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        Living Safe


                                                                                                                      Beginner and
        By Pete Hypes
            eptember has historically been the   on September 9. This storm may or may   was real and happening. When we have   Intermediate
            height of hurricane season, in the   not turn, but we should be preparing for   forewarning, the “no plan” plan is not   lessons
       S     Atlantic Ocean. We continue to   what could occur. Most people will not   acceptable. If given the order to evacuate,    Ages 10 to
        watch the heroic efforts of many in Texas   give this storm a thought until it is an   then evacuate! When you are ordered to   Adult
        as they continue to operate in the rescue or   imminent threat to them personally. Fewer  evacuate, where will you go? How will
        life safety mode of the operation. Tropical   lives were lost in Texas because people   you get there? Will you be prepared to be   $20/half hour
        systems are wind events, rain events, or   reacted quickly to the evacuation orders   stuck in traffic for a long period of time?
        both. Hurricane Harvey was both, with   given. In the warnings given, people have                                          $40/hour
        sustained winds of 130 mph and gusts as   been told not to drive through water that is       It will take a long time for things to
        high as 155 mph, but now we are seeing   crossing a roadway, whatever the depth. I   go back to some semblance of normal
        the devastating effects of a system that   have several stories related to this, but the  in Texas. Disaster relief teams have
        has dumped over 50 inches of rain. The   one closest to home was the vehicle that   mobilized and will provide basic needs for   Learn to
        emergent aspect of this storm will continue  was swept away in rushing water at Falling  weeks to come. Damaged homes will have   play popular
        as long as people are in harm’s way and   Creek during tropical storm Gaston,   to be bulldozed, or at least all the drywall
        require rescue. There will then be the   which claimed the life of the driver while  removed above the level that the water    songs,
        issues caused by people living in places,   firefighters worked frantically to save her.  came in. I heard that this storm could cost   technique
        for long periods of time, where there is no                          upwards of $100 billion. Recovery will be
        infrastructure, who power or water. On a        You may ask, what can we do when   ongoing for years. Can we ever mentally   and basic
        side note, I would like to clarify something   a storm is so far away? The first thing   prepare to lose everything? Harvey may   music theory
        that a prominent national reporter said   to do is to develop a plan of what you   leave, but the effects will remain. I even
        last night. She talked about water rescue   will do, depending on the issues caused   heard that this storm will dissipate as it
        teams that were being brought in, who   by any storm. If you have emergency   moves north. My definition of a hurricane   Your home or mine
        were trained in swift water rescue. She   power, then test it and make sure that   is a storm engine that is fueled by warm
        defined that as teams that could swiftly   you have plenty of fuel to operate it in   water. My prayer is that one day someone   John Ellis
        get to people, but the actual definition is a   the height of a storm, when there may   will figure out a way to dissipate these
        team that has been trained to work in swift   not be power, especially at gas stations.   storms at sea, or at least figure out how   804.530.2595
        moving water. I saw one rescue on the   Also, be sure to fill your vehicles with fuel  to keep them at sea. Since that may never   john@
        news yesterday that would truly qualify as   prior to the storm’s arrival. As the storm   happen, we must always be prepared for
        a swift water rescue.              is approaching, you will want to stock   the “what ifs.”          
             Back to my opening sentence, are we   up on certain things, especially bottled
        prepared for a land-falling hurricane on the  water. Make sure that the propane tank
        east coast of the United States? A reporter   on your grill is full, as this may be the
        said that models show Irma will reach   only means of cooking for a while. If you
        Category 3 status on Monday and could   live on oxygen, make sure that you have                          Gotta
        affect the United States. I stand amazed   plenty of full, portable oxygen cylinders
        at how far we have come with technology   in case the power goes off. I cannot tell
        and the ability to predict what these storms   you the number of times that we trained in                love a
        will do. Ross Runner said last night that   the fire service for major natural disasters
        Irma could possibly affect the United   when the sky was clear and the wind
        States, with it possibly hitting the Bahamas  was not blowing. We trained as though it                   good

          RECENTLY DECEASED                                                                                      combo

        Crisp, Mr. James, 55, of North Chesterfield, widower of Judy Crisp.
        Greene, Dr. Heather Allison, 46, of North Chesterfield, wife of Torill Yamarik.
        Hill, Mr. James Richard Sr., 94, of Chesterfield, a World War II Navy veteran, widower of
        Pearl Hill.                                                                                             … especially when it
                                                                                      Phil Cunningham, Agent     saves you money.
        Jester, Mr. Joe Mercer, 71, of Chesterfield, husband of Barbara Woodson Jester.  10100 Iron Bridge Road
                                                                                       Chesterfield, VA  23832
        Kibiloski, Mrs. Beverly Jean, 90, of Chester, widow of Ladislaus Theodore Kibiloski.  Bus: 804-748-6556  I can help you save an
        LaPrade, Mr. Steve, 61, of Chesterfield, husband of Penny Hancock LaPrade.                               average of $600*.  Talk to me
        Lee, Mrs. Charlotte Ann Smith, of Chesterfield, widow of Tony Lee Sr.                                    about combining your renters
                                                                                                                 and auto insurance today.
        Luna, Ms. Linda Marie Miller, 66, of Chesterfield.                                                                            ®
        Navis, Mr. Edward Melvin, 81, of Chesterfield, an Army veteran, husband of Penny Rogers                 Get to a better State .
        Navis.                                                                                                  Get State Farm.
        O’Gorman, Mr. John “Tim,” 70, of Chester, an Army veteran, husband of Debbie O’Gorman.                   CALL ME TODAY.
        Rebuck, Mrs. Wol Soon “Jonie,” 84, of Chesterfield, widow of Dana R. Rebuck.
        Ryan, Mr. William Joseph, 92, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran.
        Sinnett, Mr. John Joe, 94, of North Chesterfield, an Army veteran, husband of Lois Sinnett.
        Tate, Ms. Florence M., 92, of Chester.
        Turner, Ms. Karen Annette, 33, of North Chesterfield.                        *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2010 survey of new policyholders who
                                                                                                     reported savings by switching to State Farm.
        Wynn, Mr. George Mallory, 65, of Chester, husband of Connie Miles Wynn.
                                                                                   State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
        Yancey, Mrs. Camelia C., 81, of Chesterfield, wife of Earl Yancey.          State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
        Zoldork, Mrs. Jessica Ewing, 37, of Chester, wife of Steven Zoldork.
                                                                                                                              SEPTEMBER 6, 2017  9
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