Page 7 - January 10, 2018
P. 7
Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia
Announces Artifact of the Month
at the Chesterfield County Museum
The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia, in cooperation with Chesterfield’s Department of Parks and Recreation announces Chesterfield County
Museum’s Artifact of the Month. Each month, beginning in January, an artifact from the museum collection will be highlighted. This will be an opportunity
to learn about Chesterfield’s history through unique items that are normally not available for public viewing. So be sure to check back often, online at www. ,, or by visiting the County Museum, at 6813 Mimms Loop on Chesterfield’s Historic
Courthouse Green. January’s Artifact of the Month is a pair of ice skates that were manufactured by the Union Hardware Company of Torrington, Connecticut
between 1870 and 1910. Ice skating was a popular winter pastime in Chesterfield. Before modern year-round ice rinks were available, frozen bodies of water
such as Jahnke Lake served as community gathering spots for winter ice skating parties.
Historical society's January membership luncheon
The Chesterfield Historical Partners, and Connect Southside, private, non-profit 501(c)(3) promoting the county’s unique past for
Society of Virginia will present directing the work to provide organization established in 1981. Its the education and enjoyment of resent
its January 28, 2018 Membership professional development training and mission is to research and celebrate and future generations. For more
Luncheon and Lecture at Howlett’s resources to strengthen effectiveness the history of Chesterfield County by information or to volunteer, visit www.
Tavern & Restaurant. The event will and impact of mission-based work. collecting, preserving, interpreting and
be from 1-3 p.m. This event is open to Prior to that Wendy managed product
non-members. You are encouraged to marketing and communications
bring a friend. for the publishing arm of the U.S.
The speaker will be Wendy Pharmacopeia near Washington, D.C.
Austin. As Executive Director of Between her work in the nonprofit
Friends of the Lower Appomattox sector, Wendy enjoyed ten years as the
River (FOLAR), Wendy is a passionate owner of an independent bookstore.
advocate for meeting the community She currently serves as an occasional
need for access to a clean, healthy facilitator with KickStart Specialists in
river and the environmentally Richmond, VA.
responsible development of parks and Cost is $25 per person. The
trails designed for safe and inclusive cost covers your meal, beverage &
use. She works in partnership with the gratuity! Space is limited; reserve
FOLAR Board of Directors to lead your space today. The menu and
organizational strategy that ensures online registration can be found
the realization of FOLAR’s mission to at A
HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK conserve and protect the Appomattox vegetarian option will be available
251 Henricus Park Road • Chester River for all to enjoy. upon request. Call 804-796-7156 for
(804) 748-1611 • With more than two decades Information. Howlett’s Restaurant is
of nonprofit executive management located at 3530 Festival Park Plaza,
experience, Wendy previously led two Chester, VA 23831.
greater Richmond region nonprofit The Chesterfield Historical THE FORMER TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH AT THE CORNER OF KRAUSE AND IRON
programs, Southside Community Society of Virginia is a SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA. JANUARY 10, 2018 07