Page 6 - 09-06-2017-Full page views
P. 6
4300 Chester Village Dr. 796-3826
Tues - Fri 10am-8pm, Sat. 9am-4pm
Little House on the Prairie “We want to be your neighborhood salon”
family festival Sheila, Melody, Linda, and Judy
welcomes Rhonda Skinner,
The Chesterfield County Public Participants can come dressed
Library will host Little House Day, a in period clothing. Parking for the formerly of Les & Company.
festival highlighting the Little House event will be at the Bermuda Hundred Schedule an appointment today for
on the Prairie United Methodist
book series by Church, 2025 our BACK TO SCHOOL special.
Laura Ingalls Florence Ave., 1 Child Cut (below 12) FREE with
Wilder. Chester, 23836.
The event, Shuttle service 1 Adult Cut & Style at regular price.
which highlights will be available (with select stylists) Rhonda Skinner
the pioneer to and from the
lifestyle of the library.For more
1870s and1880s, information, visit
will take place library.chesterfield.
Saturday, Sept. gov or call (804)
16, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 751-CCPL.
at Enon Library, Their programs are
1801 Enon Church brought to you with
Road..The festival generous support
will include a from the Friends
food truck, exhibits, a theatrical of the Chesterfield County Public
performance, and hands-on activities Library.
including a petting zoo, games and
Native plant field trip:
R. Garland Dodd Park
Join the Pocahontas Chapter of the City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Goochland,
Virginia Native Plant Society on Saturday, Hanover, Henrico, King William, New
Sept. 9 for their annual field trip to identify Kent, Powhatan, and Prince George,
fall native plants in R. Garland Dodd Park and the cities of Colonial Heights,
at Point of Rocks in Chesterfield County. Hopewell, Petersburg, and Richmond.
A variety of plants can be found in wooded In addition to eight monthly meetings,
areas, in an open field, and from a floating the chapter conducts field trips, holds a
boardwalk through a freshwater tidal May picnic and wildflower walk, hosts
marsh. Meet a little before 10 a.m. in the the annual Virginia Native Plant Society Chester
first parking lot on the right after passing Winter Workshop, and sends a monthly VILLAGE
the tennis courts. It is the parking area for newsletter.
the nearby playground. Membership in a chapter is available to
Contact trip leader Richard Moss at anyone who joins the Virginia Native Plant
804-380-7262 or to Society. Members of that society enjoy
confirm your participation and for more the natural world and support efforts to
information. Anyone with an interest in our
native landscape is welcome, from novice preserve Virginia’s native plants. Ranging
in age from students
to seniors, members
are professionals,
amateurs, and many
who are just beginning
to learn about our flora.
While some members
join enthusiastically
in activities, others EVERY SATURDAY
help out occasionally
or support the society 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
solely with their
memberships and 11801 Centre St | Chester Village
their interest. All are
welcome. Presented by the Chester Community Association
For more and community partners
to expert. The outing is free. Wear walking information, visit the chapter and state
shoes and bring your own insect protection, websites and
as well as water and snacks. The trip may
be canceled due to heavy rain, so contact 7
the trip leader with any questions.
The Pocahontas Chapter is one of 12
Virginia Native Plant Society chapters. Village News
It serves the counties of Amelia, Charles
06 SEPTEMBER 6, 2017