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Life’s a Garden, Dig It
It's all about
the micros
Phone: 804/748-3978
By Larry Newman Fax: 804/748-6007
y last column was about knowing Thinking of the chain and its Robbins Landscaping, Inc.
your plant’s diet. I focused on weakest link phrase, a crop can only be as
Mmacronutrients then and this productive (strong) as the least available Designing, Building and
time I will focus on micronutrients. As (weakest) nutrient. Maintaining Your Outdoor Dreams!
I indicated previously, all nutrients are Okay, you are probably wondering
important, each has its specific purpose, where can you find these micronutrients?
and having the soil tested is critical for Depending on the micronutrient, they
got storm damage?
successful gardening. can be purchased at a full-service garden SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
Micronutrients, in order of need center or online. Products are available got storm damage?
by most plants include iron, chlorine, in liquid and granular form. Another all- REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
manganese, boron, zinc, copper, and around form of micronutrient delivery We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
molybdenum. The nutrient cobalt is also is compost. Compost, in addition to CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
needed, but the amount is not known. containing micronutrients, adds organic Your property may have damage from recent storms.
Research is being done on cobalt as well matter to the soil, improves drainage in Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
as the other nutrients. Micronutrients clay soils, helps retain moisture in sandy • Locally owned & operated
are critical in the photosynthesis process. soils, and provides microbial activity to
Photosynthesis is where light from the the soil. Microbial activity is essential • Highest quality materials
sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and in converting both macronutrients and • Exterior remodeling services
water from the roots produce simple micronutrients into trace chemical forms • Fast, reliable service
sugars. Portions of the simple sugars are available to the plant. • Fully licensed & insured
converted to carbohydrates, which are I hope you can appreciate
transported down to the roots. macronutrients and micronutrients; your 804-520-9791
Iron is essential to the plant's plant certainly does. Free Estimates • No Obligation
photosynthesis process and maintenance Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
Locally Owned & Operated
of the plant’s chlorophyll. Chlorine Follow me on twitter@vngardener
is vital in the plant's ability to resist Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
disease, response to moisture stress, and
developing stem strength. Manganese
has a direct role in photosynthesis and
transfer of energy through the plant.
Boron is needed by the plant to develop Alzheimer’s
new cells and form cell walls. It also
aids in the transport of sugar and starches
through the plant and of macronutrient
potassium to the cells. Zinc is necessary Specialty Center
to produce chlorophyll, carbohydrates,
and growth hormones. Copper is
important in formation of lignin in
plant cell walls, which is major in the
overall plant stem strength. Copper also
affects the flavor and sugar content of
fruits. Finally, molybdenum is essential
in converting nitrates into amino acids
within the plant.
You may notice how many of the
words are used over and over. The
nutrients work together in many cases.
Several of the plant’s functions are
influenced by more than one nutrient.
Now that we have covered both Demential Connection - Preparing the Family
macro and micronutrients, I again want
to stress why soil testing is critical. In presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
the mid-1800’s, a German scientist names
Justus von Liebig formulated the “law Wednesday, September 25 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
of the minimum.” The law states that
“if one of the essential plant nutrients is
deficient, plant growth will be poor even
when all other essential nutrients are Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
abundant.” Editor's note: The law of the is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
minimum actually originated with Carl
Sprengel. The quote is not from either. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
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