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                                                                                  Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar

                 Hops in the Park                                                                      all for $ 10    95

                      November 11


                  Free Admission

           Virginia-focused premiere harvest festival highlighting
         Virginia hops, agriculture, and of course -- VA craft brews!              ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN

           30+ Virginia Craft Beers • Farmers Market • Food Trucks
        Live Music • Jackass Flats • Markiss Blowfish • Rick Hollowell            Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
                                                                                 oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.

                            HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK
                             251 Henricus Park Road • Chester                          King’s Korner
                             (804) 748-1611 •
                                                                                 7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333
                                                                                                   Catering: 271-0033   |
                                                                                        Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                                                                                          5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95


        Read more online with our full-page views and visit our advertisers’

        websites just by clicking on their links within the ads.

                                                     historic preservation, education, and
                                                     patriotism.  Its members are descended
                                                      independence during the Revolutionary
                                               Carpenter, Sharon Condrey, Jane Cox,   from the patriots who won American
                                                      War.  With more than 177,000
                                               Pam King, Jan Lazenby, Janet Lenhart,
                                                donated their time during the conference  members in approximately 3,000
                                                      chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the
                                               and Leslie Trinkle attended the Fall
                                                       organizations.  To learn more about the
                                                Several of the Bermuda Hundred ladies
                                                       work of DAR, visit
                           Forum and contributed many items.   worlds largest and most active service
                                                        To learn more about Bermuda
                                                by volunteering at the Junior Shoppe
                                                       Betty German, at bettygerman24@
                                                and the “Buddy and the Chickens”
                                                 calendar sales table.  Trinkle served as a
                                                  The National Society of the
                                      OCTOBER 04, 2017 XX NO.7  sales table, State Regent’s Project sales,   Hundred Chapter, e-mail registrar   JUST
                                                   BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS
           Village      News                     Daughters of the American Revolution
                                                 was founded in 1890 to promote
                                                    Sunday, Oct. 8
                                                    10 am.
          BLUEPRINT CHESTERFIELD                 PHOTO BY ANGELA CARPENTER  A Service of Celebration
                                                    Bring your pets and
          County priorities?                       for God’s Creation
                                                     St. John’s Episcopal Church
          Healthy living, well-being,                lawn chairs
          safety, security, thriving   FROM LEFT STATE REGENT JUDITH JOY SURBER, PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY   Please note: all creatures must be
                                                     pet carrier or cage.
          communities, environmental   CHAPTER REGENT JANE AMELON, AND DAR SERVICE FOR VETERANS   on a leash or in an appropriate
          stewardship                                804-748-2182 • 12201 Richmond Street • Chester, Virginia 23831
          BY MARK FAUSZ                Supplies head to
          The Southern Air Line (SAL)
          railroad once split the proposed    generosity in support of these service
          Matoaca Mega Site, and the rail bed the        Alzheimer’s
          transportation mega company left behind   Vetshouse  projects.” Regent Cheryl DeVine-Holick, along
          is now a 10-foot cutthrough of the 1,675   with members Bettie Beaudrias, Angela
          acres slated for the home of industry.   A trailer loaded with nonperishable   Specialty Center
          Heading south in a straight line   foods, snacks, drinks, paper products, and
          parallel with Branders Bridge Road,   other household necessities headed to the
                                        The Virginia Daughters of the American
          what now looks like a well-traveled                                                                                      Village News Special Section
          old dirt road skirts east along a huge   Vetshouse in Virginia Beach last month.                                         November 15, 2017
          constructed by the SAL in lieu of a   MONDAY EVENING. IN CONTRAST TO LAST WEEK’S MEETING THE GROUP WAS SUBDUED WHILE LISTENING TO A   Revolution adopted Vetshouse as their
                                         in Short Pump, held over the weekend
          bridge. The shadows of pine, oak, and   PRESENTATION BY CHESTERFIELD COUNTY LEADERS.  service project during their Fall Forum
          cool hiding places for its abundance of  5,000 dirty number to BARD group  meeting at the Hilton Richmond Hotel
          magnolia crawl from the banks creating
          fish.                          of Sept. 15 and 16.  Ten members of the
          In the mid-1900s, the SAL   BY DANIELLE OZBAT  5,000 homes being built in Chester off   back against the Mega Site.   Bermuda Hundred Chapter attended.
          passenger trains almost took flight at   The Matoaca Mega Site controversy   Branders Bridge Road.  Julie Ranson, who built the BARD   The project was suggested by
          over 100 miles per hour as they passed   has led to the re-formation of a group   After the announcement of the   website, said she first heard about the   Princess Anne County Chapter Regent
          through Chester, the traveler barely   known as Bermuda Advocates for   mega site, Mike Uzel, the head organizer  mega site when Gov. Terry McAuliffe   Jane Amelon after she visited Vetshouse
          seeing one of the hidden treasures of   Responsible Development (BARD),   of BARD, started a Facebook page for   came to the county. Ranson attended the   and realized their dire need for
          Chesterfield. But the same steel rails   which was originally formed in   the Matoaca Mega Site, and an official   first info session, and despite arriving 15   supplies.  State Regent Judith Joy Surber
          also carried the materials of industry   opposition to the Branner Station   BARD website was recently created for   minutes early, she said it was packed and   immediately supported the idea, and State
          – citrus, forestry products, paper, and   development that would have led to   citizens who are interested in fighting   a poor way for people to get information.   DAR Service for Veterans Committee   Demential Connection - Preparing the Family  Holiday
          steel.              Ranson has lived in Chesterfield for   Chairman Marie Vayer, organized the
          The Matoaca Mega Site is not only   13 years and she said the Mega Site is   drive.  Members across the state donated   presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
          a plot of land that could be the location   its residential zoning. But in the same   which allowed us be part of the October   going to affect many people (including   the thousands of items that were sorted,

                                                      Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
          of new industry of the highest use, but   Comprehensive Plan, the Bikes and   Planning Commission meeting agenda.”   herself), not just those who live in   boxed, and packed in the trailer during the   Wednesday, October 18 th     6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                            Vetshouse Inc. has been serving
          rail will access just as the SAL did   Trails plan indicates that the Linear Park   Hart said he didn’t expect the   Bermuda District, and that they would
          so many years ago. The rail with its   Trail, the same railroad bed that runs   negative response to the rezoning.  lose property or see decline in property   Fall Forum meeting.    Surprises
          adjacent road, according to Chesterfield’s  through the Mega Site is still shown on   Chesterfield Transportation   value.   HOLIDAY ISSUE
          Economic Development, will change   Comprehensive Plan maps.  Department Director Jess Smith said his   Another BARD member who does   over 800 homeless veterans since 1992.     is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
          southeastern Chesterfield in ways which   “It’s a game changer for us and the   department has been analyzing possible   not live in the general area of the site but   Their 12-month program offers housing,
          only 5,000 new jobs for the community   region,” said Garrett Hart, director of   East West Freeway routes for a year, and   said the entire county would be affected   food, clothing, and guidance of job skills   Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
          can do.   the Economic Development Authority of   before that when the rezoning for the   by the Mega Site is Freddy Boisseau.   and placement to homeless veterans of
          More houses, more businesses,   Chesterfield County. “We want projects   mega residential development Branners   Like Ranson, Boisseau attended the first   the U.S. Armed Forces to facilitate their   “Come take a walk through town with us”
                                             Other service projects carried out
          more crowded schools, more traffic, and   that attract millennials, but it’s not my   Station with 5,000 homes was to be   meeting and was not impressed by the   return to productive lifestyles.    Reservations and Deposits are now being taken  05  Nov. 15, 2017  Holiday gift buying
          loss of property. These are the arguments  job to convince anyone.”  built.     format.   OCTOBER 04, 2017
          or issues discussed at Monday night’s   Michael Uzel, founder of the   “All of the conceptual alignments          Ranson fears what the impact of   at the meeting included the collection of   5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000  from our local merchants
          meeting.   Bermuda Association for Responsible   were shown on displays at the first   the highway as does their fellow BARD   old cell phones to be restored and given
          In 2006, the Branners Station   Development, asked Hart in an e-mail   public meeting and will be provided   member, Stephen Pentecost. Ranson   to women in Texas and Florida disaster
          rezoning for the 1,675 acres turned   about the short amount of time between   at all future meetings,” Smith said.   said the Matoaca rezoning website   areas.  Snack items and drinks were
          the rail bed into a north-south major   the Mega Site announcement and the   “The analysis of the impacts of these   uses vague words on their site to make   designated for the USO welcome centers   THE APPLIANCE PLACE •
          arterial that ran from the proposed   rezoning hearing that is needed for   alignments will also be provided,” he   the claim that property values will rise   in their Virginia facilities for traveling
          Mega Site and ended at the railway   industrial to be located there.  added. Smith also said he has been   because people will want to live close to   military and their families.  Empty ink
          abutments on Chester Road supposedly   “We will not place our application   working in the transportation department   where they work, of which Pentecost is   cartridges will be recycled and the funds
          to reduce traffic issues. Two years later,   on the Planning Commission agenda   for 15 years, and the East-West Freeway   doubtful.   raised sent to the DAR Schools.  Surber
          the economy crashed, and the Branners   until it is complete and includes the   and the Comprehensive Plan map have          “There is no guarantee that the   issued, “Special thanks to the VADAR
          Station developer canceled the project.   information from our studies and public   always been on the map. He continued   people who will work at this site would   daughters for their overwhelming
          In 2012, County’s Comprehensive   input,” Hart responded. “We filed the   that he went back to what was the first  utilize the proposed east-west highway.
          Plan included the property as R-12,   rezoning application to start the process   Read more on page 3  Read more on page 3  For advertising information call:751-0421
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