Page 10 - January 10, 2018
P. 10



       Library welcomes                                                      El Juguetazo

       author, historian                                                     Rescheduled to                       11310 Ironbridge Road
                                                                             Saturday, Jan. 13

       and lecturer                                                          El Juguetazo, or the Three Kings        Chester, VA 23831

                                                                             event, provides at least one new toy
       Erica Armstrong Dunbar                                                to children from families in need. The   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
                                                                             event, which is celebrating its 14th
                                                                                                                     Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
                                                                             year, has been rescheduled due to the
                                                                                                                   Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
                                                                             inclement weather last week, from Jan.
                                                     Chesterfield, 23234.    6 to Jan. 13, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The El
                                                         Dunbar, who is      Juguetazo  event reaches out to hundreds
                                                                             of families in the Richmond area with
                                                     professor of Black      simple gifts that keep alive the tradition   Richmond Spine
                                                     American Studies        of Three Kings giving gifts to the
                                                     and History at          Baby Jesus. El Juguetazo is celebrated   Interventions
                                                     the University of       in many Latino cultures. Also at the    Peyman Nazmi, M.D.
                                                     Delaware, is also the   event will be family-friendly activities   Marc Caligtan, M.D.
                                                                             and valuable information provided by
                                                     inaugural director      numerous private businesses, nonprofit
                                                     of the Program in       organizations and service providers.   •   Epidural
                                                     African American        The event is held at L.C. Bird High
                                                     History at the          School, 10301 Courthouse Road,           steroid Injections
                                                     Library Company         Chesterfield.   Registration is not    •  Neck and back
                                                                             required. Children up to 14 years old.
                                                     of Philadelphia.        Everybody is welcome.                     spinal injections
                                                     She has participated    For more information call Chesterfield
                                                     in several PBS          County Multicultural Liaison Juan
                                                     documentaries.          Santacoloma, 796-7085.                      (804) 378-1800
          Chesterfield County Public                     Copies of
       Library will host author,          Dunbar’s book will be available
       historian and lecturer Erica       for sale. A book signing will                                                              We take
       Armstrong Dunbar, Ph.D.,           take place after the program.
       author of “Never Caught: The       Members of the Friends of the                                                                your
       Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit    Chesterfield County Public                                                                   smile
       of Their Runaway Slave, Ona        Library will get priority seating
       Judge.” The book was a finalist    at the event and will be invited                                                          personal
       for the 2017 National Book         to a pre-event reception and
       Award for nonfiction. The          book signing. Registration is
       event will take place Saturday,    required.  For more information
       Jan. 27, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.       or to register, call 804-                                                Metal - Clear - Invisible Braces
       at the Meadowdale Library,         751-CCPL or visit library.
       4301 Meadowdale Blvd., North                                                          FREE CONSULTATION

        SEND US YOUR NEWS!                                                   PHOTOS FROM LAST YEAR’S EVENT                   WB

            HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN IN                                        DONATE TODAY                       ORTHODONTICS

                   CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING                                                                          Accept most insurances
                                                                                                                   including Medicaid
                                                                                                                   Active-Duty Military
 6   ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION  PHOTO?                                                                             Discounts & Sibling
                             SUBMIT IT TO                                                                                        Wakeshi Benson, DDS, FADI

           NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM                                                                                  (804) 454-1888

                                                                                 Help And Hope For Those In Need    12230 Iron Bridge Road • Suite B
                                                                                    Chester, VA 23831

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