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       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound                                         off to the QuickCare clinic.  The RN tried   I will not let what I cannot do interfere with
                                                                              to find the splinter by looking through the   what I can do.”    – Edward Everett Hale
       Dogpound pain                                                          scope they use on your ears…nothing…  our fellow brothers and sisters that have
                                                                              then she got a big magnifying glass with
                                                                                                                    [Our thoughts and prayers go out to
                                                                              multi-light bulbs …still nothing.  Then just
                                                                              to be sure…she got a needle out and poked   been impacted by Hurricane Harvey.  Help
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson                                                 around with that to see if she could uncover   in any way or manner.]
                                                                              anything.  Zero results, but it still felt like
              ello and welcome back to    my flower beds and remove a bunch of   something was in there…so you put me   TRY HEAVEN
              the wonderful world of the   goldenrod plants that were not supposed to   on some antibiotics and told me to soak
       HDogpound.  I hope you had a nice   be there.  So I am deep into one flower bed   my thumb in Epsom salts several times   Toward the end of a particularly
       weekend…I am just starting the weekend   and one plant refuses to come out of the   a day.  Good news is that the swelling is   trying round of golf, Jack was the picture
       as I write this article.  Actually, my holiday   ground.  I lose my grip, and my hand slides   gone, along with most of the tenderness…  of frustration. He’d hit too many fat shots.
       weekend started on Thursday when I had   up the stem, gouging a large splinter into   so hoping in a few days it will be back to   Finally he blurted out to his caddie, “I’d
       the opportunity to attend the first football   my left hand thumb.  It went right through   normal.  Normal?   I actually say that with   move heaven and earth to break a hundred
       game of the season for my beloved   the glove and stuck out a good 1/4 inch.    tongue in cheek, since this is the same hand   on this course.”“ The caddie replied, "Try
       Buckeyes. [Note…I was born and raised   It was in deep and it took some effort to   that is suffering from “jar-thumb.”  Yes…  heaven. You’ve already moved most of the
       in Ohio before I left to find my fortune   dislodge it; which, I have to admit, was not   it is an actual medical condition…look it   earth.”
       and fame.  Further Note…still looking for   a pleasant experience.  I thought I got it all   up…and despite my doctor’s assurance that   That is all I have for today. As always
       both. LOL]  Since I knew I would be all   but in the morning the thumb was all red   it would go away over time…I still have   be good, do good, play safe and remember
       tuckered out after all of that yelling and   and blood came out of the puncture at the   it.  It is a weird condition…since I can feel   that our true reason for being here is to help
       screaming…I took Friday off too, which   slightest push.  I tried sucking on my thumb   tenderness in my thumb when picking up   others.  JR
       would allowed me extra time to recover  so   [Hey…it works! You create a vacuum and   a file at work but I can lift weights and not
       I could enjoy the long Labor Day weekend.   try to pull the splinter up to the surface of   feel a thing.  Now, I do have to be careful
       [Note…this is being written on a beautiful   the skin.]..even tried the old "put tape on it   to make sure my hand is fully engaged…
       Saturday afternoon.]  So, with some free   and hope the splinter sticks to it when you   trying to lift using just my fingers or trying
       time on my hands, I decided to get into   pull the tape off" trick.  No success….so   to shut the car door with just a few fingers
                                                                              can cause some pain.  It is not a sharp pain,
                                                                              but it is an aggravating pain…sort of like a
                                                                              sore toe…it just keeps reminding you that it
                                                                              is still there.
                                                                                                                 Find the answers to the
                                                                              THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK               crossword puzzle on page 15
                                                                                 “I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot
                                                                              do everything, but I can do something.  And

                                                                                      Naturalization Ceremony
                                                                                                 September 14

                                                                                                   11am – 12:30pm
                                                                                                    Free to attend

                                                                               Join us on the James River bluff as we honor and welcome
                                                                                               our newest American citizens.

                                                                                                 HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK
                                                                                                  251 Henricus Park Road • Chester
                                                                                                  (804) 748-1611 •

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