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SEPTEMBER 6,, 2017 XX NO.3

              Village      News



        CHESTERFIELD – Virginia Governor      “This mega-
        Terry McAuliffe joined the Economic   site announcement
        Development Authority of Chesterfield   is another piece of
        to announce the acquisition of 1,675   the international
        acres of prime real estate in the county   supply chain
        to be used to attract a large industrial   infrastructure that
        manufacturing company that could bring   we are building
        5,000-10,000 direct and supplier jobs   in Virginia to
        and billions of dollars in investments to   support large scale
        Chesterfield County.               manufacturing
           “I am pleased to take part in   and job creation,”
        announcing the creation of a significant   said John F.
        new economic asset that will drive   Reinhart, CEO of
        job creation and economic activity for   the Virginia Port
        Chesterfield and the Richmond region,”   Authority. “The
        said Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.   strategic location
        “This site gives Virginia something   in Chesterfield
        unique and allows us to compete for   County, near the
        projects on a level we haven’t had   Richmond Marine
        before.”                           Terminal and I-95
           Mega sites are project locations   takes advantage
        capable of attracting large automotive,   of the value and   THE CONCEPTIONAL DRAWING ABOVE SHOWS A MEGA BUILDING THAT COULD BE LOCATED ON THE SITE.
        aerospace and other advanced       global reach of the   ALTHOUGHT IT’S BEING CALLED MATOACA DON’T BE FOOLED, THE PROJECT IS IN BERMUDA ABOUT A MILE
        manufacturing plants. These projects   port, will encourage   SOUTH OF CHESTER VILLAGE AS THE CROW FLIES.
        often bring 2,500-5,000 well-paying   growth, and
        direct jobs and up to 10,000 total jobs,   enhances The Port of Virginia’s position
        including quality jobs from suppliers.  as the East Coast’s global gateway.”                         288
           “The Board of Supervisors is       The President of the Greater
        excited by the opportunity to attract   Richmond Partnership, Barry Matherly
        another high-quality manufacturing   said, “The Matoaca Mega Site will be a
        company to Chesterfield County,” said   game changer for the Greater Richmond              10                 1/301         JOHN TYLER
        Board Chair Dorothy Jaeckle. “While   Region. It will enable the region to   WATER TOWER
        the Board and Planning Commission   compete in an arena which we have                                   CHESTER
        will conduct a thorough review of the   not in the past. The jobs and additional   MATOACA
        rezoning application with input from   investment opportunities that a major   MEGASITE                            95       CROSS COUNTY
                                                                                                                                    HIGHWAY INTER-
        residents, I am confident we can make   project attracted to this site can bring                                            CHANGE W/ I-95
        this happen in a way that protects the   will benefit to all.”
        character of the communities near the   Dr. Edward “Ted” Raspiller,
        site. Certainly, this will have less impact   President of John Tyler Community
        than the 5,000 residential units allowed   College described the importance of
        under the current zoning,” Jaeckle said.  preparing the workforce for advanced
           “A large advanced manufacturing   manufacturing jobs. He said, “Building a   RAILROAD
        facility of this scale brings so many   strong, responsive workforce to meet
        benefits to the communities where               Read more on page 3
        they locate,” said Virginia House of
        Delegates Speaker Designee Kirk Cox,
        who represents the district in which
        the site is located. “This can bring   NOTE: In 2008 the builder      be made of different styles of home    Area residents went bolistic .
        thousands of high-paying jobs, but   developer HH Hunt proposed       from townhouses to condominums     Traffic whether going north or south
        we will need to work closely with our   a 5,000 home development on   and single family homes would      was at issue, with 5,000 residents they
        educational partners in the area to ensure   1,675 acres at the confluence   flank a town center and a trail and   argued there could massive problems
        the workforce training programs are in   of Branders Bridge and Bradley   landscaped divided highway that   including losing their homes when
        place. Fortunately, we have outstanding   Bridge roads.               would lead to Chester and on to Route  the lower East-West Parkway is
        education partners in the area at all   The development which would   288.                               constructed.
        levels.” said Cox.

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