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          That was then ... Wrexham Hall                                       Weekly Calendar

                                                                                SEPT    BUSINESS BEFORE HOURS: GRANT WRITING FOR
                                                                                 6      NONPROFITS – 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Meadowdale Library Meadowdale
                                                                                        Meeting Room. Is your nonprofit group interested in learning more
                                                                                        about the major components that comprise a grant, from how to identify
                                                                                WED     about grant writing?  In this one-hour session, participants will learn
                                                                                        an appropriate opportunity to how to build a budget.
                                                                                        CHESTER CHOICES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 10:30 a.m. to
                                                                                        11:30 a.m. Chester Library Chester Combined Room A & B. “Cannery
                                                                                        Row” by John Steinbeck will be discussed. No registration required.

                                                                                SEPT    BLUEGRASS JAM SESSSION – 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Brighter Living
                                                                                        Assisted Living Facility, 5301 Plaza Drive, Hopewell.  Bring your voice,
                                                                                 8      talent and love to share.  They will celebrate the kick-off of football for
                                                                                        the residents. Bring your favorite football or fall appetizer, dessert, or
                                                                                 FRI    finger foods to share with the residents and our community.  Come and
                                                                                        share the joy of the season.  Details: call Barbara at (804) 943-3957

                                                                                SEPT    JAMES RIVER REGIONAL CLEANUP – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Falling
                                                                                        Creek Ironworks, Falling Creek Reservoir, and Dutch Gap Landing.
                                                                                 9      Visit to sign up.  For more information, call 748-

                                                                                        1567 or e-mail
                                                                                        CHESTER FARMERS MARKET – 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Chester
             This notable intersection of Iron   was moved and installed at Wrexham.    WOOD FARMERS MARKET – Woods United Methodist Church – 8
          Bridge and Centralia roads is known for   That stairway is one of the places   a.m. to noon. 7200 Hickory Rd.
          the location of it cattycorner pharmacies   that is known as the “the Lady in Red” is     RIVER STREET MARKET – 8 a.m. to noon. 30 River Street, Old
          junk food joints, banks and the shopping   purported to have been seen.       Town Petersburg (next to the Farmer’s Market building) Petersburg’s
          center with the latest victim of the   The little window to the right of      Produce and Arts Market.
          Martin’s closings.                the stairs is where I saw “something”
             At one time the northeast corner of   disappear one night, said Dick Hague
          that intersection was home to Wrexham   who grew up in the house and supplied
          before they paved paradise and put up a   the photos above.           SEPT    RALLY DAY - 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Chester Presbyterian Church. Corner of
          parking lot.                          The beautiful one-piece panels from     Osborne and West Hundred roads. Find out what they are doing on the
             In the mid-1980s, the home, which   Fruit Hill were installed in the drawing   10  corner.
          some say dates back to 1770, was moved  room. The stairway is visible through   SUN
          to its current location on Old Wrexham   the wall. Notice all the new lumber in
          Road, and it is currently an event   the construction. The Fruit Hill stairs   SEPT  LUNCHTIME JAM SESSION – Noon to 1:30 p.m. Chester Library
          destination.                      were one step shorter than Wrexham’s,       Chester Combined Room A & B. Beginner-friendly, informal jam
             Two additions were made, one in   so a nasty step down into the addition   12  session, focused on old-time music. Bring your instrument and play
          1950 and the other in 1960. The latter   resulted.                            along. (This is a practice session for musicians, not a concert. All
          years "Fruit Hill," an old house off   Hague said that once he left   TUES    musicians welcome.)
          Branders Bridge Road, was purchased   Wrexham he missed cutting grass,
          and dismantled, and parts were    “This was one great place to have           CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.Learn to
                                                                                        play the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free environment.
          incorporated into "Wrexham" in a   grown up in, didn't miss cutting at all    Join the club and meet others who enjoy the game.  All ages are
          renovation. The old stairwell at Fruit Hill  after I left,” he said.          welcome.

                                                                                        LUNCH AND LEARN – PROTECTING YOUR SMALL BUSINESS
                 Village      News                                                      FROM FRAUD – 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9401 Courthouse Rd. 2nd
                                                                                        Floor. Details: Latisha Jenkins, (804) 318-8550. E-mail JenkinsL@
                            Publisher: Linda Fausz                                       Managing Editor:  Mark Fausz
                     Account Executive: Tyler Fausz                     Copy Editor: Steven Miles  GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
                                      Columnists:                                       everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road.
                      Larry Newman, Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Marly Fuller, Gena Lashley  Details: 748-4636.
                  Sports Editor:  Josh Mathews  Contributing Writers: Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat

                               Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC       SEPT    CHESTERFIELD NEEDLEWORK FRIENDS – 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                  11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831  •  (804) 751-0421  •  Chester Library Chester Small Room. Knit, crochet, socialize and share
                            For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421,   13  your techniques with others. All skill levels are welcome.
             Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to
           Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.   WED
           All advertising included in this publication is subject to truth in advertising laws. The real estate advertising included in this publication is subject to Equal
           Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
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