Page 5 - December 27, 2017
P. 5
year in review
Raising a child isn’t easy, but for
John and Regina Bowen, things have
been a tad more difficult.
After years of cardiologist visits,
their son, former Matoaca and Trinity
Episcopal quarterback
Blake Bowen, discov- JUST
ered that he needed LIVE
emergency heart surgery
last week – in a successful procedure
called a catheter ablation doctors fixed
two electrical issues in Blake’s heart.
“It was the worst six days in my en-
tire life,” Regina Bowen said. “I cried
more in those days than I have in my 44 Bowen transferred from Matoaca
years on earth.” to Trinity Episcopal after his junior
Over his high school football ca- season with the Warriors and guided
Personal touch reer, Bowen played with the issue, the Titans to back-to-back state cham-
working out a chest-tap signal with
pionships after reclassifying.
coaches when an episode occurred so As a senior, he took home VISAA
that he could be pulled from the game. Offensive player of the year honors
Dismissed it as something that twice and was the MVP of the Big Riv-
usan Wilson, a third-grade very cool and something the kids will Blake would grow out of eventually – er Rivalry all-star game before heading
teacher at C. C. Wells Elementa- never forget.” But he didn’t. to Coastal Carolina.
Sry School, decided to boost the Wilson said students sometimes
confidence of her students who were get burned out by testing and believe Registrar Haake retires April 1
about to take the SOLs by mailing all a grade defines them, so she wrote Lawrence C. Haake III retired April 1, after 22 years of service. Con-
24 of them a handwritten, personal- the letters because she wanted her stu- stance Tyler, who has 22 years of experience in voter registration and elec-
ized letter. Each one highlighted her dents to know they were more than a tions will step into Haake's position of general registrar.
students’ strengths and abilities devel- test score. “Tyler is a veteran in the elections world and Chesterfield County is
oped during the school year. They had “I feel like, especially in third fortunate she is here to take over,” said Haake.
no idea the letters were coming. and fourth and fifth [grade], there’s so The General Registrar is appointed for a four-year term by the Ches-
“I did not know she was doing this much emphasis on testing and I feel like terfield Electoral Board and is responsible for working with the State Board LAWRENCE HAAKE
and one evening, my e-mail started go- all we ever do sometimes is test, test, test, of Elections, and carrying out other duties assigned by the Chesterfield Electoral Board.
ing nuts because the parents couldn’t and I get that, but I feel like sometimes
believe she took the time to do that and the kids get burned out and they just RIDE FOR THE
the kids just loved it,” Debbie Weath- think ‘All I am is this grade, that’s all I FUN OF IT!
erford, C. C. Wells’s principal, said. am,’” Wilson said. “And I wanted them to
“One parent videotaped the child read- know, ‘I know that you’re a big brother,’ LET MOLLY’S FIND THE RIGHT BIKE FOR
ing his letter and e-mailed that to me; and ‘I know that you’re a wonderful soc- YOU. WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF
another parent contacted the news and cer player and I see your artistic abilities,’ CRUISERS AND CHILDREN’S BIKES.
they came out and did a story. It was This story part of an eight part series ACCESSORIES AND APPAREL.
Chesterfield County’s own WE KNOW BIKES !!
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