? A change of thinking would be   norm than the exception. Home fire
        Times have                                                             the first positive step. Fire safety is   drills would be as common as school
                                                                               everybody’s responsibility. Each of
                                                                                                                  fire drills, with a practiced home
                                                                               us must do everything possible to
                                                                               prevent a fire from occurring. If we   escape plan.
                                                                               think about it, we might do something   Firefighters are up for the challenge,
                                                                               about it. Another change of thought   but each of us has a responsibility
        By Pete Hypes                                                          occurs when we stop thinking that it       in this as well. Your only chance of
              ince retiring from the fire   contribute to a larger number of   will never happen to us. In fact, if we   survival may be the actions that you
                                                                                                                  take when a fire occurs. Being pulled
              service, fires requiring the   fires than others, any cause must be   altered our thinking to say, what will   out of a fire by firefighters only to die
        Srescue of occupants seem to        addressed. Cooking-related fires still   I do when a fire occurs? If we believe   days later should not be okay with
        have increased. I know that the fire   account for the cause of the largest   that a fire will occur in our home   you or me. Prepare yourself in a way
        service was ready for the challenge,   number of single-family and multi-  or business, we will act differently.   that when a fire occurs you will react
        due to the extensive training that   family dwelling fires in our county,   Smoke alarms would not be disabled,   properly.
        occurs daily. My question is, what   state, and nation. Other causes of fires   but would be well-maintained
        changed? I have no data to support   include, but are not limited to, candles,   and frequently tested. Residential
        my claim, but I am going to attempt   improper discarding of smoking
        to address this anyway. If fires are on   materials, illegal fireworks, illegal   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
                                            clandestine drug labs, space heaters,
        the increase, then more people may   electrical issues, clogged dryer vents,  got storm damage?got storm damage?
        be affected. The impact from a fire                                             REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
        has a short life cycle. In other words,   lightning strikes, arson, improperly   We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
        a fire occurs and depending on what   discarded fireplace ashes, and the list         CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                         ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
        happens, it will be dealt with, but then   goes on. Many fires are considered   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
        it will be forgotten.               accidental, but the point that we         Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
                                            miss is that most accidental fires are   • Locally owned & operated
             One reason that fires are on   preventable.
        the increase is more people. As                                          • Highest quality materials
        population density increases, the fire        Fortunately, we now have a   • Exterior remodeling services
        problem increases as well. Homes    generation of young adults that have   • Fast, reliable service
        and apartments are being built in   been educated in fire safety during   • Fully licensed & insured
        every nook and cranny of Chesterfield   their time in elementary school. It used
        County. Chesterfield County will never   to be that we educated the children,                                  804-520-9791
        be any larger than it is now, but the   hoping that they would educate                                          Free Estimates • No Obligation
                                                                                                                         Locally Owned & Operated
        population continues to increase. We   their parents. This has never been an                                  Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
        have great schools and services and   effective teaching strategy. I doubt that                    
        a highway infrastructure that makes   most young adults remember their   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
        Chesterfield a great place to live.   fire safety training. The impossible
        With the good also comes the not-so-  thing to measure was the impact on
        good. More homes yield more people,   kindergarten to fourth grade students
        which leads to higher possibility and   who were trained in various aspects
        probability of a fire occurring. There   of fire safety. Because there is no way                         Gotta
        were certain stations that could expect   to determine the effectiveness of any
        a fire every workday or so. Now I   fire safety education program, one of
        hear about stations that used to be   the first things to go in the fire service                         love a
        considered “slow stations” that are   when budget cuts come is the fire
        running more and more fires.        safety education funding.                                            good
             Though some fire causes may         If fires are on the increase, by


        Bullock, Mr. Taj Rashad, 25, of North Chesterfield.
        Burkhart, Mrs. Carolyn Campbell, 61, of Chesterfield, wife of Norman F. Burkhart Jr.                    … especially when it
                                                                                      Phil Cunningham, Agent
        Carter, Mr. Walter Elliott, 79, of Chester, husband of Joan Frost Carter.     10100 Iron Bridge Road     saves you money.
        Childers, Mr. Hugh A., 90, of Chesterfield, husband of Joyce Hooper Childers.  Chesterfield, VA  23832
                                                                                        Bus: 804-748-6556
        Clancy, Mr. David Acres Jr., 41, of Chesterfield.                I can help you save an
        Duggan, Mrs. Patricia A. Harrison, 75, of Chesterfield, wife of Thomas J. Duggan.                        average of $600*.  Talk to me
        Eberly, Dr. Bruce W., 82, of Chesterfield, widower of Dr. Carole Eberly.                                 about combining your renters
        Friedhoff, Mrs. Carrie Ann, 41, of Chesterfield, wife of Robin Wayne Friedhoff Sr.                       and auto insurance today.
        Harvey, Mr. Thomas Edward, 89, of Chesterfield, a Korean War Navy veteran, husband of                    Get to a better State .
        Phyllis LeGrand Harvey.                                                                                  Get State Farm.
        Hogge, Mr. David T., 56, of North Chesterfield, husband of Tammy Hogge.                                  CALL ME TODAY.
        Hudson, Mr. Myles K., 57, of Chester,  a Virginia Army National Guard veteran,  husband of
        Cheryl Watson Hudson.
        Lewis, Mr. Ricky Alfred, 58, of Chester, husband of Carol Lewis.
        Macasaet, Mrs. Evelyn P., 71, of Chesterfield, wife of Francisco Friginal Macasaet.
        Mc Lauchlan, Mr. Matthew James, 31, of Chester.
        Ogle, Mr. Harry M., 92, of North Chesterfield, a World War II Army veteran
        Poole, Mr. Harrison Emory, 70, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran, husband of Nancy W. Poole.  *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2010 survey of new policyholders who
                                                                                                     reported savings by switching to State Farm.
        Powell, Mr. Charles Bernard Jr., 70, of North Chesterfield, husband of Ann Powell.  State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
        Siller, Mrs. Ruth Ellen Albretsen Clark, of Chesterfield, 91, widow of O. Fred Siller.  State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
        Steed, Mr. Wallace C. “Junnie” Jr., of Chesterfield.                    1201143                                                                                                 JULY 12, 2017  9
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