Page 2 - January 10, 2018
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WHAT’S UP Public Notice
Weekly Calendar The Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, on Wednesday January 24, 2018
beginning at 6:00 p.m., in the Public Meeting Room at 10001 Iron Bridge Road,
Chesterfield Virginia will consider the following requests:
JAN CHESTERFIELD NEEDLEWORK FRIENDS – 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 18RW0147*: In Midlothian Magisterial District, Tarrington Holdings, LLC, requests
10 - Chester Library Chester Combined Room A & B. Knit, crochet, an exception to Section 19.1-524 of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act requirements
socialize and share your techniques with others. All skill levels are
of the Zoning Ordinance to permit encroachment into the Resource Protection Area
welcome. (RPA) along two unnamed perennial streams to perform grading and construction of
WED five residential lots and principle dwelling units. The property is located at 4001 Ashwell
BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING Drive, which is within the James River drainage basin. Tax ID # 735-725-6651.
– 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Public Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Road,
Chesterfield. 18SN0551: (AMENDED) In Bermuda Magisterial District, Pulte Home Company,
LLC requests amendment of zoning approval (Case 11SN0149) to amend cash proffers
and development standards and amendment of zoning district map in a Townhouse
JAN ACOUSTIC CONCERT SERIES: The Red Herrings – 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Residential (RTH) District on 5.4 acres located in the southwest corner of Branders
11 North Courthouse Road Library North Courthouse Road Meeting Creek Drive and South Chalkley Road. Density will be controlled by zoning conditions
or ordinance standards. The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property is appropriate for
Room. Old-time fiddle and banjo tunes with Bob Herring, Jon Newlin
and Amy Davis. Community Business use. Tax IDs 778-651-3488, 3787, 3873, 3987, 4173, 4188, 4374,
THUR 4388, 4574, 4588, 4774, 4888, 5074, 5294, 5474, 5496, 5598, 5774, 5799, 5974, 6175,
6375, 6575, 7075, 7375, 7575, 7776, 7976, 8176, 8677, 8699, 8795, 8797, 8892, 8978,
JAN LEE-JACKSON HOLIDAY – All county offices and libraries closed. 9178, and 9479, and 778-652-5800, 6002, 6306, 6508, 6709, 6810, 7012, 8221, 8224,
8317, 8319, 8405, 8411, 8413, 8415, 8501, and 8502.
12 BLUEGRASS JAM SESSION – 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 5301 Plaza Drive, 18SN0530: In Bermuda Magisterial District, Henry D. Moore requests rezoning from
Hopewell, VA 23680. Come on out, and share with special individuals.
FRI Bring your voice, talent and love to share. Townhouse Residential (R-TH) to Townhouse Residential (R-TH) with conditional use
planned development to permit exceptions to ordinance requirements and amendment
of zoning district map in a Townhouse Residential (R-TH) District on 0.8 acre fronting
240 feet on the east line of Dale Lane, 240 feet north of West Hundred Road. Density
JAN 3 D PRINT YOURSELF – 10:30 a.m. to noon. Meadowdale Library. will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The Comprehensive Plan
Teens, print a 3-D statue of yourself and learn about the art of
13 photogrammetry at this two-part program. Register online at library. suggests the property is appropriate for Office/Residential Mixed use. Tax ID 791-656-
SAT 18SN0611: In Bermuda Magisterial District, John S Bolton and Richmond Affordable
MAPPING ANCIENT EGYPT – 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.Enon Library Enon Housing request conditional use to permit multifamily residential use in a Community
Meeting Room.Work your way up the Nile as you go back in time to Business (C-3) District and conditional use planned development to permit exceptions to
Ancient Egypt. For ages 7-9. Register online at ordinance requirements plus amendment of zoning district map on 2.8 acres fronting 400
JAN feet on the north line of Alcott Road, 245 feet west of Jefferson Davis Highway. Density
will be controlled by zoning conditions or ordinance standards. The Comprehensive Plan
15 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR HOLIDAY – All federal, state, and suggests the property is appropriate for general commercial use. Tax ID 790-678-8499.
county offices closed.
MON 18SN0625: In Dale Magisterial District, Mental Health Support Services requests an
exception to Section 18-60 of the utility ordinance for connection to the public wastewater
JAN CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.Learn system and amendment of zoning district map in an Agricultural (A) District on 21.1
to play the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free environment. acres known as 7600 Beach Road. Density will be controlled by zoning conditions or
16 Join the club and meet others who enjoy the game. All ages are Ordinance standards. The Comprehensive Plan suggests the property is appropriate for
Community Mixed Use. Tax ID 768-659-4257. * This case was deferred at a previous
TUES session by the Board of Supervisors. All persons favoring opposing or interested in the
GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road, above are invited to appear at the time and place herein stated and may speak. Copies
Details: 748-4636. of the above requests are on file in the Planning Department at the Chesterfield County
Community Development Building, 9800 Government Center Parkway, Chesterfield,
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Public Virginia and at the County Administrator’s Office (Room 504) at the Lane B. Ramsey
Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Road, Administration Building, for public examination during regular business hours, 8:30 am
to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. (Please check first with the Planning Dept.) More
information about these requests can be found at Comments
and/or recommendations on the above can be submitted to planning@
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Enon Library Enon Meeting Room. In this three-class
18 series, learn gardening basics for safety and comfort, as well as how to
prune and compost. Register online at
THUR Village News
2.- Only live trees without decorations. No tree vendors.
Publisher: Linda Fausz Managing Editor: Mark Fausz
Chesterfield County Northern Area Convenience Center 3200 Warbro Account Executive: Tyler Fausz Copy Editor: Steven Miles
Road (off Hull Street Rd. or off Genito Rd.) Monday, Tuesday, Friday Columnists:
through Sunday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Gena Lashley
Sports Editor: Josh Mathews Contributing Writers: Melissa Wilfong, Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat
Chesterfield County Southern Area Convenience Center. 6700 Landfill
Drive (off Ironbridge Rd.) Monday, Thursday, Friday through Sunday 7 Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC
a.m. – 6 p.m. 11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831 • (804) 751-0421 •
For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421,
Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to
Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.
All advertising included in this publication is subject to truth in advertising laws. The real estate advertising included in this publication is subject to Equal
Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
02 | JANUARY 10, 2018