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        Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                               tackle some kind of issue…like a   knew what it meant, and my brother,
        Words in the                                                           mall shooting….or what is consensual   fearing the worst, started crying and
                                                                                                                  begging my parents to intercede and
                                                                               sex….bullying..etc.  Most of it was
        Dogpound                                                               done in a humorous fashion with    make me tell him what it meant.  So
                                                                                                                  after getting a few minutes of nerdy
                                                                               some dark humor thrown in for good
                                                                                                                  revenge I told everyone what the word
                                                                               measure, but they seemed to make
                                                                               an effort to show several sides of an   meant and actually there was nothing
        By  Walter “JR” Wilson                                                 issue or how its impact varied among   special about the word.  Once my
              ello and welcome back to     in early 1971, my only reference was   individuals.  One show did catch my   brother got the definition, he quit his
              the wonderful world of the   from friends and family via telephone   eye…the Sunday paper review said   crying….but until then the word had
        HDogpound.  Just recently, I       or written letter [Yep…before e-mail.    that they were going to approach the   total power over him.  Words come in
        have been watching a television show   Yes, I know.  I am old. LOL]. They   use of the “N” word…and even though   many shapes and sizes…some are nice
        titled “The Carmichael Show”…this   would tell me something that was said   I was prepped, I was still taken aback   and others are judgmental…like …
        is their third season, and just recently   on that show, and I would respond,   when they did actually use that word   you are too fat…you are too stupid…
        they were canceled because one of   Really?! He actually said that on   or a variation of that word throughout   you will never amount to anything...
        the main characters quit.  The show is   public television?”  Or “He actually   the half-hour comedy.  Now, I expected  and those words and hundreds of more
        said to be the black version of the old   did that?”  Back in those days that   a lot of blow back, but I have not seen   like them will always be with us and
        television hit “All in the Family.”  Do   was kind of vanguard and it was not   any…which is a good thing however   around us. So we need to step-up and
        remember that show?  The one with   till the summer reruns was I able to   surprising, based on past discussions   take the power from the word and
        Archie Bunker and his wife Edith   catch up with the new number one hit   on that specific word. The key point…  refuse to allow it to dictate how we
        plus good old “Meathead?”  LOL. I   show.  The show ran for nine years   that I wanted to get to was that there   see ourselves or how we move forward
        was in college at the time living on   and for five years, in a row it was   was a debate on whether that word had   in the future.  As the old saying goes,
        campus, and the only television that   the number one show in the Nielsen   power over you, or did you have power   “God doesn’t make junk.”
        was available was in the common    ratings…a record that I think still   over the word.  Interesting question..  As always, be good, do good,
        room, and if it was not sports-related,   remains today.  Anyway, I liked "The   and brings me to an incident I had   play safe and remember, you have the
        heaven help you getting the channel   Carmichael Show." Each show would   with my little brother.  Now, being   power. JR
        changed.  So, when the show started                                    the oldest and him being about four
                                                                               years younger than me…meant I was
                                                                               always the target of the “You are the
                                                                               oldest…you should know better..."
                                                                               when my brother would tease me;
                                                                               actually, agitate would be the better
                                                                               word, because he knew he could do it
                                                                               and get away with it.  Being the oldest
                                                                               did not give me a lot of opportunities
                                                                               to return the favor till one night
                                                                               over supper….my brother was doing
                                                                               something, and I looked him in the eye
                                                                               and said, “You are nothing but a Homo
                                                                               sapien.” Something I picked up from
                                                                               Biology, and before you go to Google
                                                                               or ask Siri…this word just means a sub
                                                                               species of human beings….what we
                                                                               call ourselves.  Anyway, my brother
                                                                               wanted to know what that meant,
                                                                               so I just continued to feign interest
                                                                               and occasionally referred to him as
                                                                               a Homo sapien as we continued to
                                                                               eat.  No one else at the supper table

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