Page 9 - December 13, 2017 Magazine Style full issue
P. 9

       Living Safe
                                                                             elderly. Take time to go to their home, and   greater distance between vehicles, allowing
       Wet snow                                                              if that is not possible, then call them. The   for greater braking distances. If you happen
                                                                                                                 to get stranded on the roadway due to snow,
                                                                             problem may be that when the power goes
                                                                             out that landline systems will not work as
                                                                                                                 then you will need to have the necessary
       By Pete Hypes                                                         well.                               items in your vehicle to survive until help
                                                                                  If roads get snow covered, then it will be   arrives. Blankets, water, and snacks will be
                                                                             important to stay home, if possible. If you   imperative.
             y the time that you read this, we   be an inconvenience. However, if the power   must drive, four-wheel drive is optimal,        Whatever comes from a snow event,
             will have possibly experienced   is out for days, then that is a much different   but not failsafe. four-wheel drive does not   we need to be as prepared as possible. The
       B     a large snow event. With     issue. If you require in-home oxygen, then   prevent you from sliding on ice. You would   event may pass relatively quickly, or it could
       temperatures hovering at or above freezing,   you will want to have plenty of portable   need to drive more defensively than ever.   last for days. Patience will be a virtue that
       the potential exists for this to be a heavy,   bottles to get you through the period that the   Many vehicles will end up in the ditch.   we all must possess. As I conclude this
       wet snow. Heavy snow brings with it issues   power is out, unless you have a generator.   Driving in snow is as much about everyone   article, the snow is starting to fall. I pray
       that a powdery snow does not necessarily   Generator safety is important to keep in   else as it is about you. You need to give   that you all fare well.
       cause. It is my hope that as you read this   mind. Many people have been hurt or killed
       article that we are not dealing with any of   by carbon monoxide due to generators
                                                                                 got storm damage?
       those issues. I am writing this prior to the   running in confined or enclosed spaces. It is   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       snow event, a proactive approach, though   also important that you use extreme caution   got storm damage?
       we may be reacting.                when refueling your generator. Another        REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
            Heavy snow causes a problem for trees.   thing to keep in mind, when the power goes   We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
       Trees are weighted down to the point of   out, is that you will have to use alternative   CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                        ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       limbs breaking and trees coming down.   heating and cooking systems. When was the   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
       There has been a lot of effort in keeping   last time that you checked your alternative   Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
       trees trimmed back away from power lines.   heating system?              • Locally owned & operated
       The potential still exists for limbs to fall        If it is cold enough for the snow to stick   • Highest quality materials
       onto and take down power lines. Downed   to sidewalks and roads, then you will have   • Exterior remodeling services
       tree limbs become very dangerous when   to use caution when walking and driving.   • Fast, reliable service
       downed power lines are there as well. Even   Falls account for many injuries during snow
       if no power lines are involved, tree limbs   events. Shoveling heavy, wet snow is much   • Fully licensed & insured
       may be large enough to require cutting with   harder than shoveling a powdery snow,                             804-520-9791
       a chain saw. Chain saws are like ladders.   though both can be dangerous. Shoveling                             Free Estimates • No Obligation
                                                                                                                        Locally Owned & Operated
       You want to use extreme caution when   snow in cold conditions is a huge stressor                             Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
       using a chain saw, especially if you do not   on a good heart, much less a weak heart. If          
       use one on a regular basis. If you choose to   you choose to shovel snow, then you need   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
       cut trees yourself, then you must be very   to take frequent breaks and you may even
       intentional about every step, until you are   need to go inside and warm up.
       done.                                   Be sure to check on your elderly family
             Whatever causes power to be   members and neighbors, especially if the
       interrupted, you must be prepared. If power   power goes out. Snow events can be tough
       is only out for a few hours, then it will only   on all of us, but it is even harder on the


       CHAMPION, Mr. Donald Richard “Rick,” 68, of Chesterfield,  husband of Karen
       CRITCHER, Mrs. Gertrude “Tiny” Cole, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Battle Critcher.
       CUNNINGHAM, Mr. Louis E., of Chesterfield, an Army veteran who served in World
       War II, husband of Charlotte Fletcher Cunningham.
       EGGLESTON, Mrs. Joyce Satterwhite, 83, of Chester, widow of Edward A. Eggleston Jr.
       ESS, Mr. Richard “Dick,” 91, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran who served in World
       War II,  husband of Victoria Ess.
       GAGLIANO, Ms. Marion, 84, of Chester.
       HALLA, Ms. Kathleen Hart, 91, of Chesterfield.
       JOHNSON, Ms. Lois T., of North Chesterfield.
       JOHNSON, Mr. William Randolph “Randy” Jr., 87, of North Chesterfield, husband of
       Alice A. Johnson and widower of Wendolyn Wallace Johnson.
       KLEBERT, Mrs. Frances Evelyn Ferguson, 90, of North Chesterfield, wife of
       Lawrence Klebert.
       LANGFORD, Mr. Newell Nelson, 96, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran who served in
       World War II, Korea and Vietnam, widower of Patricia J. Langford.
       LLOYD, Mr. Leon H., 85, of North Chesterfield, an Army veteran who served in the
       Korean War, widower of Delores Joan Lloyd.
       MILLER, Mrs. Catherine Jones, 60, of Chesterfield, wife of Thomas Goble.
       MORGAN, Mrs. Elizabeth “Beth” Norris Coury, 63, of North Chesterfield, widow of
       James Morgan.
       PILLEY, Mr. Terry Austin, 75, of Chesterfield.
       RICHTER, Mrs. Bessie Vest, 91, of Chesterfield, wife of Charlie Eugene Richter.
       SHELTON, Mr. Gilliam Jerome, 97, of Chesterfield, an Army veteran who served in
       World War II, widower of Violet Shelton.
       WALKINSHAW, Mrs. Theresa Remillard, 69, of North Chesterfield, wife of Thomas
       Walkinshaw.                                                                10611 Greenyard Way, Ste A
       WALSH, Mr. John Patrick, 59, of Chesterfield.                                   Chester, VA 23831
                                                                                           DECEMBER 13,  2017  09
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