Page 13 - VillageNews10-18-17
P. 13
Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
recognize you for your efforts. Actually CLEAN WASH
Dogpound it is nice to have about anyone recognize A young couple moved into a new
you for doing something nice, positive,
laptopless or constructive…probably one of the neighborhood. The next morning, while
they were eating breakfast, the young
biggest things that seems missing this
day and age. We seem overly eager woman saw her neighbor hanging the
By Walter “JR” Wilson to find the half-empty position versus wash outside. “That laundry is not very
seeking the half-full position…or at clean,” she said. “She doesn’t know
ello and welcome back to the unless the Master decides to lose it…..I how to wash correctly. Perhaps she
sad part of the Dogpound. I mean misplace it. However, there might least settle for some middle ground
Ham typing this letter from my be one positive thing about this night at that both parties can agree upon. It is needs better laundry soap.” Her husband
looked on, but remained silent. Every
work office because my laptop decided the office…my boss might drive by and overly frustrating to me since we have time her neighbor would hang her wash
all it wanted to do was crash its memory. notice the lights on and think “Wow! a country that is so overly blessed and to dry, the young woman would make
It would recalculate…run for a while, Look at that guy burning the midnight yet, everywhere you turn, someone is the same comments. About one month
and then repeat the process to the point oil! I need to make sure I tell him he finding something to complain about. later, the woman was surprised to see a
where it was crashing more than it was is doing a great job.” Never going to Think about it…when was the last time nice clean wash on the line and said to
running. Work is only about 10 minutes happen! My boss does not live around you turned on the television and heard her husband, “Look, she has learned how
from home…so it is no great effort to here….he would not be in his office at more positive news than negative news? to wash correctly. I wonder who taught
come in to use my office computer… 8 p.m…and I am sure, even if the two With that being said….I will step down her this?” The husband said, “I got up
but my office does lack the amenity of a above did happen I would not be in line from my little soapbox. In closing, I just early this morning and cleaned our
television or a refrigerator. Sigh! Just for an “Atta-boy!” Those words are like ask that you make a little bit more effort windows."
shows what lengths I will go through a foreign language to him. [I kid you every day, to find the positive in your life
to ensure my loyal pack fans get their not!] I know I do a “great” job, but it is and share it with one and all. That is a wrap. Time to go find out
weekly dose of the Dogpound…well… always nice to have upper management
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK what I am missing on the television.
As always be good, do good, play safe,
“Every day may not be good, but there is and remember, life is better with clean
good in every day.” windows.
–Dogpound Wisdom JR
Find the answers to the
crossword puzzle on page 15
Halloween Happenings at Henricus
Oct 27-28 from 7-8:30pm
Haunted Henricus – Things That Go Bump in the Night
Experience an evening of spellbinding accounts and
legendary tales as storytellers relive old English
and Virginia Indian legends and folklore.
Not appropriate for children
under the age of 6.
Registration required by calling 804-748-1611.
Cost: $8 per adult, $6 per child ages 6–12;
Henricus Patrons free.
Oct 27 from 3-4pm (Ages 3-8)
Haunted Henricus, Jr. –
Things That Go Bump in the Afternoon
Join us for stories, crafts, and a treats tour!
All children attending Haunted Henricus Jr. must be
accompanied by an adult and register by October 26.
Please call 804-318-8797.
251 Henricus Park Road • Chester
(804) 748-1611 • OCTOBER 18, 2017 13