Page 10 - December 13, 2017 Magazine Style full issue
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       Marion Gagliano, 84, taught guitar

          Marion Gagliano of Chester, Va.,   came around this time when she bought   went by, Marion devoted her energies to   Mathews and Co. and Bowers Nelms
       passed away at the age of 84. She died   herself a guitar and learned to play.   raising her kids and teaching private guitar   and Fonville. She taught guitar classes
       peacefully on Dec 6, 2017, after a long          As the years passed, Marion and   lessons. She was also involved in the John   at John Tyler Community College. She
       battle with Parkinson’s disease.   Joe had three children: Jane in 1961,   Rolfe Players. She shared her love of folk   also helped introduce folk music to the
              Marion, known affectionately   Joseph in 1962, and Elizabeth in 1966.   music with the community by starting the   senior set by offering guitar lessons at
                                                 In 1969, the Air Force sent Joe   Chester Folk Music Club, modeled after   the Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield
                                          to Hamilton Air Force Base in Marin   the one she was part of in California.   well into her seventh decade of life.
                                          County, Calif., so Marion packed up          Over the years, many Chester residents   Marion was also the first copy editor for
                                          her family (and her guitar!) and moved   took private guitar lessons from Marion.   the Village News.
                                          to Novato.                                Marion also loved to garden. In          Marion was an amateur songwriter
                                                 The family lived in Marin County   the late ‘70s, Marion and Joe left the   who often entertained loved ones with
                                          for five years. During that time, Marion   shady pine trees of Winfree Street   original songs she had written for
                                          enjoyed the relaxed California lifestyle and   and bought a bigger house on Wilton   special family events.
                                          enjoyed being a part of a folk music club.   Court so all the kids could have          Marion led a long, busy, and
                                          Her sister Dorothy has fond memories of   their own bedrooms and so Marion   musical life, dedicated to making her
                                          putting her own four children in the car to   could have a sunny spot to grow   world a better place for her children,
                                          drive out west, camping along the way. By   vegetables. She spent many happy   her grandchildren, and her community.
                                          the time Dorothy visited, Marion’s love of   hours digging in the dirt. In the   She will be greatly missed.
                                          folk music had already helped her make   summer months, her kitchen counter          At her request, her remains will be
                                          lots of friends in Novato. She was also a   was often covered with tomatoes,   donated for research and education. A
                                          Cub Scout den mother and a Girl Scout   squash, peppers, and beans.    celebration of life will be held in the
                                          leader during this time.                  As the years passed, Marion   spring. In lieu of flowers, donations can
                                                 In 1974, Joe retired from active   and Joe divorced, and she moved   be made to the American Parkinson’s
       as “Lady” to her family, is survived   military duty and took a job at Fort Lee,   back to Winfree Street. She got her   Disease Association.
       by her sister, Dorothy McGarvey of   so the family moved back to the east   real estate license and worked for          So long, Marion. Keep on
       Rockville Centre, N.Y.; her brother   coast and settled in Chester. As the years   several different agencies, including   strumming.
       Michael Mainelli (Katherine) of
       Brentwood, Tenn.; her son, Joseph                                                                       VOGUEFLOWERS.COM
       T. Gagliano (Dody); her daughter,
       Elizabeth A. Gill; four grandchildren:
       Jason Hudson (Amanda), Chris
       Gagliano (April), Mary Ann Gill,                                                 FLOWER MARKET
       and John Geoffrey Gill; five great-
       grandchildren; son-in-law Paul G.                            FLOWER MARKET
       Gill; and friend and caregiver Susan                             Let us help you
       Creed. She was preceded in death by
       her daughter Jane H. Baker and her                               get ready for
       brother, Nicholas.                       Let us help you         the holidays!
              Marion was born Jan. 8, 1933   We have eveything to
                                                get ready for
                                                                        We have everything
       in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., on January 8,                              to decorate for the
                                                the holidays!
       1933, to the union of Nicholas and   help you get ready for
                                                                        holidays – wreaths,
       Mamie Mainelli. Dorothy was born a                               Christmas greens,
                                                   the holidays!
       year later. In 1935, brother Michael     We have everything      poinsettias, and
       came along, and, in 1940, baby brother   to decorate for the     garlands. We can
       Nicholas completed the family. Marion    holidays – wreaths,     decorate your entire
       was a doting and protective big sister.   Christmas greens,      home or office
              Marion always liked being                                 (corporate discounts
       musical. She played the bass clarinet    poinsettias, and        with multiple orders).
       in the high school band. She graduated   garlands. We can                                             Exquisite &
       from Oceanside High School in 1950.      decorate your entire                                           Artistic
              Upon graduation, Marion put her   home or office
       secretarial skills to work in a variety   (corporate discounts                                       Centerpieces
       of office jobs in the Big Apple. During
       that time she also took night classes    with multiple orders).
       at Hofstra College and completed a                       Poinsettias                                        Christmas
       Bachelor of Arts in English.                              from $5 - $50
              In the late 1950s, her brother Mike            Discount for bulk purchases                          Fruit Basket
       introduced her to a handsome pilot,        DIY for the Holidays!
       Joseph A. Gagliano, who had been    Fresh garland, pine rope, ribbons,                    Call Today 804.353.9600 or 800.923.1010
       part of the Berlin Airlift, flying out of                                804.353.9600 • • 800.923.1010 • We Deliver!
       Mitchell Field in Nassau County. The          and wreaths.     Headquarters 1114 N. Boulevard • Midlothian 13618 Hull Street Rd. • Downtown 1114 E. Main St. • West End 1106 N. Parham Rd.
                                                                            WEST END
                                                                                                                    COLONIAL HEIGHTS
       two were married in 1959, lived briefly   HEADQUARTERS  DOWNTOWN     Chester 4100 W. Hundred Rd. • Ashland 211 N. Washington Hwy. • Colonial Heights 28 Dunlap Village
                                                1114 N. Boulevard  1114 E. Main St.  1106 N. Parham Rd.  411 N. Washington Hwy.  4100 West Hundred Rd.  28 Dunlop Village Cr.  13618 Hull Street Rd.
       in Valley Stream, N.Y. and then bought   2 blocks North of Broad St.  12th St. and Main St.  Parham Rd. and Patterson Ave.  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Dunlop Shopping Center  Harbour Point Village
                                               Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat/Sun 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6  • Closed Sat/Sun   Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  corner of W. Hundred & Chester Rd.  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3  Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3
       a home in Merrick.
              A pivotal moment in Marion’s life     ALL SER VICES A T ALL LOCA TIONS (804) 353-9600
       10 DECEMBER 13, 2017                                                                                   
                                                          804.353.9600 • • 800.923.1010 • We Deliver!
                                             Headquarters 1114 N. Boulevard • Midlothian 13618 Hull Street Rd. • Downtown 1114 E. Main St. • West End 1106 N. Parham Rd.
                                                     Chester 4100 W. Hundred Rd. • Ashland 211 N. Washington Hwy. • Colonial Heights 28 Dunlap Village
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