Page 13 - January 10, 2018
P. 13


       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             not a telemarketer, then they would
       Dogpound                                                              leave a voice mail message and I would   THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
                                                                             then return there call.  The other day
       2018                                                                  I got one of those calls…actually an   “The single biggest problem in commu-
                                                                             800 number…so I let it roll to voice
                                                                                                                 nication is the illusion that it has taken
                                                                                                                 place.”   – George Bernard Shaw
                                                                             mail…and they left a message.  I pulled
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson                                                up the message and someone started
               ello and welcome back to a   food, and they are finding more oil every   talking 90 mph…I mean he sounded   IS IT COLD?
                                                                             like the guy at the end of the television
               wonderful new year in the   day.  Maybe 3000? LOL  Anyway, one   advertisement for some kind of      My husband and I purchased an
       HDogpound.  Whenever we roll       thing that might kill a few of us are the   medication.  You know…they have like   old home in Northern New York State
       over a new year I think back to the year   continued marketing calls on our cell   15 seconds to squeeze in 10 potential   from two elderly sisters. Winter was fast
       of 2000, the year that was always the   phones.  I have one that calls me several   side effects.  It comes off sort like this...   approaching and I was concerned about
       target of gloom and doom. Remember   times a week and they have gotten very   you might experience stomach prob-  the house’s lack of insulation. “If they
       Y2k, where all of our computers were   creative.  They used to call from out of   lems and if they persiststop taking the   could live here all those years, so can
       going to go “blink” and airplanes would   state…so I knew by the area code that   medicine and see your doctor etc.  Then   we!” my husband confidently declared.
       be falling out of the sky.  By the time   it was not a normal call and refused to   throw in for good measure a heavy   One January night the temperature
       2000 rolled around we would have more  answer it.  Then they got sneakier…they   accent I could not begin to make out   plunged to below zero, and we woke up
       people than this earth could support   figured out how to make the number   clearly what was being communicat-  to find interior walls covered with frost.
       creating massive world-wide shortages   look like a local number calling, and if   ed…even after several attempts.  Oh   My husband called the sisters to ask how
       of food, and if that did not kill us off,   that was not enough…they can make   well..I figured it was a telemarketer   they had kept the house warm. After a
       then using up all the available oil on   the last four digits different each time so   and would not lose any sleep over it.    rather brief conversation, he hung up.
       this plant would certainly finish the   it looks like a new call versus a repeat   Then a few days later the same person   “What did they say?” I asked. “Well,” he
       job.  Well, seventeen years later, our   call.  As for me…if it is not identified   called me again...I let it roll over…he   muttered, “for the past 30 years they’ve
       computers are still running, we have   in my phone list…then I do not answer   left a message…and I struggled again   gone to Florida for the winter.” [Does
       grocery stores filled to the brim with   it…assuming…if it was for me and   but I stayed with it since I figured it   not sound like a bad idea right now!]
                                                                             was important enough to call me back
                                                                             twice.  I finally got the number and    I think that is enough for today.  As
                                                                             called him back…comes to find out …I   always be good, do good, play safe and
                                                                             had ordered some replacement blades   remember to always make sure that your
                                                                             for my razor and they could not deliver   brain is engaged before you put your
                                                                             to my post office box…and wanted my   mouth in gear.
                                                                             physical address. Well…why didn’t
                                                                             you say so in the first place??? LOL  JR

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