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FEATURE                                                                                        Briefly


                                           convenient drive of a well-educated and   Gillies named              CHESTER RENTS
        MEGA SITE                          prepared workforce, higher education   Chesterfield
                                           facilities, and an international airport,
                                           and that is served by highway and a                                    Rents in Chester have increased 0.2 percent
         Continued from page 1                                                                                  over the past month, and are up 3.2 percent
                                           major north American railroad. They   planning                       year-over-year.
         business and industry needs in sectors   also require a minimum of 1,500 acres   director                Median rent prices here prove to be more
         such as advanced manufacturing is a   to assure that their facility is properly                        affordable than comparable cities nationwide.
         top priority for John Tyler Community   buffered from existing or proposed   CHESTERFIELD —  Chesterfield   Chester’s median two-bedroom apartment
         College. At our Chester Campus,   residential communities. The subject   County has named Andrew G. Gillies   rents of $1,250 is above the national average of
         located in close proximity to the   site meets these and other site criteria   as its new planning director. County   $1,160.
         Matoaca Mega Site, we prepare our   typically used to evaluate the potential   leaders selected Gillies after a national   The national rent index has increased 0.4
         students for these in-demand jobs   for landing a major employer of the   recruitment process. He is currently the   percent over the past month, and is up 2.9 per-
                                                                                                                cent year-over-year.
         through programs that provide hands-on  quality targeted by the Economic   community services director for Farmers
         learning in high-tech labs and lead to   Development Authority. The plan   Branch, a suburb of Dallas, Texas.
         industry certifications and licensures.   proposed by Chesterfield County and the   Having worked for more than 30
         We look forward to partnering with   Economic Development Authority has   years in the planning and community   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY
         the companies interested in this new   been vetted by the Virginia Economic   development field, Gillies brings a wide   TRANSPORTATION
         site and to providing them with a well-  Development Partnership and creates a   range of experience to Chesterfield Coun-
         prepared workforce.”              very unique opportunity for the future.            ty. Over his career,   The less fortunate in Chesterfield are
                                                                                              Gillies has worked
            The project is currently zoned for   The property, as currently zoned,            primarily for Texas   not offered transportation options. It’s either
         residential use, and it wood need to be   would allow for thousands of single        municipalities; how-  have your own car or stay at home. One
         re-zoned to industrial use. The EDA   family homes to be constructed before          ever, he served as the   other option is getting a ride with a friend,
         has already submitted the re-zoning   significant upgrades to the County utility     executive director for   say in the back of his or her pick-up truck.
         application. Industrial use is consistent   and road infrastructure were required.   a large city-county   GRTC used to come into Chesterfield and
                                                                                                                turn to go back to Richmond, but that route
         with the County’s Comprehensive Plan   Preliminary calculations suggest              planning commission   is no longer available.
         for the site.                     the proposed use will generate less                in Kentucky for sev-    About half of lower-paid workers
                                           traffic than if the site were developed   ANDREW G. GULLIES  en years. As director   live within walking distance of a bus stop
         Matoaca Mega Site Project         within the current zoning designation.             of Chesterfield Coun-  in the city where buses run typically run
         Description                       The Chesterfield County Economic   ty’s Planning Department, Gillies will   routes. Even though Chesterfield supplies 50
            Located in the southeast part of   Development Authority intends to   oversee a staff responsible for the county’s   percent of the funding for GRTC, the county
         Chesterfield County, the proposed   construct necessary sewer, water, and   comprehensive plan, zoning administra-  uses none of its services. Dorothy Jaeckle
                                                                              tion and land development.
         Matoaca Mega Site includes 1,675 acres   road infrastructure, consistent with   He earned a master’s of urban   was quoted in the Richmond Times-Dis-
         currently zoned for residential use. The   County Thoroughfare Plan and Overall   planning from Texas A&M University  patch as follows:
                                                                                                                      “It puzzles me why advocates for
         site was rezoned residential in 2007   Utility Master Plan, commensurate with   “We listened to the community   public transportation would want to limit
         as part of the Branner Station Project.   the schedule of the major employer. Not   about what they thought was needed in a   that transportation to bus service rather than
         When the economy suffered the large   only will this infrastructure allow for the   new planning director,” said Bill Dupler,   explore other options that may be more cost
         downturn, the residential project was   creation of thousands of jobs, the existing   deputy county administrator. “Andy   effective, more efficient and provide a better
         no longer viable and has sat vacant   citizens of Chesterfield County will   brings a wealth of experience and he will   service for those that need it. In today’s
         since that time. The Comprehensive   benefit from the upgraded infrastructure.  be a wonderful addition to our talented   world, limiting public transportation to a bus
         Land Use Plan now shows the parcel    Virginia has not been seriously   community development team.”   service would not be in the best interest of
                                                                                 Gillies will start at Chesterfield
         is intended to be used as Regional   considered for any of the large-scale   County as the new director of planning   those that need transportation,” she said.
         Mixed Use/Corporate Office/       automotive, aerospace, or other advanced   in October.
         Research & Development/Industrial.   manufacturing companies projects in
         The Chesterfield County Economic   recent years because we lack a site with
         Development Authority currently holds   close proximity to a large labor force.   A Completely Different Experience in Dining
         an option on the parcels and is applying   The Matoaca Mega Site will be Virginia’s
         to conditionally rezone the entire   best opportunity to utilize the unique                                     LUNCH HOURS
         property to I-3 as part of a strategy to   characteristics of this site to attract a                      Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
         attract a major employer to the region.  major employer to central Virginia.                                   DINNER HOURS
            The major employers currently      Interested individuals may sign up                                     Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
         targeted by the Economic Development   for notifications and project updates at                               Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
         Authority require a site within a
                                                                                         12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898

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