Page 3 - January 10, 2018
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FEATURE                                                     The passing of a

        Continued from page 1                                                TDHS legend -
                                                                             “Miss” Pat Holdren

                                                                                 The family of “Miss” Patricia I.   winning at sports, but winning
                                                                             Holdren, Thomas Dale High School,   at life, succeeding in academia,
                                                                             TDHS Alumni,  and the Chester      developing positive morals and
                                                                             community are mourning the passing   character with teammates and as an
                                                                             of a legend, “Miss” Pat Holdren,   individual so then we could make
                                                                                                      Retired   our own impact in our families, our
                                                                                                      Athletic   workplace, and our communities.
                                                                                                      Director,   “Miss” Holdren was the mold that
                                                                                                      coach     allowed us to develop that positive
                                                                                                      and       character.
                                                                                                      teacher.      “Miss” Holdren was “the”
                                                                                                      On        positive role model needed by many
                                                                                                      January   students especially during the years
                                                                                                      2 “Miss”   of integration in Chesterfield County.
                                                                                                      Holdren   “Miss Holdren” was Coach Boone in
                                                                                                      as her    the movie “Remember The Titans.”
                                                                             PATRICIA I. HOLDREN      students   We are here to WIN together! There
                                                                             called her passed away after a brief   is no color, only Thomas Dale
                                                                             illness. On January 7, her colleagues   Knights! If you needed a ride to
                                                                             in academia, students, alumni,     school or home she would give it to
        THE ANGER SISTER’S RE-MADE STATION DURING “A TASTE OF ART” EVENT.    athletes, family and the Chester   you. If you were struggling with your
                                                                             community came together at Riptides   studies, she taught you how to study,
            There is no competing between the   or craft person to upcycle.  Storage   Restaurant to celebrate her life and   how to prioritize, and how to be    Chester Muff  er & Brake Shop
        sisters when it comes to creating. They   and time is usually the problem for   legacy. “Miss” Holdren began her   disciplined. She taught students how
        help each other out by sharing their   individuals thinking of the environment   teaching career in 1967 at Thomas   to present themselves to teachers,
        skills, collections of old items, supplies   and controlling waste in our landfills.   Dale High School. She never married   parents, and other athletes. “Miss”
        and tools.                         For old clothes and shoes not heading   or had children of her own. However   Holdren gave respect and received
            Juliana and Alex are in tenth grade   to a donation center, think about those   for 35 years she taught, coached,   the respect she so rightly earned
        and are homeschooled and Marie has   boxes in the shopping center stuff with   administered and mentored literally   for her 35 years at TDHS. She
        graduated from home school and is   worn items…they are on their way to   thousands of Chester, Virginia’s   exemplified the Thomas Dale Knight
        presently working a full-time job. They   being upcycle just as the plastic bottles   children as they matriculated through   traditions. She will be missed by
        have never taken any formal art classes   we throw into the recycle bin.  the years at TDHS. She had two   those looking for her in her corner of
        but have attended art and crafting                                   loves, her horses - Wynonna Judd,   the football field, her colleagues, her
        programs provided by the Chesterfield                                Alan Jackson, Dolly Parton and     family, her friends, her thousands of
        County Public Library.                                               Thomas Dale High School. “Miss”    kids, her Hampden Row buddies and
            During the “A Taste of Art” event,                               Holdren’s positive impact on her   especially by the one that emulated
        Marie had about 100 items available                                  students will be felt for many years   her and joined her in a teaching
        that included sketchbooks, jewelry,                                  to come as it is passed on to future   career at Thomas Dale.
        winter accessories, stuffed animals                                  generations. She coached girl’s        Coach, we made 25 of 25 from
        and Christmas decorations. Julianna                                  basketball and softball, winning a   the free throw line, we can still pick
        offered stocking ornaments made out                                  championship in softball in 1975.   up the lines, and we will always see
        of store bought felt and decorated with                              In her third year at Dale she created   the steal sign with you in the third
        old fabric, buttons, and embellishments.                             and advocated for an Advanced      base coaching box! Coach, we will
        She also had throw pillows and                                       Physical Education Program for the   walk for you counting our steps. We
        accessories created out of second hand                               girls at Thomas Dale. She created the   will always remember your famous 3
        yarn and old bed linens.  In all, Maria                              program to increase their learning   words- “YES I CAN!!!
        has created over 500 upcycled creations.                             of specialized sports and to give      Thank you “Miss” Holdren. You
        Juliana had about 85 creations for sale,                             them their first opportunity at    will be forever missed.
        and overall, has made about 250 items.                               teaching younger students at Curtis
        Alex has probably made around 80,                                    Elementary. “Miss” Holdren became   Love,
        though she was not selling any items at                              the first female athletic director in
        the event.                         LESLIE RUSH’S HAND-STAMPED        Chesterfield County. Her legacy    Thomas Dale High School and The
            There is no need to be an artist   FLATWARE KEYCHAIN.            will be about “Winning!” Not just   Chester Community


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