Page 1 - December 13, 2017 Magazine Style full issue
P. 1

DECEMBER 13, 2017 XX NO.16

                    Village      News

       Weekend snow nips Christmas                                                                               Chester

       parade in the bud                                                                                         Bengals

                                                                                           will look into it for the
                                                                                           future,” she said. “There   champions
                                                                                           are a lot of things that
                                                                                           go into planning the
                                                                                           parade, and including a
                                                                                           reschedule date is not as
                                                                                           easy as ‘picking a date.’
                                                                                           There are significant
                                                                                           costs involved if we have
                                                                                           to cancel the original date
                                                                                           and go to a reschedule
                                                                                           date.  In addition, we
                                                                                           have to have support
                                                                                           from the off-duty police
                                                                                           we hire for the event,
                                                                                           and those we hire for
                                                                                           the original date would
                                                                                           not be available for the
                                                                                           reschedule date due to
                                                                                           their scheduled shifts.
                                                                                           We also would have
                                                                                           to ask the businesses   THE CHESTER BENGALS JUNIOR  TEAM
                                                                                                                 DID AN AMAZING JOB AGAINST AN
                                                                                           that allow us use of   UNDEFEATED SPRING RUN HUSKIES
                                                                                           their parking lots for   TEAM DURING THE 2017 CHESTERFIELD
                                                                                                                 QUARTERBACK LEAGUE SUPER BOWL.
                                                                                           staging to agree to close   FINAL SCORE 13-7. THE BENGALS WON
                                                                                           an additional day if   THAT FINAL GAME.
                                                                                           rescheduled.  We rely   SEE STORY ON PAGE 11.
                                                                                           on a lot of volunteers to
                                                                                           pull off the day of the   You all pitched
                                                                                           parade.  If you would   in on the Jones
                                                                                           like to volunteer the   story
                                                                                           day of the parade for an
                                                                                           opportunity to see what   The Village News has always been
       THE SNOW DID GET THE LITTLE ONES OUTDOORS FOR SOME PLAYTIME.                        one small aspect of the   mad about local history. We follow the
       RADLEY WAS QUITE PROUD OF HIS SNOWMAN.                                              parade entails and help   first streetcars to the first schools and
          The Kiwanis Chester Christmas Parade  roads that would not be clear.”  with this issue for reschedules, e-mail   teachers, doctors, and librarians; POWs,
       was canceled Sunday due to the snow storm   Dvoral emailed all the participants,”   Civil War heritage, and the birth of the
       that blew in on Friday. According to Pam   posted it on their Facebook page, posted it   The Kiwanis Club of Chester, a   industrial age.
       Dvorak, parade chairman, VDOT made   in the Facebook event, had the digital signs   volunteer organization, was just as   We have a folder on the server
       the decision Friday afternoon based on the   changed and notified the TV stations when   disappointed with the cancellation as   here at the office where we store every
       weather forecast they were seeing for the   VDOT notified her of the cancellation.    the participants and spectators.  Many   historical picture we can get our hands
       weekend.  “We cannot overrule or ignore   Unfortunately the TV stations did not add it   months and hours go into planning and   on and we build our page 2 stories from
       their decision,” she wrote in an e-mail. “Even   to their list of closings.    coordinating the parade. Dvorak said   them. Pull out a picture of an old school
       though the weather was warmer Sunday   Dvorak said rescheduling was not   preparations were still ongoing when the   house in Meadowbrook, let’s find a story
       afternoon, they take into consideration   possible. “ This [rescheduling] is not   VDOT cancellation was received.  The   behind it. The same with a picture of
       that we would be closing a major road and   something we have ever done – the last   club will carry over the intended theme   trenches still left from the Civil War.
       detouring a lot of traffic onto side and back   parade cancellation was 2013 – but we   to next year’s parade, Dec. 9, 2018.   Read more on page 3
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