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Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
3. Gasparilla Bowl...12/21... QUICKIES
Dogpound this one is about Pirates… • "Life is hard, it’s even harder if you’re
football 4. Potato Bowl…12/22 Sounds stupid." – John Wayne
• "If you’re going to fight, you better fight
yummy! Love good potato
to Noah’s Ark.”
soup! like you’re the third monkey on the ramp
By Walter “JR” Wilson • "I'd never wish anyone ill, but there
ello and welcome back to unexpected shower. It was a late night 5. Quick Lane Bowl..12/29.. are some obituaries I look forward to
the wonderful world of the game so I did not get home till the wee Named after the Ford-sponsored reading.” – Winston Churchill
HDogpound. It has been hours of the morning…but it was worth auto shops…who knew? • "Every boat, from a dingy to a
finally decided…the final four for the it. Along with the final four, all of the 6. Pinstripe Bowl..12/27 Sounds destroyer, needs an anchor.”
NCAA championship has been picked, bowl games have been decided, starting fancy! • "rguing with a politician is like
and unfortunately my Buckeyes just on Dec. 18. By my count there are 41 wrestling with a pig; after a while, you
missed the cut. They beat Wisconsin games counting the final playoff game. 7. Belk Bowl…12/29 ..This is realize the politician enjoys it.”
to win the Big 10 championship, but it Back in my day [I know I am old]..there named after a department store.. • "A nickel's worth of common sense
was not enough to erase the big loss to were only 4 major bowls and no playoff something Macy’s needs to look is worth more than a dollar’s worth of
unranked Iowa. I was able to attend the game. With so many games they have into! Big balloons at half time! luck."
game…nothing like a college game for come up with some interesting names; • "Don’t confuse activity with
enthusiasm…so much so.. one of the here are a few. 8. TaxSlayer Bowl..12/30 Don’t accomplishment."
fans had a tad too much to drink…passed 1. Cure Bowl…12/18...This one we wish! Maybe someday
out and hit his face on the steel railing.. is related to finding a cure for Congress will help us with this! I think a football game is about to
sending blood down on the fans below. cancer. start, so I better close this and break out
Big side-bar show…security..event Almost forgot to mention that my the chips. As always, be good, do good,
staff…clean-up crew with mop/bucket… 2. Camellia Bowl…12/18. I think Buckeyes get to play in the Cotton Bowl play safe and remember to cheer on your
plus free T-shirts for all who receive the this is a flower bowl. [a good old name for a bowl], against favorite college team. JR
USC on December 30…late night game.
So guess who is going to be staying
up late to root their favorite team on
to victory and show the nomination
committee how bad a mistake they made.
We will see!
“Sports teaches you character, it teaches
you to play by the rules, it teaches you to
know what it feels like to win and lose-it
teaches you about life.”
– Billie Jean King
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