Page 10 - December 27, 2017
P. 10

        Sp                                                                                                                      year in review

                                                                             residential units allowed under the current               The   Chester
                                                                             zoning,” Jaeckle said.                                Garden Club joined
                                                                                 “A large advanced manufacturing                   Rachael Langston’s
                                                                             facility of this scale brings so many                 students at the Thomas
                                                                             benefits to the communities where                     Dale Learning Garden
                                                                             they locate,” said  Virginia House of                 to teach them how to
                                                                                                                                   plant  daffodils  and
                                                                             Delegates Speaker-Designee Kirk Cox,                  purple alliums that
                                                                             who represents the district in which the              will bloom in the
                                                                             site is located.                                      spring.
                                                                                                                                   for the

       1,675-acre industrial Megasite

       could be Chester neighbor

          Gov.Terry McAuliffe joined the  high-quality manufacturing company to
       Economic Development  Authority of  Chesterfield County,” said board chair
       Chesterfield to announce the acquisition  Dorothy Jaeckle. “While the Board and  ChesterFest 2017
       of 1,675 acres of prime real estate in the  Planning Commission will conduct   Each year ChesterFest adds a little more,   11310 Ironbridge Road
       county, a space intended to attract a large  a thorough review of the rezoning   not just the almost 9,000 visitors this year,   Chester, VA 23831
       industrial manufacturing company that  application with input from residents, I   but vendors, food, music, and other things   804-796-7539
       could bring 5,000 to 10,000 direct and  am confident we can make this happen   to do. Last year’s symphony concert will
       supplier jobs and billions of dollars in  in a way that protects the character of   be hard to beat, but  Chester Community   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
                                                                                                                     Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
       investments to Chesterfield County.  the communities near the site. Certainly,   Association president and ChesterFest or-  Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
          “I am pleased to take part in  this will have less impact than the 5,000   ganizer Elliott Fausz said he is looking for
       announcing the creation of a significant           Countinued at top right  something unique for people to enjoy.
       new economic asset that will drive
       job creation and economic activity for
       Chesterfield and the Richmond region,”
       said  Terry McAuliffe. “This site gives
       Virginia something unique and allows                                                         Alzheimer’s
       us to compete for projects on a level we
       haven’t had before.”
          Megasites are project locations                                                    Specialty Center
       capable  of  attracting  large  automotive,
       aerospace,  and   other  advanced
       manufacturing plants. These projects often
       bring 2,500 to 5,000 well-paying direct
       jobs and up to 10,000 total jobs, including
       quality jobs from suppliers.
          “The Board of Supervisors is excited
       by the opportunity to attract another

            planning                                    Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty
              director                            Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town center –
                                                   giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
          Chesterfield  County  has  named                              the chance to live normal lives.
       Andrew G. Gillies  as its new planning
       director. County leaders selected Gillies   Each day residents can walk through town and engage in activities normally done at
       after  a  national  recruitment  process.   home. Stop by the bank or post office • Go to the library • Swing by the Tavern for a
       He is currently the community services   non-alcoholic beverage • Go to the drug store and enjoy something to eat at the Café
       director for Farmers Branch,  Texas, a   • Stop by the market and pick up a snack  • See a movie in the theater • Attend church
       suburb of Dallas.                         services in the chapel • Go to the salon/barber shop for a shampoo or a shave!
           Having  worked  for  more  than  30
       years  in  the  planning  and  community             “Come take a walk through town with us”
       development field, Gillies brings a wide                     Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
       range  of  experience  to  Chesterfield      5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
       County. He will start in October.

       10 DECEMBER 27, 2017                                                                                   
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